Steven "Steve" Grant Rogers, also known as The HYDRA Stomper, is a recurring character in the anthology television series What If...?. He is an armor-bound World War 2 veteran who was brainwashed by Melina Vostokoff, the leader of the terrorist organization known as the Red Room. He serves as his universe's equivalent of The Winter Soldier.
He was voiced by Josh Keaton, who also voiced Strange Supreme (while impersonating him) in the same series, Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Electro in Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man, Revolver Ocelot in the Metal Gear Solid series, and Destroyman in No More Heroes.
Steve is a malnourished man with light skin. He has messy brown hair and blue eyes. He also gained a beard sometime after joining the Red Room.
As the HYDRA Stomper, he wears a bulky suit of armor around the same height as the Hulk. It has two propane tanks on the back and a glowing square on the chest, illuminated by his power source. His helmet resembles the Iron Man MK1, being a rounded off cylinder with large glowing eyes. As a soldier, the suit was expectedly army-green. As an assassin, it was grey with dark red accents.
Like his main universe counterpart, Steve Rogers is a very kind man. He deeply cares about the greater good and will defend it to his final breath, which led to him joining the Army in the first place. He loves his girlfriend, Peggy Carter, and the two had an unbreakable relationship. He is also insecure, believing that he has no real worth outside of his armor.
After being brainwashed by the Red Room, his personality started to shift. Gone was the heroic man who fought HYDRA; the only thing left was an unfeeling killing machine. His only loyalty was to Melina, and he murdered countless lives under her orders. However, with Carter's help, he was able to fight back against his programming and ultimately choose to sacrifice himself to stop his programmer.
External Links[]
- HYDRA Stomper on the Heroes Wiki
- HYDRA Stomper on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki