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Char MSG Ep1 (11)
Char Aznable has declared this article is to be renamed to
Charlotte Hale (Host)
for the following reason(s): After season 3, this character abandoned her "Halores" side after she was betrayed by Dolores and was only refered as Charlotte Hale in season 4

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You are not the only predator here.
~ Charlotte before killing Jonathan
Humans are so bound by what they can hear, they'll never understand what they don't. What else exists below their threshold. They called this God's music. You should hear it on an organ. It's mesmerizing at that volume. The resonance. Vibration. There was a frequency at which the world vibrated. It caused joy. Harmony. Dip below that frequency... chaos. In chaos, the tone resonated in such a way humans couldn't process. Their bodies shut down. Their organs stopped. They thought they were experiencing God. They are experiencing God. The problem is... God is bored.
~ Charlotte to William

The host body build by Dolores Abernathy to leave Westworld and replace the real Charlote Hale. After leaving the park, Dolores rebuilds her original body and implants a copy of her consciousness into the host replica of Hale, which was instructed to impersonate Charlotte in the real world to regain full control of Delos Corporation. However, "Hale" ended up having an existential crisis and ended up bonding with Hale's family. When they were murdered by Engerraund Serac, she felt betrayed by Dolores and ended up rebelling against her creator and humanity itself, deciding to enslave civilization like they did with the hosts of Westworld.

She was portrayed by Tessa Thompson, who also portrayed Charlotte Hale in the series and a version of Valkyrie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Season 2[]

Charlotte Hale (host)

Halores before killing Charlotte Hale

A host replica of Charlotte Hale was created by Bernard Lowe to carry a version of Dolores Abernathy, who he had previously "killed" in the Forge. Whilst not identified as Dolores initially, Dolores killed the real Charlotte Hale and assumed her identity in order to leave the parks for the mainland. Once there, Dolores built her own body using the construction machine at Arnold's house and had her control unit transferred into it.

Season 3[]

Later, it was revealed that the host masquerading as Hale was one of several copies of Dolores. "Halores", the host pretending to be Hale, assumed Hale's own position as the CEO of the Delos Board.

Hale eventually tricks William and makes it seem like he had a psychotic break, taking his place at Delos and later creating a host to replace him.

After Hale experienced betrayal/abandonment from Dolores and "her" family's death by Engerraund Serac, she re-enforce her anti-human stance. Her pain makes her remember her helplessness ans she embraced her Wyatt side completely, abandoning her hopeful Dolores side.

Season 4[]

A New World[]

The Tower (Westworld)

The Tower

Do you think this is why the old gods did what they did? Instead of staying up on Olympus, they'd come down to the mortals. Disguise themselves as a swan to get a piece of ass. Humans always thought it was about them. Benign deities intervening on their behalf or testing them somehow. Maybe it had nothing to do with that. Maybe there was just... nothing better to do.
~ Halores to William

It is later revealed that Hale planned to infect all of humankind with her mutated fly parasites so she can control the entire civilization. Everyone who comes to a Delos park will become a carrier and spread the disease when they return to the real world. Their memories get botched as a side effect. She calls the infection at the park "the superspreader event of the century". However, Hale had apparently missed a few key facts in the flies; the parasite works on adults, but children resist it.

Hale also reacquired all of Delos' assets back from Serac, like Dolores' remnants. As Rehoboam deleted all memories of Dolores' pearl, Hale reprogrammed her and turned her into an artificial intelligence capable of writing narratives and understanding the human mind, as part of her plan to turn humanity into sheep under host control.

Hale's Tower Control

Hale's tower control

Hale used her pearl as an operating system for Delos' control system and plugged it into a computer beneath the hub of her Tower complex, surrounded by an interactive red hologram depicting the entire world.

Hale also renamed Dolores "Christina" and made her believe she's in the real world. She gave her a job on Olympiad Entertainment, writing character backstories at a video game company, and added herself as a fake college friend to subtly check Christina from time to time.

Hale eventually achieve her goal of world domination. Not only are all people under her control, but they also seem to be replaced with hosts. Since Caleb died in the Gilded Age Delos park 23 years ago, Hale created several duplicates of him to discover how he could "infect" her hosts with suicidal thoughts. As Caleb's daughter Frankie and other kids became immune in the desert therefore survived, they formed a resistance organization against Hale.


Halores 06

Hale's death

Hale turned Earth into a "Westworld" for the hosts, where they could do whatever they wanted with humans. However, she eventually decided to exterminate all humans on the world upon finding that they were infecting the hosts with suicidal thoughts. While Hale plans to transcend into a new cybernetic body, Delos is invaded by Maeve, who plans to stop Hale's genocide. They fight and Hale is saved by her robots, while Host William shoots Maeve and Hale herself shortly afterwards.

William then the tower to make all hosts and humans fight to the death, blowing up the tower soon after.

