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Akane Tendo... I love you. I was content to worship you from afar... just like this... I was content... until that fool Saotome... that fool Saotome... That fool Saotome! Coming out of nowhere. Winning my Akane's hand overnight. That fool Saotome. THAT FOOL SAOTOME!! THAT FOOL SAOTOME!!
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi introducing himself to the audience.
No matter how strong he is... every man has a weak spot. Find it... and he's finished. Freshman, Group F. Hikaru Gosunkugi. You wouldn't know me, no one does. But I know Ranma Saotome. Shall I tell you his weak spot?
~ Hikaru conversing with Ryoga, Chapter 37.
Hikaru Gosunkugi (五寸釘 光, Gosunkugi Hikaru?) is a minor antagonist in the romantic comedy/martial arts manga series titled Ranma ½ and its 1989 anime adaptation.
An antisocial high school student fascinated with voodoo dolls and occultism, Hikaru Gosunkugi fell into insane obsession with the main protagonist of the series, Akane Tendo. Being one of the few characters who lack any experience with martial arts, this stalker-type character appears very rarely, often becoming absent for few dozens of chapters between his appearances. Whenever he becomes the antagonist, he always forms traps meant to either kidnap his object of love or to incapacitate his love rival, Ranma Saotome. However, he always fails and quietly retreats to the shadows, where he would nail a wooden doll to the tree in attempt to put a curse on Ranma.
Hikaru Gosunkugi is a skinny, almost malnourished youth in his mid-teens, characterised by his short black hair, tight ghostly-white skin, barely noticeable pupils and dark circles under his eyes. He is generally seen wearing two types of outfits: gakuran uniform or white karate uniform with candles strapped to his head.
Hikaru Gosunkugi is quiet, antisocial, nerdy and overall very creepy individual, who lacks any combat skills and is therefore often beaten up by his peers, who frequently steal his lunch money, leaving him malnourished. Any of his attempts to be heroic always end in further humiliation due to his immense clumsiness, to the point where he is not viewed as a real threat to any of characters and more of annoyance. He fills up for his lack of friends with his interest in voodoo dolls and occultism, carrying a duo of a hammer and a nail as his signature attributes, occasionally attempting to use them as both means of defense and offense. He stays out of fights due to his crippling fragility and prefers to curse his opponents using occultism and performing rituals.
Like many characters in the series, Hikaru has developed a deep crush on Akane Tendo ever since he goes to Furinkan High School, but lacks any courage to confess or even speak to her. He instead resorts to constantly stalking her by stealthily taking photos of her using his camera, even in her own garden, as well as creating highly complex traps with multiple-scenario contingencies that he uses for his attempts to kidnap her. Similarly, he hates Ranma with burning passion for "stealing" Akane from him and "bullying" him, although Saotome thinks little of him besides regarding Gosunkugi as disgusting creep. Hikaru especially hates it when Ranma saves him from bullying, regarding it as an insult. In contrast, Akane is kind towards him and holds no grudge, even when he tried to use mind control on her.
Hikaru sometimes shows signs of being a pervert, disguising himself as a girl on numerous occasions in attempt to confuse his targets long enough to activate his traps. He openly daydreams of starting a family with Akane, openly lusting in front of her in anime and getting excited every time she speaks to him.
Manga Canon[]
Neko-Ken Arc[]
Hikaru Gosunkugi is first introduced spying on Akane Tendo in a gym class through a window, taking photos of her. He is caught red-handed by Ranma Saotome and three more schoolboys, to which he speaks normally. His schoolmates ask him to make copies for them and Ranma is disgusted, only to be smacked in the head by Akane through the window. As he falls, Gosunkugi rips a single hair from his ponytail and runs off. He puts it in a wooden doll and attempts to nail it to the tree, only to accidentally hit himself in the finger with a hammer. Holding his bruised finger, a bunch of girls whisper behind his back.
Later on, Tatewaki Kuno gives Ranma a piece of paper written by Gosunkugi, asking them to meet him at the gym hall. He later speaks with Tatewaki outdoors, bluffing to tell him Ranma's weak spot. When he says he has no idea what this is, Hikaru is smacked by Tatewaki. He goes on to photograph Ranma's movements for a whole week, but his rival was always aware of his presence and smiled to the photos. All three boys meet at the gym hall, and Gosunkugi, after failing to find Ranma's weak spot, drops a pack of anthropoids, snakes and frogs on his head to see if he was afraid of crawling animals.
