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Another ugly pathetic soul?
~ Hakamori upon meeting Isamu

Hakamori is a major anatgonist from the 2021 Roblox horror game, The Mimic. She appears in Jealousy's Chapter III as Isamu's guide through hell, before betraying him at the end end where she aids Shinigami in pursuing Isamu. She appears to be the guide for the sinners in hell


Jealousy's Book[]

Chapter III[]

The Cavern of Wealth[]

When entering the Cavern of Wealth, Hakamori will rise from the ground. She insults Isamu, calling him "another ugly pathetic soul" and then goes on to guide him on how to escape the caverns. After telling him to kill any monsters, ring the bells and exit through the gate, she disappears and doesn't appear until later on in the game.

Abandoned Village[]

She appears again a few stages later in the abandoned village. Here, she tells Isamu to avoid "the man" (this being Bugi) and feed his children to Nurikabe, warning him that everything in the village will try their hardest to devour him. She then disappears to return very soon.

Yurei's Mori[]

In Yurei's Mori, Hakamori informs Isamu that the Mori is the last layer before he will meet the dealer, she tells him to anger Yurei by stealing her treasure, telling him Yurei is the "key". She then leaves him to collecting the treasure from each house.

Shinigami's lair[]

At the end of the chapter, she betrays Isamu, allowing Shinigami to stand ontop of her as she advances towards Isamu, despite her desperate attempts, Isamu survives and successfully leaves hell, leaving Hakamori and Shinigami behind.


Hakamori is a red monster with a baby like face, with black lipstick. She has 2 arms at the upper back of her head and two more arms at the lower back of her head, her body is a red tube.


Hakamori is shown to be a sassy and rude demon, insulting sinners and considering them "ugly and pathetic. However, she is also shown to be helpful, guiding sinners through the layers of hell, this help is all likely fake though, due to to her betraying Isamu at the end and aiding Shinigami in pursuing him.


Evil God[]

Since Evil God is the ruler of Jigoku, and Hakamori is a demon from Jigoku, it is possible that she respects him and may also work for him.


In game, she is shown to serve Shinigami, helping him catch up to Isamu during the chase sequence, she likely also respects him, always referring to him with a formal title such as "The dealer".

Isamu Uchiumi[]

She is shown to be rude to Isamu, insulting him. But she also guides Isamu through the layers of hell. However, all this help is simply a façade due to her betraying Isamu at the end.


Chapter III[]

Cavern of Wealth[]

"Hoya hoya yattekita ne."

"Another ugly pathetic soul?"

"Heard from the old man you're looking for the dealer"

"If you wish to escape this layer, ring all the bells"

"Then, use that little stick of yours to get rid of any other creatures."

"There will be a gate waiting for you, along with a special guest."

Abandoned village[]

"Well look who it is."

"I'm surprised you made it this far."

"Most souls perish withing the first layer and you've gone quite far."

"The man here, his children, feed them to the one blocking your path."

"Beware.....everything here will do whatever it takes to consume a delicious soul like yours..."

Yurei's Mori[]

"Consider this your last layer till you meet him."

"Anger the spirit here by stealing their treasure"

"Keep in mind the spirit is the key"


  • She was the original gatekeeper of hell before being replaced by Gozu and Mezu
  • She shares the same voice actress with Kuishinibo
  • She used to be called "Amanojaku" before being changed around a day later
  • The kanji in the name Hakamori (墓守) means "grave keeper" in english



Rulers of Jigoku
Shinigami | Evil God

The Four Beasts
Kintoru | Enzukai | Yuma | Netamo

The Masashige Family
Biwaki Masashige | Daku Masashige | Futaba Masashige | Hiachi Masashige | Kaito Masashige | Keiko Masashige | Kuriko Masashige | Megumi Masashige | Mihari Masashige | Hirosa Masashige | Shizu Masashige | Kazeko Masashige | Hanzu Masashige

Kiiroibara Cult
Enzukai | Senzai Uchiumi | Rin and Mio Tsushima | Nagisa | Shosai | Tsukiya | Takane | Kyogi | Zuboshi | Kurayami | Dodomeki

Halloween Trials
Kabocha | Nagemi | Taiyo

Nightmare Circus
Ronnie | Ringmaster

Demons of Jigoku
Yurei | Nejibishoma| Akihito Uchiumi | Shinchu | Hakamori | Statues | Bugi | Mimic Isamu | Dodomeki | Haishaku | Train Monster

Aka Manto | Fleshbags | Hyakume | Kishin | Krampus | Tokitos | Umibozus | Jikininkis | Ryoshi | Kuishinbo | Teiryu | Gashadokuros
