Graptor is a Synthetic Terror Beast used by the Space Pirate Fleet Descal and an antagonist in episode 10 of Chousei Kantai Sazer-X.
Graptor was created by Cyclead from an old bird fossil. To gain enough energy to transform the fossil into a Terror Beast, Cyclead called lightning to strike the Descal flagship Balgareon in order to harness it to power the procedure. Once Graptor was created, Cyclead set it loose in a city to rampage, prompting Sazer-X to respond. Sazer-X initially piloted Core Caliber to battle it, but in just their base mecha they were easily overpowered by the beast. However, once Takuto arrived in Lio-Carrier and combined with Core Caliber to form Great-Lio he destroyed Graptor.
- Graptor's suit was created from modifying the suit for King Zero from Genseishin Justirisers.