However, Saotome had no reaction to these animals whatsoever, much to Kuno's frustration. Ranma runs outside and trips, screaming in fright. Kuno and Gosunkugi run to cheek what terrified him, but they both fall into a hole that Hikaru dug earlier to see if his rival is scared of falling. They both end up not finding out Ranma's fear.
Muttering to himself, Hikaru Gosunkugi tries to nail a voodoo doll to the tree in Tendos' garden, only to be spotted by Soun Tendo, Akane's father. Akane herself runs to find Gosunkugi standing awkwardly and he greets her, immediately getting excited about managing to talk to her. Ranma also sees him, as he was on the very tree he tried to nail a wooden doll, and yells to his ear after lying about telling Gosunkugi his weak spot, who manages to get away.
After a session of practising partial arts, Ranma suspects Gosunkugi to be hiding in a bush, only to find a cat in here, an animal that he is scared of. Hearing his scream, Gosunkugi runs to find out what terrified him. Saotome continues to be spooked by his family members, passing out as they drop him to the pit of cats, as Hikaru hides underneath the house and discovers his weakness. Happy, having a face covered in scratch marks, Gosunkugi promises to deliver Ranma a "feline hell".
Walking down the hallway with Akane, Ranma reads a letter from his locker about Akane being held hostage in a theater hall. As they arrive, they find Gosunkugi tied up and in a dress. Akane questions his behavior, getting Gosunkugi excited about her talking to him, before activating his trap that sends Akane down to the pit. Having his rival on top of him, Gosunkugi activated a spare trap that sends them both to the pit alongside Akane. He hands over fish sausages to Ranma and releases cats, which begin to swarm him. Despite being at the edge of his senses, Ranma tries to deny his fear of cats, to which Gosunkugi falls into sadness due to having trouble setting up a trap. Akane tries to leave, but in her attempt, she releases a tiger.
A massive predator drives Ranma, Akane, Gosunkugi and the cats into a corner. Gosunkugi justifies bringing a tiger as means to scare Ranma and begins clinging to Akane in his last moments, just as the cats cling to Ranma in fear, terrifying him into a deep madness. Ranma starts behaving like a cat, confusing the tiger and tearing his way out of the theater hall. A terrified striped feline falls into Kuno's arms, and they both narrowly dodge Ranma's swipe that tears apart Tatewaki's wooden sword. The tiger runs off, while Kuno throws his defiled weapon like a stick to distract crazed Ranma, all while Hikaru makes his escape and observes as Ranma shreds apart a tree into confetti and kisses Akane.
Hikaru had taken a picture of both kissing, and nails it to the tree in anger. However, Ryoga Hibiki shows up out of nowhere and punches a tree in half, and they both go confront Ranma about the kiss in his house alongside Tatewaki.
Romeo and Juliet Arc[]
One day, Furinkan High drama departament organises a theater play of Juliet and Romeo, with Akane set as Juliet. Gosunkugi is among many candidates, immediately nailing his name to the table board. He is excited to play Romeo, knowing that he will have the excuse to talk to Akane. Next day, Gosunkugi appears as the grim reaper at the theatre rehearsal. Tatewaki and Ranma both volunteer to play Romeo, with Hikaru internally panicking that he cannot face them directly. Ranma catches Hikaru's nail with his fingers with no effort, then grabs him by the collar. However, Akane stops the fight and reminds them that they are doing a play, not a massacre.
Another day, Ranma finally agrees to play Romeo. Hikaru cross-dresses as a girl, expressing his joy over Ranma's acceptance of his role, offering him a costume that he had knit all by himself, where he planted a bomb. However, Saotome sees through his trap and gives him his costume back, which explodes. Gosunkugi would later return on a day of play, disguising himself as a piece of a furniture. As Happosai interrupts the play and Ranma jumps in to stop him, Hikaru reveals himself, but Ranma kicks him away a second later.
Despite his and her parents encouraging a kiss between him and Akane, Ranma refuses to kiss her. Tatewaki, Hikaru and Happosai are glad to take his role, with hard refusal on Akane's part. Happosai wants to switch to a wedding scene, to which Akane responds by forcing him to drink himself to unconsciousness and trapping him in a barrel, while Tatewaki is tied up after trying to get Akane drunk. As Ranma argues with Tatewaki, Gosunkugi shows up out of nowhere and puts chloroform rubber over her mouth, causing her to faint.
Hikaru threatens to kill Akane if they dare to interfere, but had no strength drag her off. Ranma then ties up Hikaru Gosunkugi, Happosai and Tatewaki, and after strong encouragement from Soun, he and Akane kiss. In the aftermath, Hikaru can be briefly seen on the party, sitting in sadness and treating himself with snacks.
