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Villains Wiki

The name's Greedy Whiskers. "The Whisk" to my friends. And this here is my associate, Heartless Hairball, otherwise known as Hairy. As for you, pal, I think I'll call you cheesebrain!
~ Greedy Whiskers to Geronimo.
So long, cheesebrain! Catch ya later, ratomizer! We'll be back tomorrow to take that treasure!
~ Greedy Whiskers to Geronimo and Trap.

Greedy "The Whisk" Whiskers and Heartless "Hairy" Hairball are the main antagonists of the Geronimo Stilton book The Search for Sunken Treasure. They are a pair of mice that race with the Stiltons for the treasure of the Ratlápagos Islands.


Greedy Whiskers is a muscular mouse with wiry fur and a big, hairy belly. He wears a red-and-white striped T-shirt and has a tattoo on the muscle of each arm, one of a cat with drawn claws and the other of a heart with an arrow through it. Hairy is a short and round mouse with tiny glasses and a short tail. They both have rotten, yellowed teeth.


At the Ye Old Sea Cat Diner, Greedy Whiskers and Hairy overheard Trap talking with sailors about looking for treasure. They decided to take it for themselves and secretly followed the Stiltons, anchoring their boat, The Dirty Rotten Rodent, right beside theirs, the Queen Ratsy. When the Geronimo, Thea and Trap swam inside Admiral Don Sea Snout III's sunken ship, The Golden Rind, and found the treasure chest, Geronimo noticed that Greedy Whiskers and Hairy, in the form of two shadowy figures, were spying on them. Greedy Whiskers and Hairy followed the Stiltons to their ship. Once aboard, they took off their diving suits and confronted the Stiltons, sneering at them. They intimidated Geronimo, whom Greedy Whiskers nicknamed cheesebrain. Trap threatened to "ratomize" the greedy mice, but the Whisk kept sneering and warned they would return for the treasure before leaving in their boat.

The next day, at five in the morning, Greedy Whiskers and Hairy went to steal the treasure, but Trap lured them to an inlet with a shark fin. After figuring out his trick, the Whisk and Hairy pursued the Stiltons. As the Stiltons were pulling the treasure chest to the Queen Ratsy, the Whisk tossed a hook that latched onto the chest, which he began to pull toward his boat. The chest's lid flew open, and its gold doubloons and giant diamonds fell into the sea. Greedy Whiskers jumped into the water for the treasure, but became tangled in a big clump of seaweed. Hairy helped him back onto the boat. He picked the seaweed off of him, spread it out on the deck, and rolled around in it. Greedy Whiskers yelled at Hairy, who replied that seaweed was a natural and healthy way to soften the fur. They argued as the Stiltons sailed away from them.
