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Harold Lorre is a supporting antagonist in the Crossed franchise. He is the titular main antagonist in Crossed: Psychopath and has a few minor appearances in Crossed: Badlands.


Yellow Belly[]

Issue #3[]

During a battle with The Crossed, Edmund Wickenthorp saves Nicole after she was nearly raped by a Crossed man and goes to check on her to see if she's infected or not, but she suddenly turns around screaming in terror and Edmund accidentally shoots her in the head, blowing off a small chunk of her skull. Feeling more guilt than ever before, Edmund puts the barrel of his shotgun into his mouth and just as he's about to pull the trigger, Harold Lorre suddenly appears to tell him he has some advice for him that could one day make him "rule the world".

Issue #4[]

Harold Lorre tells Edmund that he's seen people fight The Crossed countless times and it almost always ends badly, though he believes the bikers are more than likely going to win this battle and they're going to be furious with Edmund if they find out he killed one of their own, even on accident. Edmund asks Harold what he should do and Harold tells him that he has to have sex with Nicole's dead body and without any convincing, Edmund joins Harold in the necrophilia, then is told by Harold that they didn't actually have to defile Nicole's body at all but to make it look like a Crossed did anyways and shoot off the rest of her skull to leave her unrecognizable, then leaves the traumatized Edmund all by himself with the knowledge he defiled an innocent woman's body for nothing.


Issue #1[]

Out in a desert somewhere in the United States, a group of four finds a man named Harold Lorre who has been trapped in a hole for six days with no food or water, as well as having a broken leg. They take pity on him and help settle his wound, then he tells them that he was following a group of ten people including a woman named Lori whom he loved on their way to New Jersey where one of them quietly mentioned that there's a possible cure there. However, a large group of Crossed attacked the survivors but him, since he managed to hide.

Unbeknownst to all of them, Harold isn't as pitiful and helpless as he appears to be, and is much smarter than all of them realize. Just by looking at all of them, he can tell who does what in the group: Rick is the leader since he seems the most rugged and practical, Claire gathers the food since he learned she used to be a park ranger, and both Darwin and Amanda were medical students who helped settle his leg and Darwin is attracted to her but she doesn't share his feelings and he also doesn't fully trust him. Harold quickly decides that Claire is a big distraction to himself since all he can think about when he sees her is thoughts of the two having sex, sometimes without her consent, so he plots to have her killed.

Issue #2[]

Before the outbreak of The Crossed, Harold Lorre was the owner of a small party store in Denver, where he would regularly stalk the women of his neighborhood when they entered his shop, including Lori. Back in the present, Harold thinks to himself about how he's using the group to his advantage and that his "mission" is a lie, there isn't a cure for the virus and they're not going to New Jersey to get it, only to kill The Crossed that took Lori away from him.

Later that night, Harold tells the group a story of a time when he had to dress up as a clown for a children's birthday party where the kids repeatedly abused him, and Harold went into the bathroom where he was followed by the birthday child's mother and he claims she "always wanted make love to a clown" but he simply passed out after this due to the heat. The story though is entirely made up in an attempt to "humanize" himself to the others, which works. In order to also look more sympathetic, Harold sits out on the porch where he pretends to cry. When Claire and Amanda step outside to ask what's wrong, he explains that he was once married and had two children, but when the Crossed pandemic hit, her then boyfriend got infected and proceeded to murder his ex-wife and then rape his children to infect them, so that they could eat her body. When Amanda and Claire asked what he did next, he says he ran the three of them over to put them out of their misery.

Harold goes on to say that as he left town, he saved Lori from a group of Crossed children, and the two "fell in love". In reality, the events of the apocalypse traumatized Lori so much that she went catatonic and Harold repeatedly raped her while "taking care of her" until a group of Crossed killed her. Claire comforts Harold, but all he can think about is murdering her and waits for the opportunity to kill her off. After hearing a wounded dog outside, Harold gets an idea on how to get her alone to have her killed: attract of group of Crossed to them to not bring suspicion to himself. The next day, the group finds of ammo casings and Harold tells the group they're from the same group that was headed to New Jersey and the fastest way to get to them was going straight through a town filled with Crossed, and the group believes his con.

