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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the video game incarnation of Gul'dan, for his Warcraft Cinematic Universe incarnation, see here

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Villain Overview

I am Gul'dan... I am darkness incarnate. I will not be denied.
~ Gul'dan in The History of Orcish Ascension.
Gul'dan: Drink, Hellscream. Claim your destiny. You will all be conquerors.
Grommash Hellscream: And what, Gul'dan, must we give in return?
Gul'dan: ...Everything.
~ The famous exchange between Gul'dan and Grommash Hellscream in the cinematic of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.

Gul'dan, known also as "Darkness Incarnate" and "The Destroyer of Dreams", is a major antagonist in the Warcraft franchise. He operates behind the scenes as a major antagonist manipulating Blackhand in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans but isn't revealed until Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness where he plays a major antagonist role for most of the game. He returns as a minor antagonist in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft. An alternate version of Gul'dan appears as the main antagonist in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor and one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Kil'jaeden) of World of Warcraft: Legion.

Originally a shaman, he became the first orcish warlock as well as the de facto founder of the Orcish Horde

Gul'dan was voiced by Paul Eiding in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. In World of Warcraft, the alternate version of Gul'dan is voiced by Troy Baker. 



Long ago, Gul'dan was born crippled in a village of an unknown name. His deformity made him an object of ridicule for the rest of the tribe. The village shaman attempted to help Gul'dan find a place within the tribe, but constantly failed.

One day, the tribe chieftain decided to kill Gul'dan to remove his weakness, but the shaman saved Gul'dan and instructed him to seek out the Throne of the Elements, where he will likely find his true destiny, though Gul'dan dismissed his kindness. The chieftain then banished Gul'dan from the tribe forever, and the young orc was left to fend for himself in the harsh wastes. After months of wandering the desert, alone and starving, Gul'dan finally reached the altar that the shaman instructed him to find and offered to serve whatever powers would end his suffering. The elements appeared before him and prepared to accept him, but then they rejected him and left him alone once more. At that point, Gul'dan became consumed by his sorrow and hatred, which attracted the Burning Legion to offer him power in exchange for his loyalty, which he accepted.

Gul'dan then returned to his old tribe, surprising everyone. The chieftain strongly stated that Gul'dan could never return to his people, but in response, Gul'dan proclaimed that he has no people before using his new powers to kill the chieftain and everyone else in the village. He then reached the shaman, thanking him for helping Gul'dan realize his true destiny before killing him as well and taking his staff as his own. Gul'dan left his past and burning village behind, and thus his reign of terror had begun.


As Ner'zhul rallied the orcs for a war against the Draenei at the behest of the demon lord Kil'jaeden, who hid behind the facade of a powerful ancestor referred to as "The Beautiful One", Gul'dan supported Ner'zhul fully. However, when Ner'zhul began to notice that they could no longer call upon the power of the elements or the ancestors, the shaman began to sense something was amiss. He discovered at Oshu'gun that he had been duped by Kil'jaeden and attempted to back out. 

Abandoning the ways of shamanism and betraying both his people and his mentor to Kil'jaeden for personal gain and power, Gul'dan was directly responsible for the orcs' fall to demonic enslavement as well as for the Horde's invasion of Azeroth. As a test of the Horde's strength, Gul'dan and the Shadow Council guided the orcs into murdering every single Draenei they could find on their homeworld. Tutored by the lord of the Burning Legion, he became the founder and master of the Shadow Council as well as the creator of the necromantic terrors known as death knights. Gul'dan is considered by many to have been the most cunning and powerful mortal warlock to ever have existed.

