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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

Surrender the Redstone Heart, now. Because... I will trap you here, forever! I am 100% fine with that course of action!
~ Hadrian announcing his intentions while showing his complete lack of empathy.

Hadrian is the main antagonist of the Minecraft: Story Mode episode "A Journey's End?".

He is the unscrupulous and blasphemous leader of the Old Builders and is in charge of the Builder Games (otherwise known simply as the Games), which are played by the Competitors. He uses the Games to abuse the Competitors in his mines in the Nether after they've lost. He is also one of Jesse's archenemies.

He is voiced by Jim Cummings, who also played NegaDuck (both, original and the 2017 DuckTales version) in Darkwing Duck, Steele in Balto, Fuzzy Lumpkins in the PowerPuff Girls, Jacked Santa in The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, Nessus in Disney's Hercules, Long John Silver in The Pagemaster, Ed in Disney's The Lion King, Dennis in Disney's Tarzan, Pete from the Mickey Mouse franchise, Hernán Cortés in El Dorado, Jacques in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, Razoul in Disney's Aladdin, Doctor Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog SATAM, Budzo in Zambezia (also known as Adventures in Zambezia), General Plastro in the Army Men franchise, Hondo Ohnaka in the Star Wars franchise, Bering in Brother Bear 2, and Malefor in Skylanders Academy.



Hadrian is the blasphemous leader of the Old Builders. Together with Mevia, Otto, and Harper, he built the Portal Network and invented the Games. They used to have competitors travel from all over to play in the Games.

However, in time Hadrian and Mevia grew more power-hungry and sadistic. They started to make people fight against each other, just for sport. Losers in the Games were forced to work in the mines until they got another shot in the Games. Unknown to anyone, the Games were rigged, so nobody could win. Presumably, for that reason, Harper left.

Hadrian is known for making deals with numerous people, usually with other competitors that if the deal was completed, the competitor would be able to go home. Presumably, that never happened, as Hadrian was always able to make sure it never happened. This even happened in situations where Hadrian was the one who brought up the deal in the first place, shown by how he constantly tries to stop Jesse from obtaining the Portal Atlas, even though he brought up the deal to begin with and was fully aware of the risks involved. Because of this, it's extremely likely he did the same thing to various other competitors.

Minecraft: Story Mode[]

When Harper and the New Order of the Stone arrive at the Games to retrieve the Portal Atlas, after disrupting a game of Spleef, Jesse presents the Redstone Heart that Harper took when she left. Hadrian offers a deal: if Jesse won the Games, he/she and his/her friends would get the Atlas, but if they lost, Harper would have to go to the Mines too. Jesse agrees to the deal, and Harper escorts him/her and Petra/Ivor to the Competitor's Village.

The next day, while the competitors are preparing for the next event, which is a dangerous race, Hadrian visits them and tries to interview Jesse. After the interview, he, along with the other Old Builders, commentates on the race. Hadrian, along with Mevia, are clearly surprised and disappointed if Jesse wins.

When Jesse is at Hadrian's palace, he/she finds out that, under Hadrian's orders, Axel and Olivia, two of Jesse's best friends, were kidnapped by Mevia from their homeworld to blackmail Jesse. Hadrian and Mevia also knew that Jesse had a best friend called Reuben, and as such, tried to kidnap him too, but, clearly not knowing his fate or even his species, Mevia kidnaps an Endercon Usher from Episode 1, who is coincidentally called "Reuben". Hadrian sadistically changes his deal with Jesse and says that if Jesse wins and leaves, his/her friends will be sent down into the Mines, but if Jesse loses, he/she can go to the mines in their place while they are sent home. (A deal he most likely never would've kept) He then gets Slab the Immovable to drag Jesse out of his Palace.

Hadrian is next seen during the Finale, helping announce and commentate the final game, which is a game of the Walls. Hadrian likely rigged the Game so Jesse would lose by giving him or her no resource, aside from dirt and gravel, to defend himself/herself. Much like Mevia, Hadrian is dumbfounded and outraged when, thanks to Jesse, the competitors refused to fight each other and decide to rebel, with Jesse in the lead. Hadrian will show more frustration if Jesse agreed to lose the Games and work in their mines, due to him breaking the deal. If Slab joins Jesse's side, Hadrian will express annoyance and tell Slab that he will pay for his betrayal.

He, Mevia, and Otto head down and confront them. Due to them having stepped on the Victory Platform and technically won the Games, Otto tries to give Jesse the Atlas as promised, but Hadrian and Mevia trap him and all the competitors except for Em, Jesse, and (determinately) Slab in obsidian. Em runs away, much to Mevia and Hadrian's delight. They both begin to fight Jesse and determinately Slab. Jesse knocks Hadrian down on the ground before he pretends to ask for forgiveness. Mevia eliminates Jesse off-guard, causing him or her to respawn.