Issue #3[]

Upon reaching the town, Harold does everything he can in order to stall the group so that they'd be forced to hide such as leaving behind cans of food The Crossed would be able to track, and the group eventually comes across a pharmacy. Nick and Amanda split up to go and gather any supplies they could find while Harold, Darwin, and Claire are forced to hide from The Crossed in the basement of a nearby store. Quickly after hiding, Harold manages to get himself alone with Darwin and suddenly stabs him in the throat with a broken bottle, and lies to him saying he had sex with Claire just before he dies simply to torture him a bit more.

After hiding Darwin's body, Harold crawls over to Claire where he lies to her saying Darwin was being cruel to him and asks if he could kiss her to catch her off guard and seem sympathetic, then lunges at her with his bottle while covering her mouth with a rag. Harold tells her that if she doesn't stay quiet and still so that he can rape her, he'll shove her outside so that The Crossed can mutilate her, and Claire reluctantly allows him to do whatever he wishes to her. Afterwards, Harold asks Claire if she was a "a whore" like he had always suspected her of being, though she denies it saying she was raped once. Harold then cruelly jokes that not she's been raped twice.

When Claire refuses to say that "she loved it", Harold knocks her unconscious with the blunt end of his bottle and then proceeds to rape her three more times. When she wakes up, he admits to her that he while he genuinely believed that she was "a whore" at first, he realized that he was just using that as an excuse to justify what he did to her. Harold goes on to say that while she isn't into an "ugly old man" like him, he has something that she might like, and reveals to her that he ripped off Darwin's face to wear it as a mask to have sex with her again while wearing it. Claire kicks Harold in the face out of fear, making him pick a cement floor panel and ecstatically beats her to death with it while fantasizing that all of her family and friends in Heaven were watching this all unfold. Harold then rips off the lips on her face to mutilate her body one last time.

Issue #4[]

In order to cover his tracks, Harold mutilates Darwin and Claire's faces even more to not only hide what he did to them but also put the blame on the group of local Crossed which Harold has dubbed "The Skinfaces", and then hides in a small crawl space behind a bunch of wires to tell Amanda that Darwin hid him up there to save him. Harold feels bad that a kind woman such as her had to see what "the Crossed" did to them, though this works in his favor as she now wants to kill them just as much as he does.

After leaving the town, Harold thinks back to his time with Lori where he proposed to her after raping her for the first time, but she still said nothing due to her being catatonic. Infuriated, Harold slaps her and leaves, then eventually returned only after a few hours to find that The Crossed had mutilated and raped her.

The group comes across an abandoned farm which surprisingly still has electricity and films to watch, which works in Harold's favor since Eric and Amanda are less likely to remember all the details of Darwin and Claire's murders. That night, Harold is horrified when he discovers Eric and Amanda having sex, and Harold begins to question whether or not Amanda is "a whore like Claire was" and fantasizes about raping her in his anger.

Issue #5[]

In order to get his revenge on the Bloodskins, the Crossed gang that killed Lori, Harold makes a plan where he, Amanda, and Nick disguise themselves as The Crossed with makeup and then start a gang-war with the Faceskins so that they'll all wipe each other out. Harold tells both Nick and Amanda if they ever find out they aren't Crossed, they'll forget their rivalry to focus on the three of them and kill them, since he was disguised himself as The Crossed for six months and kept his distance.

After finding a truck, the group drives back into the town where Darwin and Claire were murdered, and they start a fight with the Skinfaces by mercifully shooting an uninfected woman to seem like they killed their victim out of spite so they chase them down to get their revenge on them. After parking at an abandoned house, Amanda hides in one of them to take position as a sniper and hide while Nick and Harold stay in the truck to make a quick getaway.

After Amanda takes her shot however, Harold enacts his revenge on Nick for having sex with Amanda by torturously shooting him over and over in non-fatal places, breaking his jaw with his pistol so that he won't be able to call out to Lori or bite Harold, rapes him while admitting his crimes, and then finally dumps him where the Crossed had their gang war so that they can do the exact same thing and make it look like Nick was just another victim of the Crossed. After all of that, Harold finds the bag he's done all of this for and inside of it: one of Lori's severed breasts in a zip-lock bag.