Ultimately, Gul'dan's thirst for power proved to be the Horde's undoing. On the eve of Doomhammer's attack on Lordaeron's capital, Gul'dan took the Stormreaver and Twilight's Hammer clans and set out to sea to locate the Tomb of Sargeras. With nearly one third of his standing forces suddenly gone, Doomhammer was forced to retreat and hunt down the traitorous warlock. This reprieve would ultimately give the Alliance time to regroup and retaliate. The remainder of his clans were slaughtered upon Doomhammer's arrival. In those last moments, Gul'dan realized that he, like his former mentor, had just been Sargeras' pawn, lured by promises of power to facilitate the Dark Titan's agenda. After his death, his skull became a powerful arcane relic until its powers were absorbed by Illidan Stormrage.

Alternate Timeline[]

In the alternate timeline, Gul'dan was born in an unknown clan deformed, weak and crippled which make him by his clansmen target of mockery and despisal since his childhood. In his exile Gul'dan traveled to Throne of the Elements where even elements shunned him and welcomed by Burning Legion and taught him, feeling powerful after mastering new power he returned to his old village as Harbringer of their Fury wiping out his birthplace killing his former chieftain and clansmen including shaman who was kind to him claiming his staff and ring leaving burning village. After Garrosh Hellscream, came from the main timeline of Azeroth Gul'dan still offered the orcish clans the blood of Mannoroth to the orcish clans of Draenor. Garrosh's father Grommash Hellscream was to take the first drink, but Garrosh had informed him that doing so would lead to the orcs' enslavement by the Burning Legion. When Grom rejected the offering, Mannoroth himself appeared, angered by the rejection of his 'gift'. However, the orcs suddenly attacked the pit lord with the technology Garrosh had brought with him from the present. After being blasted by an iron star, Mannoroth met his end when Grom plunged Gorehowl into his forehead. As the pit lord's body exploded, Garrosh pushed Grom out of harm's way, saving him from what had claimed his life in the original timeline.

With the Legion's plot foiled, a cowering Gul'dan exclaimed that this was not the orc's destiny, but Garrosh simply told him that times changed. The warlock's plans to invade Azeroth were repurposed to suit the new Iron Horde. Gul'dan and his chief lieutenants, Cho'gall and Teron'gor, were imprisoned. Their magic was drained to power the Dark Portal that connected the alternate Draenor to Azeroth in the current timeline, until they were set free by adventurers to seal the portal. Eventually, they were freed by Alliance or Horde adventurers that were tasked with destroying the portal to stop the Iron Horde's invasion.

After adventurers slay crippled the Blackrock foundry and killed Blackhand, The Iron Horde was heavily weakened. The garrison commander, with the aid of Garona Halforcen, watch as Gul'dan again offers the blood of Mannoroth to Grommash and showed Grommash Gorehowl, telling him about Garrosh's death. Grommash, saddened by Garrosh's death and bound by honor still refuses and attacks Gul'dan. Gul'dan succeeds in stopping him with magic and imprisons him, offering the remaining orcs the same choice to drink. Killrogg takes the blood and is corrupted while Gul'dan takes the rest of the Iron Horde. Gul'dan takes control of the Hellfire Citadel for the Burning Legion's operations. He musters Archimonde into Draenor for the final battle. Overcomed, Archimonde throws Gul'dan into the Twisting Nether for failing the Legion.

After his defeat, Gul'dan is sent to the main timeline, in the Broken Isles, under the supervision of Kil'Jaeden himself in order to summon the Legion to Azeroth once more with the remaining power of the Tomb of Sargeras. After being persecuted by Khadgar and Maiev, Gul'dan successfully gathers enough power from the magic seals of the Tomb to think about stop working with the Legion and set himself as a god of Azeroth, Kil'Jaeden then appears to him luring him with the promise of a thousand worlds more to reign. Convincing enough, Gul'dan finally opens a portal for the Legion to enter, Commencing then the fourth war.