Cookie Battle Arc[]
Kodachi Kuno, Tatewaki's sister who is romantically interested in Ranma, decides to sneak out of her girls-only school to treat Ranma with her cookies. He accidentally falls on top of her due to a crowd of girls chasing Happosai, who has stolen their underwear. The fall results in an accidental kiss, which is captured by Gosunkugi. The quiet boy wondered what to do with that photo, to which Kodachi asked him to make duplicates. She would later use them to blackmail Ranma.
Ultimate Weakness Moxibustion Arc[]
When Ranma interrupted one of Happosai's attempts to steal underwear from girls' locker girl, the old man was fed up with him and burned a mark on his back which took away all of Saotome's superhuman abilities. Happosai would then inform every person in the town about Ranma's weakness and locked him in a school storage room, tied up. Gosunkugi appeared out of nowhere, lit the dark room with a candle and released Ranma, which confused him as Hikaru should be holding a grudge on him. Beady-eyed boy explained that he wanted to wait until everyone else is finished with him.
Suddenly, the Principal, Tatewaki and Mousse showed up and began beating up Ranma. Contradicting his words, Hikaru joined the one-sided massacre, wielding his signature weapon, the hammer. However, Ryoga appeared out of nowhere and rescued his friend, sending Gosunkugi flying alongside three other characters.
Paper Dolls of Love[]
One day, Gosunkugi became aware of Akane's tendency to jog every morning and started to wait at one exact spot, wanting to join her in a run. However, he was in no condition to keep up with her and got trampled during one of Ranma's fights with panda. Humiliated once again, Gosunkugi decided to go back home. Then a strange man approached him, offering him twelve magic paper dolls that could control person's movements by writing a command and placing them on their backs. They used the first two trying to negotiate the price.
In the morning, Gosunkugi approached Saotome and tested paper dolls on him, causing him to fall from the benches in gym class. Proving that they work, Gosunkugi immediately tried to make Akane go out with him, but could not force himself to approach her, as she spoke his name in confusion, leading to his uncontrollable joy. His classmates figured out his trick, further proven by Gosunkugi openly placing them on Ranma's back to get away. However, he placed a paper doll meant for Akane on Ranma's back, which led to him asking Hikaru on a date. They went to an amusement park and played until he placed another paper doll on his back, telling him to stop.
Frustrated, Gosunkugi tried to slap another paper doll on Akane, but Ranma saw through his trick and shielded Akane. He accidentally placed a paper doll on Tatewaki, who accordingly forced Hikaru to read his diary and then write something for him to read. Gosunkugi tried to manipulate Ranma to have a fight with Akane, but the boy caught him mid-placement. Speak of the devil, Akane came in and told Ranma to stop picking on his classmate. Both began to argue, but Hikaru was not allowed to place a paper doll on neither.
Gosunkugi managed to command Ranma to sit behind him in the class. However, he was shocked to see that he had one more paper doll left, wasting it on telling the girl not to hate him.
Hikaru Gosunkugi was driven into a corner and surrounded by four masked bullies, all way larger and stronger than him. They demanded he hand them over all of his money. In response, he took out a nail and a hammer out of his bag, trying to stab one of them with it, but he dodged. Angered, they all began kicking him as he lied on the ground. Suddenly, Ranma Saotome came in and defeated all of the bullies in a blink of an eye. Hikaru was excited when Akane also joined the scene and spoke to him. However, his humor faded when Ranma said what he thought was an insult and ran off, swearing revenge.
At home, Gosunkugi read a magazine about One-Punch, a powered suit of armor that lets weaklings fight bullies. He immediately ordered it and put it on, but could not move well in it due to not reading the instructions first. Three days later, Ranma got a letter from Gosunkugi, who challenged him into a fight. The suit had three rules of limitations that made it useless outside the fight: the user could not move until they are chained to a person they hate, they must land one punch within five minutes or else the armor will explode, and they only can land one punch.
Excited at the thought of beating up Ranma, Gosunkugi chained up to him and ran to the school pitch, swinging him around with ease and taking all of his blows with no damage. Akane arrived and Hikaru's excitement grew. However, they both realized about the time limit and Ranma began dodging all of Gosunkugi's hits, causing the armor to explode on their faces.
The rest of the series[]
Hikaru Gosunkugi has no other relevant appearances after One-Punch chapter, although he does make appearances in chapter 329, 386 and 407, in the latter where he is seen sobbing in the background as Akane marries Ranma, thus cementing Gosunkugi's ultimate loss, his love for Akane always meant to be unfulfilled from the very start.
