The Hades Machine Golem is the minor antagonist of Mahou Sentai Magiranger, appearing in Episode 31 as the hidden primary antagonist. He is an ancient Machine Hades Beast in the Infershia Marudeyouna world. He was revived by Meemy by sacrificing the soul of Bullrates and was later sent by Meemy to attack the Surface World and destroy the Magirangers.
After Bullrates and Zee failed to destroy the Magirangers and freeze the Surface Realm, Meemy again sent Bullrates to attack Tokyo and fight the Magirangers. Bullrates returned and fought the Magirangers, but was defeated and destroyed by the heroes. After that Bullrates's soul was banished to the Marudeyouna world and Meemy explained to Bullrates that when he sent him to fight the Magirangers, he knew he would fail and be destroyed, because he needed a 300 year-old + soul to sacrifice for the ritual to revive Hades Machine Golem. Meemy then blasted Bullrates and Bullrates's soul was taken into the machine.
After that, Golem was activated and in the Ozu house, Hikaru felt the presence of the evil force in Marudeyouna dimension and, together with Smoky, they went to this dimension on Travelion to stop Golem. Hikaru and Smoky arrived on Travelion to Marudeyouna dimension, and Golem was activated. Hikaru turned Travelion into robot mode and they fought Golem, but were easily outmatched by the giant robotic monster.
Later, Travelion and Golem teleported into the Human World and the battle continued in Tokyo. Magirangers saw it and formed MagiKing. The Rangers formed MagiKing, and fought Golem, but the Robo was easily outmatched by the giant machine monster. The Rangers splitted back to their human forms, but Heavenly Saint Lunagel contacted the siblings told them to use their legendary powers to form and create the new Robo to defeat Golem. The Rangers agreed and used their legendary powers to create new MagiLegend Robo. By using the new MagiLegend Robo, the heroes easily defeated Golem, and after the brief battle, the giant robot monster was destroyed.