In the events during the Broken Shore, the forces of the Horde and Alliance united sends an offensive with their greatest heroes: Varian Wyrm, Genn Greymare, Jainna, and Gelbin Mekkatorque as the generals of the Alliance, and with Thrall, Sylvannas, Vol'jin, and Baine Bloodhoff as the warlords of the horde. During the attack, Gul'dan stands in the siege as he kills Tirion Fordring with felfire before the heroes as a mockery. Later is shown that even the Horde and Alliance together are no match for the newfound Legion. Vol'jin is mortally wounded while battling demons, forcing Sylvannas and the Horde to retreat.

In turn, without the Horde to aid them, the Alliance attempted to escape on a gunship, but Gul'dan nearly thwarted this by summoning a massive fel reaver, which grabbed hold of the fleeing gunship. However, Varian sacrificed himself by destroying the fel reaver before being subdued by demons, granting the Alliance escape. Gul'dan personally executes Varian, whom he refers as "the king who sacrificed his life for nothing", by disintegrating him with fel magic.

Gul'dan would remain in the Night Hold located in Suramar. He convinced the leader of the Nightborn, Elisande, to either join forces or have her people die a horrible to the Legion, to which she accepts. When players reach him in the Night Hold, Gul'dan is seen attempting another ritual in order to summon the remaining leaders of the Burning Legion, and it is here players can finally fight him directly. Despite his best efforts to defeat his opponents, including draining power from the ritual itself, increasing his size, he is defeated. After this, he loses most of his powers and the ritual comes to a halt, much to his horror. As he processes everything that just happened in his mind, Illidan appears from behind. Grabbing the warlock by his throat, Illidan then uses his fel power to finally bring an end to Gul'dan the same way the orc killed Varian. All that remained of Gul'dan was his skull in the Demon Hunter's hand, but rather than absorb its power, he crushes it in his hand, leaving no trace of Gul'dan ever again.

2016 Film[]

Main article: Gul'dan (Live-Action Film)


I have no desire to march through the streets with an axe or a hammer, meeting my foes in the flesh...I shall meet them in spirit and crush them from afar, devouring them by the hundreds and the thousands...and I shall...wipe this world clean, to remake it in my own image!
~ Gul'dan in Tides of Darkness.

Gul’dan possesses an unquenchable thirst for power and a ruthless personality. Equally willing to manipulate friend and foe alike, he constantly tries to better his station in life through any means possible. Even though Gul’dan constantly tends to be embroiled in many different plots and schemes, his overarching goal is always to discover the location of the Tomb of Sargeras and to claim the dark titan’s powers for himself. Nothing else matters in comparison to this quest, and Gul’dan is willing to betray his own people and sacrifice his closest friends to achieve it.

Gul’dan can only be trusted to do what is in his own best interests. He often freely offers wealth to people in exchange for clues or information that might be useful, and then has them killed and reclaims his payment. Gul’dan only truly trusts people who are like himself — those who are openly ambitious and who will do anything to improve their lot in life. He feels that those people can be most easily predicted and manipulated through offers of wealth or prestige. It is the people who serve higher moral or religious powers that he fears. They are often resistant to his lures, and in Gul’dan’s eyes can never be completely trusted or relied upon. Because of this, he tends to associate most easily with mages, sorcerers, rogues and scouts and dislikes druids, priests and paladins. His allegiance is with the Horde, and he is openly hostile to members of the Alliance races unless they are key to something Gul’dan desires.


  • In Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, the Horde’s thirteenth mission takes place in the Tomb of Sargeras from where the Blackrock clan and the Back Tooth Grin clan were sent by Orgrim Doomhammer to slaughter the Renegade Clans and bring Gul'dan’s head back to a plateau. But this has changed a lot since the events of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, in the third chapter of the Night Elves campaign, we learn that Gul'dan and members of the Stormreaver clan were killed by the demons guarding the tomb (sparing Drak'thul as the sole survivor of the Stormreaver clan) and not by the Blackrock clan and the Back Tooth Grin clan.
    • However, the skeletal remains of Gul'dan (except his skull) can be seen in the Tomb of Sargeras in World of Warcraft: Legion, but this element of the scenery was also taken up in Warcraft 3 Reforged.

External Links[]


           Warcraft Logo Villains

The Alliance
Stormwind: Archbishop Benedictus
Lordaeron: Arthas Menethil | Othmar Garithos | Aedelas Blackmoore | Falric | Captain Skarloc | Lieutenant Drake
Gilneas: Lord Vincent Godfrey
Kul Tiras: Daelin Proudmoore | Jaina Proudmoore | Chief of Chaplains | Chief Petty Officer | Captain Thornby
Other Human Kingdoms: Alterac/Syndicate (Aiden Perenolde, Aliden Perenolde)
Ironforge: Twinbraid | Dagran Thaurissan
Gnomeregan: Sicco Thermaplugg | Millhouse Manastorm
Night Elves: Fandral Staghelm | Alpha Prime | Cordana Felsong
Draenei: Yrel | Exarch Maladaar

The Horde
Orcs: Overlord Krom'gar | Warlord Rok'nah | Urtrak | Blood Guard Porung
Tauren: Magatha Grimtotem
Forsaken: Sylvanas Windrunner | Grand Apothecary Putress | Brothogg the Slavemaster | Calder Gray | Castillian | Stalvan Mistmantle | Apothecary Keever
Blood Elves: Kael'thas Sunstrider | Overseer Theredis | Sharth Voldoun
Goblins: Trade Prince Gallywix | Candy Cane | Chip Endale
Zandalari: Zul

Old Horde/Iron Horde
Blackrock Orcs (Blackhand, Orgrim Doomhammer, Rend Blackhand, Jubei'Thos) | Warsong Clan (Grommash Hellscream) | Shadowmoon Clan (Ner'zhul, Dentarg, Teron Gorefiend/Gorefiend) | Stormreaver Clan/Shadow Council (Gul'dan, Garona Halforcen) | Bleeding Hollow Clan (Kilrogg Deadeye) | Shattered Hand Clan (Kargath Bladefist) | Dragonmaw Clan (Zuluhed the Whacked, Nekros Skullcrusher, Nek'rosh Skullcrusher, Overlord Mor'ghor) | Burning Blade Clan (Azuka Bladefury) | Bonechewer Clan | Amani Empire (Zul'jin) | The Twilight's Hammer

Lich King (Arthas Menethil) | Kel'Thuzad | Anub'arak | Sindragosa | Dar'Khan Drathir | Blood-Queen Lana'thel | Ymiron | Overlord Drakuru | Arugal | Rage Winterchill | Sapphiron | Four Horsemen | Highlord Mograine | Baron Rivendare | Amnennar the Coldbringer | Ras Frostwhisper | Gothik the Harvester | Masophet the Black | Mirdoran the Fallen | Noth the Plaguebringer | Heigan the Unclean | Instructor Razuvious | Orbaz Bloodbane | Abominations (Patchwerk) | Anub'Rekhan | Maexxna | Grobbulus | Gluth | Thaddius | Loatheb
Cult of the Damned: Lady Deathwhisper | Grand Widow Faerlina | Instructor Chillheart | Darkmaster Gandling

Knights of the Ebon Blade
Darion Mograine | Sally Whitemane | Nazgrim

Illidan's followers
Illidan Stormrage | Kael'thas Sunstrider | Lady Vashj | Mekgineer Steamrigger | Mennu the Betrayer

True Horde
Garrosh Hellscream | Nazgrim | Malkorok | Warlord Zaela | Siegecrafter Blackfuse

Pandaren: Suna Silentstrike | Widow Greenpaw
Mogu: Lei Shen | Shan Bu
Mantid: Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Sha: Sha of Hatred