1989 Anime Canon[]
Enter Gosunkugi, The New Rival?[]
Hikaru Gosunkugi debuts in the sixth season of 1989 anime adaptation, after having most of his roles taken by anime-exclusive character Sasuke Sarugakure. In his very first appearance, he picks up a roadside flower and begins plucking off its petals, wondering if he should make a friend or not. He trips over a rock, causing the flower to be crushed, so he furiously smashes rock to pieces with a nail and a hammer. He is then trampled by Ranma Saotome, who wanted to avoid having to eat lunch made by Akane. Speaking of her, Gosunkugi is also trampled by her, falling in love with her as she apologises to him. He asks if she wants to have a wooden doll that he made, but Yuka and Sayuri also appear, showing interest in his dolls.
He is then introduced as a transfer student of Class F of Furinkan High School. He sits at the back of the class, being offered a lunch by Akane after Ranma refuses to eat it. Gosunkugi is touched by this and wants to eat the meal immediately, but Ranma warns him that Akane's terrible cooking has horrible effects on digestive system and that he is no condition to eat it. After an argument, a lunch made by Akane lands directly on Gosunkugi's head, which leads Akane to run off, angry at Ranma.
During a lunch break on the school's rooftop, Hikaru approached two boys who were conversing with Ranma. He learned that Akane is Ranma's fiance. He would stare at Akane during a gym class, admiring her movements, falling to notice a group of students, who collapsed on top of him, breaking his arm. Furious, Gosunkugi would go on to try to curse Ranma's name by nailing a wooden doll to the tree, but he accidentally hit his finger and yelled out in pain. He was slightly cheered up when two girls greeted him, only to hit himself on a branch.
Hikaru went on to dig a deep hole in the ground, but it was discovered by his classmates, who cut off Hikaru's means to escape. Tatewaki would later fall into the pit and confront Gosunkugi about it, while classmates sealed off the entrance again. Next day, he tried to spy on Akane, only to get bitten by an angry dog a couple of times. He set a trap for Ranma, who explained that he means no harm to him, only to be smacked in the head for criticising Akane's cooking. Tatewaki fell for his trap again and for the third time on a rooftop, when Gosunkugi tried to use black magic to curse Ranma, only to electrocute himself. Ranma "rewarded" his efforts by letting him eat a lunch prepared by Akane, only for him to have a terrible stomachache the following day.
The Case of Furinkan Stalker![]
One gloomy, windy night, a young girl was walking through the streets by herself. Upon sensing presence of someone else, she starts walking faster, breaking into run. She turns around, seeing no other soul on the street. However, when she turned back around, she saw a masked man right up her face. She screams and cries, as the man leaves a caterpillar by her face and runs off into the darkness of the night.
The following day, the entire school is conversing about a mysterious figure, who stalks only girls from Furinkan High School. They suspect Ranma of it, due to his skills in both martial arts and stealth. Akane is interrogated, but she never even heard of this accident. One of them met Furinkan Stalker as she was leaving the school late due to her clean-up duties. Run as she might, the caped figure followed her like a shadow. Only when she hit him in the head with her bag, the enigmatic character had ceased their pursuit, with a ponytail showing as they clenched their head in pain. Others elaborated that they heard a stalker refer to themselves as "Ranma Saotome".
Akane ponders about the possibility of Ranma being the Furinkan Stalker, eventually finding a black mask with red mouth and eyes under his desk. As she was about to return home after groceries, Akane sensed a presence of someone following her. The stalker themselves appeared right around the corner, however Akane would not run away, but rather face the figure, confusing them. The Furinkan Stalker would not have any of that, turning back and running away. The girl tried to trip them by throwing an apple, only for them to disappear.
At home, Akane asked Ranma some questions about why he went straight home instead of having groceries with her like he promised. She noticed his clothes being all dusty and dirty, raising further suspicion. Ranma, full of rage, denied every argument behind him being a stalker and arrived to school the next day, being a subject of gossip from his classmates. Gosunkugi observed it, full of happiness. He appeared behind Ranma in the classroom and talked to him, only to be pinned to the wall by a frustrated Ranma. He said he understands how he feels and that they could be best friends, only to be kicked in the face by Ranma.
During the class, Gosunkugi was staring at Akane, fantasizing to himself about Ranma being a class freak, how he would save Akane from Ranma and how he would start a family with her. Noticing that, the teacher told Ranma, Akane and Gosunkugi to "cool off" in the hallway. Ranma was burning with anger, Akane was distressed, while Hikaru could not stop giggling. On afternoon, Ranma in his female form began to question people at his school, but would not find any answers. Tired, she went to sleep on the bench, only for a spider to suddenly appear on her face.