Issue #6[]

After the gang war, Harold spends some time away from Amanda to let her worry and so he can have some "quality time" with Lori's severed breast, who he starts to pretend is actually Lori and that she's still alive. While spending time in an abandoned home, one of Harold's crutches knocks over a map that attracts one of The Crossed, so Harold cowardly hides under the bed forgetting to get his gun in his bag. After the Crossed flips over the mattress and not the frame itself, he finds Lori's severed breast and nearly takes it out of the bag to eat it, and Harold darts for his gun. He's nearly killed in the process, but Harold manages to kill the Crossed man, and then makes his way to Amanda at their rendezvous point.

Once there, Amanda is ecstatic to see that Harold is still alive and tells Harold she wants to wait for now to hear what happened to Nick, and Harold imagines himself having sex with Amanda. However, he quickly snaps himself out of his delusion as he realizes he only ever did this for Lori, and tells Amanda he brought the both of the dinner so they can briefly pretend the world is still fine while he plans to do something terrible to her.

Issue #7[]

Without Amanda's knowledge of what it is, Harold goes into the restaurants kitchen where he cooks Lori's severed breast and then brings it back to her in a pot, and she immediately throws up upon smelling it. Harold ties her to a chair with wires in her weakened state and then gags her. Harold admits to her that not only did her kill Darwin, Claire, and Nick, but that he also had lied about New Jersey and the possibility of a cure. He believes that her friends were "bad people" who were corrupting her supposed innocence and that by forcing her to drink the stew of her infected meat, her good nature will overcome the infection and Lori will be "resurrected" within her.

After removing her gag, Amanda tells Harold that there's plenty of evil within her and if he infects her, she's just gonna mutilate him and kill him, all while telling him things that will break his heart such as Lori never actually loving him. Amanda then tells that the man in his framed picture isn't him because he's actually attractive and that she'd have sex with him. Infuriated, Harold punches her to the ground while calling her a "whore", then tells her he's going to rape her.

Not wanting to turn, Amanda tells Harold that she'll willingly drink the stew but asks if she can kiss Harold one last time and when he obliges, she bites off his lips. Just before Harold kills her, Amanda manages to sever one of her hands with the cords and knock him to the ground before running away. Knowing he could never catch her with his bum leg, Harold poorly sews his lips back onto his face and keeps her severed hand, then leaves the restaurant to find another woman to replace Lori.


Since Harold himself is not a doctor in any way and did a rather poor job sewing his lips back onto his face at the end of Psychopath, it's possible that Harold eventually passed away due to the infection that would surely come soon afterwards, though as of now it's unknown if this is the case.


  • Harold Lorre's Ex-Wife's Crossed Boyfriend - Ran over by Harold Lorre, mentioned, shown in a flashback.
  • Harold Lorre's Crossed Son and Daughter - Ran over by Harold Lorre, mentioned, shown in a flashback.
  • Three Crossed Children - Ran over by Harold Lorre, mentioned, shown in a flashback.
  • Darwin - Stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle by Harold.
  • Claire - Beaten to death with a cement floor panel by Harold.
  • Two Dogs - Killed by either Harold, Amanda, or Nick off-panel.
  • Rick - Shot repeatedly, jaw broken, raped, and left to die by Harold.
  • Crossed Man - Shot to death by Harold.
    • Total - 12



           Crossed Logo Villains

The Crossed
Edmund Wickenthorp's Father | Face | Horsecock | Joseph Pratt Jr. | Joyce Pratt
King Rat | Mattias Vichnyak | Sheriff Lorna Bishop | Stump | Beauregard Salt

Ashley and Ashlynne | Beauregard Salt | Clint Long | Clooney | Danger Montana | Edmund Wickenthorp
Gideon Welles | Great Kong | Greg Costello | Harold Lorre | Harris | Joe Pratt | Macavoy | Manatee Mike
Nathan | Richie | Sergei Naryishkin | Sir Killweather | Steve

The Livers