The Void/Black Empire
Void Lords: Dimensius the All-Devouring
Old Gods: C'thun | Yogg-Saron | N'Zoth | Y'Shaarj | G'huun
Servants: Xal'atath | Faceless Ones | Aqir | Queen Azshara | Xavius | Harbinger Skyriss | General Vezax | Morchok | Warlord Zon'ozz | Yor'sahj the Unsleeping | Loken | Myzrael | Aku'mai | Il'gynoth | Mythrax the Unraveler | Queen Ansurek
The Twilight's Hammer: Cho'gall | Archbishop Benedictus | Twilight Skymaster Richtofen | Hagara the Stormbinder | Warmaster Blackhorn

Scarlet Crusade
Balnazzar | Grand Inquisitor Isillien | Brigitte Abbendis | Renault Mograine | Sally Whitemane | Crusader Lord Valdelmar | Archbishop Landgren | Huntsman Leopold | Mataus the Wrathcaster | Scarlet Commander Marjahn | High Inquisitor Fairbanks

Burning Legion
Man'ari Eredar: Commanders (Kil'jaeden, Archimonde) | Other Eredar (Lord Jaraxxus, Thal'kiel, Socrethar, Tyrant Velhari, Eredar Twins, Sironas)
Nathrezim: Tichondrius | Varimathras | Balnazzar | Mal'Ganis | Anetheron | Mephistroth | Detheroc
Annihilan: Mannoroth | Magtheridon
Other: Aggramar | Argus the Unmaker | Arzeth the Merciless | Caria Felsoul | Fel Lord Zakuun | Highlord Kruul | Kazzak | Varedis Felsoul | Xavius | Shadow Council

Black Dragonflight: Deathwing | Nefarian | Onyxia | Sabellian | Sinestra | General Drakkisath | Sartharion | Maloriak
Blue Dragonflight: Malygos | Sindragosa | Sapphiron
Green Dragonflight: Eranikus | Alysrazor
Chromatic Dragonflight: Chromatus
Twilight Dragonflight: Dargonax | Halion | Ultraxion | Valiona and Theralion | Vexiona
Infinite Dragonflight: Murozond | Morchie | Epoch Hunter

Elemental Lords: Al'Akir | Neptulon | Ragnaros
Fire Elementals: Lord Rhyolith | Baron Geddon | Fandral Staghelm | Majordomo Executus | Shannox | Riplimb and Rageface | Baron Charr
Water Elementals: Princess Tempestria

Eternal Ones: Zovaal | Sire Denathrius
Mawsworn: Helya | The Tarragrue | Soulrender Dormazain | Painsmith Raznal | Fatescribe Roh-Kalo | Dausegne | Rygelon
Forsworn: Devos | Lysonia
Maldraxxi: Kel'Thuzad | Vyraz
Venthyr: The Tithelord | Lord Chamberlain | Echelon | Stone Legion Generals
Nathrezim: Mal'Ganis | Kin'tessa
The Other Side: Bwonsamdi | Hakkar the Soulflayer | Mueh'zala
Drust: Gorak Tul | Gorak Zhar | Ingra Drif | Ingra Maloch

Primal Incarnates: Raszageth | Fyrakk | Iridikron
Servants and Allies: Balakar Khan | Broodkeeper Diurna | Djaradin | Druids of the Flame | Eranog | Koroleth | Kurog Grimtotem | Kyrakka

Abercrombie | Abominable Greench | Ahune | Anzu | Artificer Xy'mox | Black Stalker | Bloodsail Buccaneers | Charlga Razorflank | Chieftain Zul'Marrosh | The Cleaner | Dargrul | Defias Brotherhood (Edwin VanCleef, Vanessa VanCleef) | Eliza | Emperor Korthek | Engineer Overgrind | Felendren the Banished | Galakrond | Gearmaster Mechazod | Goldtooth | Goren | Gruul | Headless Horseman | Hex Lord Malacrass | Hogger | Imperator Mar'gok | Jammal'an the Prophet | Kanrethad Ebonlocke | King Mechagon | Leper Gnomes | Maggot Eye | Magnataurs | Marez Cowl | Maynard Algerson | Medivh | Moroes | Murlocs (Murloc Sorcerer) | Murmur | Naj'tess | Odyn | Omen | Ortor of Murkblood | Petula Algerson | Pholx | Podlings | Priscilla Ashvane | Quagmirran | So'leah | Stitches | Sundered Flame (Sarkareth) | Talon King Ikiss | Taragaman the Hungerer | Thaurissan | Venture Company (Mogul Razdunk) | Witches | Zar'jira | Zelfrax | Zevrim Thornhoof