While Hadrian and Mevia talk about how to punish the trapped competitors, with Hadrian having something "special" in mind for them thanks to Jesse's friends (Em and determinant Slab included), after he or she respawns, he or she returns with some diamond weapons and Tim's Armor. They fight once more before Jesse manages to defeat Mevia. Hadrian and Jesse continue to fight. At one point, Jesse's friends taunt Hadrian and support Jesse from afar. Per Em's suggestion, Jesse breaks the obsidian bridge that he/she and Hadrian are standing on, and Hadrian falls and gets eliminated himself. Hadrian and Mevia both respawn and are beaten up by the Gladiators.

Jesse then uses the Atlas to banish Hadrian, along with Mevia, to a world filled with either zombie-sized chickens or chicken-sized zombies. Depending on the choice that Jesse made to Olivia about either fighting chicken-sized zombies or zombie-sized chickens at the beginning of the game. Mevia tries to crack a pun about their predicament, much to Hadrian's dismay. If Hadrian and Mevia are in the world of zombie-sized chickens, Hadrian will fire her. If Hadrian and Mevia are in the world of chicken-sized zombies, Hadrian will just be disappointed.

Meanwhile, due to some competitors surprisingly enjoying the Games, Otto (and determinately Harper and/or Em) restarts the Old Builder Games and makes them fun again, while those who don't want to participate return home, undoing the damage Hadrian and Mevia caused.


Hadrian is an old man with white hair, light brown skin, and black pupils. He wears black glasses, a long purple checked suit with white buttons, a bright golden inner-dress, and black gloves. Hadrian also has white buttons on his suit. He looks a lot like Colonel Sanders.


Jesse: You really trusted Hadrian? That guy's like a creeper in a purple power suit.
Em: HEY! You try being stuck here as long as I have! Then you can talk!
~ Jesse and Em after the former learns why she made a deal with Hadrian (determinant).

Hadrian is cruel, power-hungry, blasphemous, sadistic, immoral, and overall malicious in nature. He is a malignant, arrogant, unscrupulous, and sarcastic tyrant who is known to abuse competitors. He shares these traits with his right hand, Mevia, with both being extremely rude, snarky, obnoxious, argumentative, heartless, and volatile. Both show no motives or reasons for their evil deeds aside from their own selfish entertainment, as well as showing no redeeming traits or morals whatsoever.

Unlike Mevia, Hadrian has a tendency to make deals with others, and break those deals with no second thought, showing his completely deplorable and unpleasant nature. For instance, at first, he tells Jesse and Petra or Ivor that if they win the Builder Games, they get to keep the Old Builder's Portal Atlas, which Jesse and friends need to get back to their homeworld, before later changing the deal and telling Jesse that if he or she wins the games, his or her friends will have to stay behind and work in his quartz mines, and if he or she loses, Hadrian will let his or her friends go if Jesse stays behind in their place.

It is highly unlikely that Hadrian intended to keep his end of the bargain. As implied by Em and Harper, regardless of whether or not Jesse agrees to their new deal, Hadrian will very likely send Jesse and his or her friends all to the mines regardless, while claiming that was the original deal. (Despite being fully aware that the original deal was that Jesse would get to keep the atlas if he/she won the games). As shown in his treatment of competitors who lose in the games, and his aforementioned deals, Hadrian likes to maximize productivity and had no qualms about enslaving people by sending them to work in his Quartz mines in the Nether. He even admits that he is fine with and has no problem with trapping people forever, showing a complete disregard and lack of sympathy for others.

Hadrian is also quite treacherous, hypocritical, sanctimonious, and manipulative as if Jesse agrees to Hadrian's second deal when he or she inevitably breaks it later, Hadrian gets enraged and yells at Jesse for breaking their deal, saying they had an "agreement" and Jesse "promised" him, despite his own aforementioned habit of breaking deals, shown by the scene where he cuts his deal with Emily despite everything she did to keep her end of the bargain. As well as that, when first meeting Jesse, he accuses him/her of being a "sore loser" for lashing out because his/her friends were eliminated, or seemingly killed, despite Jesse not knowing that his/her friends would respawn. Later, when Jesse and the other competitors step on the winner's platform, Hadrian is enraged, due to not wanting anyone to win the games, being a sore loser himself. As well as that, he may even tell Jesse off for being rude, despite being at least equally, if not even ruder than he or she is.