Frightened, she threw the creature on the ground. Ranma then noticed a Furinkan Stalker, laughing to himself. When she entered the pursuit, he threw a handful of anthropods, reptiles and frogs. However, the stalker was cornered by Akane and Ranma. Smug, he decided to reveal himself as Gosunkugi dressed as Ranma with his ponytail. They recognized him immediately, and Ranma revealed his ability to shift gender when he is splashed with hot water, reverting to male. He and Akane then beat Gosunkugi senseless. While defeated, the pair never outed the Furinkan Stalker's identity, with Hikaru bringing Ranma a lunch.
Both boys converse their deal on a rooftop, with Gosunkugi massaging Ranma's back, ready to stab him with a nail. However, Ranma remembered about his soccer and ran away, causing Hikaru to accidentally pluck the head of the nail to his nostril.
Akane Goes to the Hospital![]
In the gym class, Hikaru Gosunkugi was taking photos of Akane Tendo, with other boys asking him to take more for them. Ranma was disgusted by this, only for them to mention that he lives together with her, as Gosunkugi kept photographing her and showing images to his pocket. Saotome eventually felt like Hikaru was taking it too far and tried to stop him, only for the other to restrain him. Ranma flipped over a boy who was restraining him, causing two boys to fall onto Gosunkugi, tripping him and causing his camera to flash, blinding Akane for a fraction of a second and causing her to fall, breaking her ankle. The girl was then taken to the hospital, while the four boys were branded guilty.
At night, Gosunkugi nailed dozens of voodoo dolls to the trees all over the forest. However, wearing only a thin ritual robe in the cold night, he went sick the day after. It did not stop him from visiting Akane alongside the rest of her classmates tomorrow. Wearing a mask over his face, he trembled and barely stood on his feet, carrying her a medicine with pentagrams on every bottle, which he used all the time. He collapsed a moment later and was taken by an ambulance.
Gosunkugi's Paper Dolls of Love[]
Hikaru mesmerised Akane's exercising schedule, waiting every morning at 6:30 to see her pass through neighbour's gate. One day, he attempted to run with her, only to be trampled by Ranma and panda fighting. He was then approached by a strange man, who offered him a paper dolls that could force his target to do anything he wanted if he could place it on their back. His very first action was to use it on that man to give the dolls to him for free, however the man eventually won and forced him to pay.
On the fitness test, Gosunkugi tested one of the dolls on Ranma, causing him to fall from a bench. Later that day, Saotome encountered Gosunkugi sitting on the stairs, only for him to slap one of the dolls on his back. This caused a careless student on a rooftop to drop a banana peel on a bird, who carried it right under Ranma's foot as he passed near the window, causing him to fall from the stars and ruin a sculpture made by two other students. In the library, he ambushed Akane, but did not account for Tatewaki jumping out of nowhere and hugging her, which placed a paper doll on his back.
The paper doll had "Please take me out" written on it, meaning that Gosunkugi wanted to be taken on a date. Tatewaki began to attack him with a wooden sword, only for Hikaru to dodge every attack and run away. The quiet boy eventually came back to his class in bruises, despite Akane's attempts to stop Tatewaki. Ranma caught him writing something on a paper doll, but Gosunkugi was saved when Akane interfered and told him to stop bullying Hikaru. The miserable boy tried to break up their fight, given that he had not placed a paper doll on any of them yet, but was punched away.
In the locker room, Gosunkugi managed to slap a paper doll on Akane, causing her to ask him out. Hikaru happily agreed and ran out of school, dancing on his way to home, which was seen by Ranma. Gosunkugi was wondering where he should go with her and what they should do, his mind imagining him being a husband to Tendo while Ranma roots away. He suddenly crashed into a street lamp, and saw a crying girl, who was actually a female Ranma. Gosunkugi did not recognize Saotome and offered to give her a stomach medicine with water. Immediately after taking it, Ranma fell asleep on a bench, freaking out Hikaru, as he gave her sleeping pills.
Thinking quickly, he put a paper doll on her back to wake her up. Ranma kept pretending that her stomach hurts, noticing paper dolls in Gosunkugi's hand. Due to her insistence, he foolishly explained her mechanics behind paper dolls. Ranma took one and commanded Gosunkugi to run uncontrollably. He was asked by a biker why he kept running, but Gosunkugi had no control of his body. He quickly figured it out by slapping another paper doll on his back, stopping himself only to be run over by a biker.