Playable Characters: Jaina Proudmoore | Gul'dan | Garrosh Hellscream | Illidan Stormrage | Lei Shen
Classic: Edwin VanCleef | Al'Akir | Lord Jaraxxus | Grommash Hellscream | Hogger | Sylvanas Windrunner | Ragnaros | Onyxia | Malygos | Deathwing
Curse of Naxxramas: Kel'Thuzad Baron Rivendare | Thaddius | Grand Widow Faerlina | Gothik the Harvester | Noth the Plaguebringer | Heigan the Unclean
Goblins vs. Gnomes: Trade Prince Gallywix | Mal'Ganis | Dr. Boom | Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Blackrock Mountain: Nefarian | Rend Blackhand | General Drakkisath | Maloriak
The Grand Tournament: Anub'arak
League of Explorers: Rafaam
Whispers of the Old Gods: Old Gods (C'thun | N'Zoth | Y'Shaarj | Yogg-Saron) | Fandral Staghelm | Cho'gall | Malkorok
One Night in Karazhan: Prince Malchezaar | Terestian Illhoof
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan: Don Han'Cho | Aya Blackpaw | Kazakus
Knights of the Frozen Throne: Lich King/Arthas Menethil | Death Knights | Professor Putricide | Sindragosa | Archbishop Benedictus | Blood-Queen Lana'thel
Kobolds and Catacombs: King Togwaggle | Azari | The Darkness
The Witchwood: Hagatha the Witch | Splintergraft | Arugal | Shudderwock | Glinda Crowskin | Lord Vincent Godfrey | Captain Shivers | Infinite Toki
The Boomsday Project: Dr. Boom | Boommaster Flark
Rastakhan's Rumble: Zul'jin | Hex Lord Malacrass | Hakkar the Soulflayer
Rise of Shadows: League of E.V.I.L. (Rafaam | Madame Lazul | Hagatha the Witch | Dr. Boom | King Togwaggle | Rakanishu | Vessina | Ol' Barkeye | Kriziki | Captain Eudora | Squeamlish | Mr. Chu | Tekahn | George the Fallen | Lackeys)
Saviors of Uldum: Tekahn | Plague Lords (Vesh, Plague Lord of Murlocs | Kz'rath, Plague Lord of Madness | Xatma, Plague Lord of Death | Icarax, Plague Lord of Wrath)
Descent of Dragons: Malygos | Murozond | Deathwing | Galakrond | Kronx Dragonhoof
Ashes of Outland: Reliquary of Souls | Lady Vashj | Kanrethad Ebonlocke | Kargath Bladefist | Teron Gorefiend | Magtheridon | Kael'thas Sunstrider | Xavius | Mannoroth | Rusted Legion (Mecha-Jaraxxus)
Scholomance Academy: Kel'Thuzad | Darkmaster Gandling | Ras Frostwhisper | Vectus | Theolen Krastinov | Instructor Malicia | Rattlegore
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire: Old Gods (C'thun | N'Zoth | Y'Shaarj | Yogg-Saron | G'huun) | Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
Forged in the Barrens: Kazakus | Death Speaker Blackthorn | Plaguemaw the Rotting | Mordresh Fire Eye | Serena Bloodfeather | Tamsin Roame | Neeru Fireblade | Mutanus the Devourer | Lady Anacondra
United in Stormwind: Lady Katrana Prestor | Archbishop Benedictus | Anetheron | Tamsin Roame