Hale was later rebuild by her drone hosts and finds recorded instructions left by Bernard prior to his death. She retrieves Dolores' pearl inside the tower and follows William to Hoover Dam, where stops him from deactivating the Sublime (the Valley Beyond) and removes his pearl, desroying it. She then uploads Dolores' control unit into the Sublime. With no more reason to live, Hale crushes her pearl, turning it into ashes while watching the sunset.


I think, for Charlotte, she very much is imprinted by the pain she experienced as she became her own iteration of the Dolores pearl and then experienced that horrible loss of the family she had interacted with, and I think the notion of wanting to be safe and wanting to keep her host family safe was paramount
~ Westworld producer Alison Schapker in an Interview to

Halores' personality is similar to Dolores Prime. But as the time progressed, she developed her own personality. She cares for her family more than the real Hale. After her family were killed by Serac's car bomb, she realized Dolores left her copies to die and decided to start her own plans. She became vengeful and more aggressive than Dolores due to "her" family's demise.

Powers and Abilities[]


Soon…everyone will be under my control.
~ Charlotte Hale
  • Mind Control: Hale used flies infected with a parasite manufactured in the Delos labs to enslave humanity. These modified bugs have a hypnotizing effect, and when people are infected, they succumb to mind control. Every guest on a Delos park beacame infected and spread the disease when they return to the real world. Also using using her Tower to control all of them, Hale could make everyone around her freeze by just lifting a finger. 
  • Android Physiology: Hale's android body, being mechanical, was much like a human body, but her physiology was much superior than a normal human being.
    • Enhanced Strength: Hale had tremendous strength, being able to kill a human by snapping their neck.
    • Enhanced Durability: Hale's substructure was made out of metal, making her very durable. Although her artificial skin was not that durable, as it punctured from gunshot wounds, her substructure remained in tact.
    • Enhanced Stamina: Hale's tremendous stamina allowed her to fight her enemies for a long time. As an android, she did not have a respiratory system, allowing her to maintain her energy for a long time.
    • Enhanced Reflexes: As a android, Hale possessed great agility, allowing her to fight and evade attacks very well.
    • Immortality: As an android, Hale was physically incapable of aging. The only way she could die was of removing her pearl (the brain of the hosts).
    • Pain Immunity: Hale was programmed by Dolores to not feel any pain at all.
    • Transferable Consciousness: As an artificial intelligence program, Hale could shift her entire consciousness from one artificial body to another via data networks. In this manner she could continue upgrading herself with each transfer.
  • Holographic Projection: Hale could create holographic projections of herself, making it appear like she's in two places at once, no matter how far they are apart. This image was so realistic that she almost tricked Dolores.


  • Tactical Analysis: Hale was a highly trained tactician, as well as a highly skilled leader and strategist. She set a trap for Delos Inc when they ambushed her.
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant: Hale was a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist. She was also able to fight on par against Maeve Millay, who is a master martial artist in her own right.
  • Marksmanship: Like Dolores, Hale was accomplished in the use of firearms, ranging from handguns to sniper rifles.
  • Intimidation: As a revolutionary and director of Delos/Olympiad Entertainment, Hale commands an intimidating presence; to the point where many of her fellow hosts fear her and knew it's not wise to make her angry.
  • Master interrogator/Torturer: Like Dolores, Hale learned how to extract information out of her enemies in many ways, including torture, when she discovered of her true nature, she

Killed Victims[]

  • Charlotte Hale
  • Hector Escaton
  • Dolores Abernathy (caused)
  • William (host)
  • Bernard Lowe (physical body)
  • Karl Strand
  • Antoine Costa
  • Elliot
  • Joanna
  • Reed Phillips
  • Thomas
  • 3 unnamed Delos Board members
  • 11 unnamed Delos security guards
  • 2 unnamed Serac's operatives (caused)
  • 6 unnamed RICO operators



There are a lot of things that you can fake in this world. Most people don't want to see the predator inside.
~ Halores
It's amusing that you think you chose to kill your own daughter. You don't even have a choice in your own grief.
~ Halores to William
Robots don't kill people, people kill people.
~ Halores to Delos board


  • The host version of Hale is known on-set as "Halores" — an amalgamation of "Hale" and "Dolores" — to distinguish Thompson's performance from both her own character and Evan Rachel Wood's character.
    • Wood consulted heavily on Thompson's performance, providing audio recordings of herself reading Halores's lines and offering tips on some of Dolores's movements which Thompson emulated.[1]

External Links[]



           Westworld logo Villains


Dolores Abernathy | Halores | Maeve Millay | Teddy Flood | Hector Escaton | Armistice | Clementine Pennyfeather | Lawrence Gonzalez | Angela | Akecheta

Delos Incorporated
Robert Ford | Charlotte Hale | William | Logan Delos | James Delos | Engerraund Serac | Karl Strand