Hadrian clearly and openly disfavored the New Order of the Stone from the other competitors, possibly because they were trying to get the Atlas from him, or because of their association with Harper. He, possibly to hold a bargaining tone with Jesse, pretends to be sympathetic, polite, civil, and somewhat friendly, while still condescending towards Jesse when meeting him or her in his palace. He was also somewhat impressed when he discovered that Jesse and his or her friends are famous heroes, but he still held them in very low esteem, as well as had no problem with maliciously messing with them.

Hadrian is greatly feared by the competitors and even the gladiators, as seen when he simply glares at the competitors causing them to cower and hide, as well as when even the usually confident and tough Gladiators aren't brave enough to fight him and Mevia, implying that they have seen Hadrian and Mevia fight before, though the Gladiators overcame that fear and beat up Hadrian and Mevia after the latter was defeated by Jesse. Slab implies that Hadrian is impatient and doesn't like being kept waiting. As implied by Sebastian, Hadrian and Mevia tend to abuse and take their anger out on the competitors trapped in their mines.


Stop the match!
~ Hadrian stopping a game of Spleef for the first time.
Attacking competitors? Horrid!
~ Hadrian hypocritically calling Jesse out for attacking fellow competitors, completely regarding the fact that the gladiators were also attacking competitors (albeit with TNT instead of swords) under the former's orders. (determinant)
I'm not surprised that you're confused! [to Mevia] Tiny brains.
~ Hadrian, clearly unsympathetic towards Jesse believing that his or her friends are dead.
Well sport, now that you've come and interrupted our games, I'm sure our fans would LOVE to know how you got here! Spill!
~ Hadrian not-so-nicely asking Jesse how he or she ended up in their world.
Are you being a wisenheimer with me? Is that really what's going on?! Wow. Say, can we get someone to kill this little moron, please? A few dozen times?!
~ Hadrian after Jesse answers his question with a vague response (determinant).
So tell me champ, why do you think Harper brought you here? My bet's on pet! That'll be pretty cute, right?
~ Hadrian questioning and insulting Jesse.
Hadrian: Here's the way MY offer works: You give me the Heart, you and your friends go back down to those portals, I never look at your insignificant faces again.
Petra (determinant): Wait, without the Atlas? But how will we get home?
Ivor (determinant): Uh, without the Atlas? But we need that to get home.
Hadrian: Soooooooo not my problem. This is a one-time offer. You've caught me in a forgiving mood!
~ Hadrian offering a deal to the New Order of the Stone, clearly not caring that they need the Atlas to return home. (determinant)
What makes you think you can win when so many others have failed, huh?
~ Hadrian to Jesse in the Dormitory. (determinant)
Oh, I'll get out of your face. But I'll be laughing at your face from my nice, cushy box while I watch you BURN! I promise you that, you little NOTHING.
~ Hadrian to Jesse when he is trying to interview him or her. (determinant)
And you. You were supposed to eliminate Jesse! Our deal's off!
~ Hadrian cutting his deal with Emily despite everything she did to hold up her end of the bargain.
Tim is an inspiration to them, even when he is not here. One could say he's an inspiration BECAUSE he's not here.
~ Hadrian about 'Tim'.
Jesse: I'm not buying it, Hadrian. Is Tim even real?
Hadrian: I knew you were a smart one, bucko. Of course, he's not real.
~ Hadrian reveals that Tim was never real if Jesse asks him about it.
Tim gives them hope! He keeps them playing the games, but… no one wins, ever, which is why I think it'd be in your best interest to… play along.
~ Hadrian talking about how he's using the legend of Tim to control the competitors.
You wound me Jesse. Your barbed words. Ouch.
~ Hadrian to Jesse after the latter rightfully calls him a dirty cheater.
Hadrian: Incentive, Jesse. Incentive. See, even if you win… And that's a mighty big if, they'll be staying to work in the mines. Forever! Or, 'till they get their next shot at competing which is… still basically forever.
Olivia: No!
Jesse: Okay, so what's your deal?
Hadrian: If you lose the next match and go work in my mines, then I'll let your friends go. All of them! You'll just have to stay behind in their place. I hear it's TERRIBLE working in those mines, but aren't your friends worth it? Hmm?
~ Hadrian sadistically changing his deal toward Jesse about his or her friends being able to travel back to their own world, despite the fact that Hadrian would never honor his part of the deal and send them all to his mines in the Nether anyway.
Jesse: You have a deal.
Axel: Jesse!
Hadrian: There we go, sport fans! Well, I'll you that I'm pretty excited about this. I think we're all winners here, but just to be sure that you don't try to renege on me, we'll keep your friends nice and safe in here. Slab, be a pal and give our new friend a walk home?
Slab: Sure thing, boss. [to Jesse] Come on, squishy!
~ Hadrian after Jesse accepts his new deal (determinant).
Jesse: No way, Hadrian. I don't make deals with cheaters.
Hadrian: Fine! We'll play it YOUR way! Which is to say I will crush you, and you won't win anyway. Slab, get this garbage out of my office!
Slab: Sure thing, boss! [to Jesse] Come out, idiot!
~ Hadrian after Jesse rejects his new deal (determinant).
We had a DEAL! And you BROKE IT, BUCKO!!!!! We had an agreement! You PROMISED me!
~ Hadrian to Jesse in the Walls game if the latter accepted his deal.
So help me! NONE of you will leave this place until you ELIMINATE EACH OTHER!!!
~ Hadrian to the competitors in the Walls game if Jesse rejected his deal.
Your wish is my command, buckaroo.
~ Hadrian if Jesse tells him to take the Redstone Heart himself.
Mevia, come on! What kind of a rookie move was that?!
~ Hadrian to Mevia after she was eliminated, showing no sympathy.
Tah-tah, for now, bucko.
~ Hadrian insulting Jesse before attempting to give him or her his final blow.
I will personally see to it that you and your friends will forever suffer!
~ Hadrian threatening Jesse and his or her friends. (determinant)
Hadrian: Well, in a very unfortunate and unexpected twist, it appears we are in the land of chickens that are, indeed, the size of zombies! [notices one of the zombie-sized chickens flying close to his head]
Mevia: That's right, Hadrian, and it looks like we're just gonna—have to—wing it! [sees Hadrian looking at her] Wings? You-you-you–chicken wings, you know?
Hadrian: You're fired, Mevia. You're fired.
~ Hadrian, if he and Mevia are trapped in the world of zombie-sized chickens.
Hadrian: Well, in a very unfortunate and unexpected turn of events, it appears we are in the land of zombies that are, indeed, the size of chickens! Zombies that are the size of chickens. [notices one of the chicken-sized zombies attacking his leg and kicks it]
Mevia: That's right, Hadrian, and it looks like they're dying to meet us! [sees Hadrian staring at her] Get it? Because they're—undead and they're de–oh. Never mind.
Hadrian: Not your best work, Mevia.
~ Hadrian, if he and Mevia are trapped in the world of chicken-sized zombies.