Gosunkugi woke up in the middle of the night, feeling nervous about his date. He slapped one of his two remaining paper dolls on his back to sleep well. However, he overslept and arrived just after the classes were finished. Akane told him that their date was tomorrow, much to Gosunkugi's confusion. She ran away, and Hikaru was confronted by Ranma, who revealed that he removed a paper doll from Akane's back, causing Hikaru to pass out from fear. He immediately woke up and ran away in laughter to use his last paper doll on Akane.
Imagining Akane giving a birth to their son, only to stop dissociating reality from his mind and act bizarre in front of her. As Akane decided to leave with her friend, the boy woke up and slapped the last paper doll on her back, to Ranma's protests. She turned around and called him her friend, and when Ranma read the text from the paper doll, it asked her not to hate him. Gosunkugi quickly regretted not commanding Akane to fall in love with him.
Tatewaki Kuno, Substitute Principal[]
After Principal Kuno hands over the administration over school to Tatewaki, Hikaru Gosunkugi briefly mutters to himself that he is going to join the Enforcers' Squad to get his revenge on Ranma. However, he says it out loud and within the vicinity of Saotome's hearing, scaring Gosunkugi. He is later seen being restrained by the two Enforcers on his quest to join. When one of the students complains about school's rules, Gosunkugi suddenly barges into the conversation and convinces him to defy Tatewaki's rule, only to immediately call in the reinforcements. He is seen chuckling to himself when Tatewaki forbids Ranma from buying school lunch for a week. He also banned Ranma from using school's toilets, to which Gosunkugi is furiously kicked out of the window by Ranma.
Hikaru Gosunkugi appears once again on the dinner between Ranma, Akane, Ukyo Kuonji and Nabiki Tendo. He is glad to offer help to Akane, attempting to nail a doll to the wall to curse Tatewaki, only to hit himself in the finger with his huge mallet and collapse onto the floor from pain.
Gosunkugi's Summer Affair![]
In his sixth and the last appearance in 1989 anime, Hikaru Gosunkugi was heard by Ranma talking to his voodoo doll under Akane's house, complaining that he gets to live with Akane under the same roof. He crawls out and furiously nails the voodoo doll to the tree, but was spotted by Ranma, as it was morning. Akane and the restless ghost of a girl named Kogane Musashi join in, and Kogane is immediately captured by Gosunkugi's doll. He was baffled by this and offered to show her his collection of voodoo dolls, explaining how to perform a ritual in front of Akane's family.
Later that night, Gosunkugi took Kogane to the cemetery, where she continued to appreciate his taste in romanticism and gave him a necklace. Suddenly, Happosai interrupted their date, trying to assault her, but being unable to do so due to her intangibility. The couple sat on the grave, with Hikaru trying to touch her hand, only for the old man to grab it and start smacking Gosunkugi in the head. In the morning, Akane and Ranma conversed about Gosunkugi falling in love with a ghost, to which the Hikaru flipped a table and threw a tantum, demanding them to deny that Kogane is a ghost.
When Akane confirmed his fears, Gosunkugi screamed when she touched Saotome and ran out of the house. Meanwhile, Kogane was sobbing in her room about how kind Gosunkugi was. Ranma found the miserable boy sitting under a bridge, looking at the river. He explained his love for the ghost girl, having to let go of Akane first to be true to Kogane. As they arrived back to Akane's house, Kogane revealed that she has to go back already, freaking out Gosunkugi, who struggled to hold back tears. Seeing his misery, Happosai strayed the cradles with water, blocking Kogane's path. She said that if she cannot return, she would turn into a zombie.
A moment later, evil spirits appeared to drag Kogane away. The team had ten minutes to cast Kogane back or the evil will resurrect her as a living dead. Since ghosts are incorporeal, none of Saotome's attacks had any effect on them, but theirs had on him. Luckily, Gosunkugi was armed with cradles, giving Kogane the light she had required to light up the path for herself. The evil spirits knocked him into the water, extinguishing his light. However, the fireflies released by Akane earlier allowed the ghost girl to return to the afterlife, and she said her goodbyes to Gosunkugi, the clock struck a midnight. As she faded away, Hikaru promised to meet her the summer next year.
The following day, Ranma sensed Gosunkugi's presence and kicked him down the tree into the water. He was not ready to abandon his antics of stalking Akane.
Manga Canon[]
Akane Tendo... I love you. I was content to worship you from afar... just like this... I was content... until that fool Saotome... that fool Saotome... THAT FOOL SAOTOME!
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi's first words in the series.
Oh, Saotome. How's it going?
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi talking casually to Ranma.
Heh heh heh! I finally got it! Ranma Saotome's hair! Just poke it right here and...
