Greg Fox, also known as The Raptor, is the main antagonist of Smallville The Comic story "Raptor".
Greg Fox was a young troublemaker notorious for lighting firecrackers in mailboxes and overall a juvenile delinquent. While on a field trip to a paleontology dig site, Greg bumped into Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan. Apparently, however, he wasn't that hostile until just recently.
Lex Luthor called him out on his attitude, and Greg stormed off. Lex explained that he owns the dig site, and that Greg's father was recently fired for attacking a foreman weeks ago. Greg readied a firework while muttering about Luthor's actions against his father.
He tossed it into a dig, not realizing that it was full of blasting caps. Clark ran and positions himself between Greg and the caps, and they explode. Luckily, Clark wasn't hurt, but Greg was rushed to the hospital.
At the hospital, Greg was smacked by his father for his behavior after the nurse leaves. Due to a piece of meteor rock present at the site mixed with a fossil, Greg started to mutate into a raptor. Lex later visited Clark to tell him he wasn't pressing charges on Greg because he could relate to having an angry father and no mother. Back home from the hospital, Greg went to the bathroom in pain and looked in the mirror to see a dinosaur-type eyeball in his socket.
He went downstairs to tell his father that he was hungry, and then killed him for food. At the Talon, several days later, the gang wonder where Greg is. Lana Lang seemed a bit disturbed thinking of her parents and how she started the Talon back up for them. In the store room, Lana heard noises, and went to investigate when Greg appeared and tried to eat Lana.
Clark heard the commotion, and uses his X-ray vision to see what's happening. He tells Pete Ross to call 911 and Pete went to do so while Clark heads into the storeroom. Greg surprises Clark and attacked him. Clark punches Greg through the wall. Pete and Chloe rushed in to find the wall torn through and Greg gone. Chloe picked up a raptor tooth and identifies it. They realize that Greg is going after Lex, and Clark takes off for the power plant.
Meanwhile, Greg killed two guards and sneaked on another tearing him up pretty badly, demanding to know where Lex was. He found Lex, and tells him he wants to be made normal. Lex offers to help, but Greg merely beats him further. Greg was mutating further and knocked Lex out. Clark enters, and punches Greg. He tells Greg that there's gas all over, and that they have to get out. But Greg says that he doesn't want to, and scrapes a nail on a piece of metal, sparking a huge explosion that vaporizes him but leaves Clark unscathed but his clothes were burnt away.