  • Hadrian is the last episodic antagonist to appear in Minecraft: Story Mode, the first three being Aiden, the White Pumpkin, and PAMA.
  • Hadrian is quite physically strong, as shown when he simply kicks Jesse once (with his/her regular armor) and immediately takes out two hearts (or 1/5) of Jesse's health. In regular Minecraft, a simple punch generally takes out half a heart (or 1/20) of one's health, meaning that Hadrian's kick alone can do 4x more damage than an average human's punch.
  • Hadrian might have known Soren, because he has a book named A Man Forever Voyaging, by Soren.
  • Hadrian may have been named after (and might refer to) the real-world Roman emperor of the same name called Hadrian, who was the 14th emperor of the Roman Empire and was known for building "Hadrian's Wall".
    • This is heavily implied since one of the Games that he runs is "The Walls", which might be a nod to this.
  • Despite his evil qualities, Hadrian allows Slab to spend time in his office whenever he wants, although this is most likely for Hadrian's own convenience, given that he used him as nothing more than a pawn in his evil schemes.
  • The fact that Harper left the Old Builders and took the Redstone Heart while vowing to never return with it, as well as Harper's dread about Hadrian possessing the Heart implies that Hadrian may have been misusing its power before Harper left.

External links[]


           Minecrafting Villains

Vanilla Minecraft
Hostile Mobs
Ender Dragon | Wither | Piglins | Illagers

Creaking Hearts

Minecraft: Story Mode
Hostile Mobs | Ivor

Season 1
Wither Storm | The Blaze Rods (Aiden, Maya & Gill) | Soren the Architect | White Pumpkin | PAMA | Hadrian | Mevia | Em

Season 2
Romeo | Stella | Prismarine Foes | Warden

Minecraft Dungeons
Arch-Illager | Redstone Monstrosity | Obsidian Monstrosity

Hostile Mobs
The Nameless One | Piglins

Heart of Ender

Minecraft Earth
Hostile Mobs
Viler Witch

Minecraft Legends
Leaders: The Great Hog | The Seer | The Beast | The Devourer | The Unbreakable
Horders: Horde of the Hunt | Horde of the Spore | Horde of the Bastion

Orb of Dominance