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi stealing Ranma's strand of hair.
Coming out of nowhere. Winning my Akane's hand overnight. That fool Saotome.
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi muttering to himself.
Urk. The last indignity.
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi's reaction to hitting himself in the finger, Chapter 37.
No matter how strong he is... every man has a weak spot. Find it... and he's finished.
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi to Tatewaki.
Freshman, Group F. Hikaru Gosunkugi. You wouldn't know me. No one does. But I know Ranma Saotome. Shall I tell you his weak spot?
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi introducing himself to Tatewaki.
For the past week... I've been secretly photographing Saotome's movements.
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi before showing photos to Tatewaki.
I never did find his weak spot. So I thought I'd see if he was afraid of creepy crawlies.
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi dropping snakes, frogs, centipedes and bugs on Ranma.
Ranma Saotome... if it's the last thing I do... I will discover your weak spot! That fool Saotome! That fool Saotome! That fool Saoto-
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi being caught red-handed by Soun Tendo.
At last! I've spoken with... her!
~ Hikaru getting excited about talking to Akane.
Heh heh heh. Ranma Saotome... I shall lead you now... into the feline hell!
~ Hikaru Gosunkugi after discovering Ranma's phobia of cats.
Oh, Ranma! I'm so happy! You've come to rescue me! It's me, Akane! Come up here and rescue me!
~ Hikaru posing as Akane.
Akane! She spoke to me again!
~ Hikaru getting excited about being scolded by Akane.
Wah ha ha! You've fallen into my trap, Saotome!
~ Hikaru revealing himself.
Heh heh heh! I cleverly took this into account... and set up another trap!
~ Hikaru sending Ranma into a pit of cats.
It's... it's all over me... I want you... to have this.
~ Hikaru handing over fish sausages to Ranma.
Heh heh heh heh. Your weak spot... is cats! Go ahead. Scream Ranma. Let it all out!
~ Hikaru mocking Ranma.
Akane! Twice you've spoken to me this time! Twice!
~ Hikaru taking off his disguise dramatically.
Akane? Um... you shouldn't... It's dangerous.
~ Hikaru warning Akane about the tiger.
I thought it might scare Saotome.
~ Hikaru justifying why he brought a tiger into a cat pit.
Taking advantage of the situation like that! Kissing Akane! Saotome, you slime! Saotome, you slime! Saotome, you slime!
~ Hikaru angrily nailing a picture of Ranma kissing Akane to a tree.
Luckily I had my camera on me.
~ Hikaru explaining why he has a photo of Ranma kissing Akane.
If I can play Romeo, then... then I can speak to Akane!
~ Hikaru signing in for role of Romeo.
No no no! I can't beat them by fighting!
~ Hikaru frightened by Ranma and Tatewaki engaging in combat.
Stop the madness! I-I mean, since this is a play... We should settle this on stage!
~ Hikaru after failed attempt at Ranma's life.
Oh, Ranma... I'm so glad... You'll play Romeo after all! I'm your number one fan!
~ Hikaru dressed as a girl.
Um... I... um... I even made a costume for you... all by myself!
~ Hikaru handing over a hidden bomb to Ranma.
Oh, I know you'll be the greatest Romeo!
~ Hikaru running off.
Juh... Juliet... Heh... Heh... I couldn't beat them... in combat... so I disguised myself as the balconeeee!!
~ Hikaru revealing himself.
I h-h-hope you like ch-ch-chloroform!
~ Hikaru drugging Akane to unconsciousness.
Come a step closer and Juliet dies! Now come, Juliet! Together, let us be off, and...
~ Hikaru threatening to kill Akane.
Ranma Saotome! I've captured your infidelity on film!
~ Gosunkugi taking a photo of Ranma and Kodachi kissing.
Here, Ranma. Let me... help you.
~ Hikaru untying Ranma.
Who, me? No. I'll wait until the others are finished.
~ Hikaru explaining his plan to Ranma.
Every morning at six o'clock... Akane Tendo does her daily jogs... and passes this point.
~ Hikaru stalking Akane.
Oh, Akane... until now, I've been happy just to watch you from afar... But from today... you shall be my puppet!
~ Gosunkugi trying to force Akane to go on a date with him using paper dolls.
I hate you, Saotome...
~ Hikaru expressing his hatred towards Ranma Saotome.
Poor Ranma Saotome. You can't escape me now...
~ Hikaru smug upon having Ranma seat before him.
Curse you, Saotome! Getting a seat next to Akane like that! I'll deal with you yet!
~ Hikaru upset that Ranma got to sit next to Akane.
