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Hank Schillinger is a minor antagonist in the HBO series Oz.


Growing up Hank's dad Vern never had much time for him unless it was to drill the ideals of the Aryan Brotherhood into his head. After Vern was sent to prison for attacking a man who was selling him drugs, Hank and his brother Andrew were taken in by their grandfather Heinrick, though he never had much affection for the boys.

Hank and Andrew both became massively addicted to drugs and stole from Heinrick to fund their habit. When he found out about this, he threw them out on the streets much to Vern's anger. At an unknown point, Hank married a woman named Carrie and pimped her out to several black men.

Season 4[]

Tobias Beecher feels guilty for the role he played in Andrew's death and is advised by Kareem Said to do something kind for Schillinger. Beecher hires his father to locate Hank and get him to see Vern. Hank agrees but only if he is supplied a large amount of cash for each visit in return. Despite the reservations of his father Beecher grants Hank's request.

When Hank starts visiting Vern is overjoyed, oblivious to the fact Hank is only there for his paycheck. Vern learns from Timmy Kirk that Beecher was behind the visits and is convinced it must be some sort of manipulation.

Schillinger then asks Hank to kidnap Beecher's two children Gary and Holly which he does though only aftter getting the highest possible price out of Vern. On Vern's orders, Hank later kills Gary and sends his severed hand to Beecher in the mail. Vern had planned to have Hank kill Holly at a later date but after Father Mukada speaks to him he has a surprising change of heart and orders Hank to safely return Holly to her grandparents.

As Hank is dropping Holly off, the FBI arrive and arrest him. Vern becomes scared that Hank will talk about him but luckily for him Hank is let off on a technicality which he delights in taunting Beecher about.

When Hank comes for his final visit he manipulates Vern into giving him some money for an expensive trip. Shortly after this Beecher arranges for Hank to be killed through Italian mob boss Chucky Pancamo. Vern is unsuspicious about his disappearance, thinking he just went on the trip.


           Oz titlecard Villains

Main Characters
Tobias Beecher | Vernon Schillinger | Ryan O'Reily | Bob Rebadow | Kareem Said | Miguel Alvarez | Cyril O'Reily | Chris Keller | Simon Adebisi | Arnold "Poet" Jackson | Kenny Wangler | James Robson | Shirley Bellinger

Other Inmates
Mark Mack | Mark Miles | Scott Ross | Jaz Hoyt | Jim Burns | Robert Sippel | Jefferson Keane | Jackson Vahue | Junior Pierce | Malcolm Coyle | Supreme Allah | Mondo Browne | Leroy Tidd | Moses Deyell | Reggie Rawls | Timmy Kirk | Padraig Connolly | Seamus O'Reily | Nino Schibetta | Dino Ortolani | Peter Schibetta | Antonio Nappa | Carmen "Chico" Guerra | Raoul "El Cid" Hernandez | Carlo Ricardo | Enrique Morales | Carlos Martinez | Donald Groves | Richard L'Italien | Jiggy Walker | Guillaume Tarrant

Prison Staff
Leo Glynn | Lenny Burrano | Karl Metzger | Clayton Hughes | Claire Howell | Martin Querns

James Devlin | Heinrick Schillinger | Hank Schillinger