My name is Hikaru Gosunkugi. Right now, I'm facing the greatest peril of my entire life.
~ Gosunkugi narrating to himself as he is being smuggled by bullies.
Oh, hello, Ranma. Thank you for saving me from my predicament.
~ Gosunkugi grateful for Ranma rescuing him.
Oh, Miss Akane... I'm sorry you had to see something so embarrassing.
~ Gosunkugi ashamed of being saved by Ranma in front of Akane.
Curse you, Ranma! Shaming me in front of my beloved Akane...
~ Gosunkugi mad that he was saved by Ranma.
Of course... he might have been nicer than I thought... He did save me... and he is strong... as well as arrogant... Ooh, I'm jealous.
~ Hikaru being jealous of Ranma's strength.
Hey, Saotome! I've been waiting for you.
~ Hikaru greeting Ranma in his house.
Heh heh... I'm unable to move a single step. There's an automatic lock system, and... well... I'm not sure how to say this, but... It's set up so that I can't take it off unless I punch... the one person I really, really, really hate!
~ Hikaru explaining his absence at school.
I also can't move unless I'm connected to the one person I really, really, really hate.
~ Hikaru chaining himself to Ranma.
Please... just one punch! I'd really like to take this armor off as soon as possible!
~ Hikaru engaging in combat with Ranma.
I'm so happy, Saotome! Finally, I'll be able to beat you up!
~ Hikaru excited about getting to beat up Ranma.
So long as I am protected by this armor, your punches have no effect on me.
~ Gosunkugi thankful for his suit's invulnerability.
Saotome... if you value your life, you must get hit!
~ Hikaru panicking that armor will explode.
Ranma... you truly... respect me that much?
~ Hikaru tearing up from happiness.
Saotome... I hate you...
~ Gosunkugi knocked unconscious from the explosion.
When I buried my voodoo doll, I found this...
~ Gosunkugi's last words in the series.
1989 Anime Canon[]
I will make a new friend today. I won't make a new friend today. I will make a new friend today. I won't make a new friend today.
~ Gosunkugi as he rips off petals from a flower, before tripping on a rock.
I won't make a new friend today. I will make a new friend today. I won't make a new friend today. I... will make-AH!
~ Gosunkugi being tripped by Ranma.
Um, please wait. This is for you. It's a gift. Oh, yes! And it really works, too! Do you want a Tarot card instead?
~ Gosunkugi trying to give Akane a voodoo doll.
Hello. Were you two talking about Akane? Something about a fiancee?
~ Gosunkugi learning about a relationship between Ranma and Akane.
Soon, Saotome, your entire reputation will be totally destroyed!
~ Gosunkugi as a Furinkan Stalker, laughing to himself.
Hello. Not having a good day, Ranma? I heard you're a mass stalker.
~ Gosunkugi mocking Ranma.
T-t-the whole school is talking about it. But don't get me wrong, Ranma. I didn't believe any of what they're saying for a minute. 'Cause I'm on your side.
~ Hikaru outing himself.
I suppose if you want, I'll go tell the girls that it wasn't you. I understand exactly how you must be feeling. Trust me, I know how it feels like to be ignored by every single girl in this entire school. And the totally helpless feeling of ever exacting any retribution against any of these callous, apathetic females. Your little secret is safe with me. Because you and I are alike. And I get the feeling that we could be the best of friends. Maybe we could hand out every day. Just you and me, Ranma!
~ Gosunkugi being misogynistic.
Saotome, it is I who hold your fate in my hands, ha ha ha! When everyone finally hears that Saotome is the mass stalker, they'll all avoid him like a plague!
~ Hikaru mumbling to himself in the class.
You stay away from her, you pervert!
~ Hikaru fantasising about protecting Akane from Ranma.
My sweet Akane, that cretin will never bother you again. Everything will be alright now that we are together.
~ Gosunkugi talking to Akane in his imagination.
Heh heh heh, what a perfect chance this will be. Saotome, I'm gonna join the Enforcers' Squad and finally get my turn to pay you back for good.
~ Gosunkugi muttering to himself.
She's beautiful! No one's ever admired my dolls like that before.
~ Hikaru thinking about Kogane.
I can't believe how gorgeous she looks in a graveyard. Ah, Kogane, you're like a graceful angel purged on a tombstone.
~ Gosunkugi admiring Kogane.
Hm, Saotome, I'm not upset because the girl I'm in love with is a ghost. I've never felt this happy in my entire life. For the first time ever, someone's actually fallen in love with me. Doesn't matter if she's a ghost or anything. I've been secretly in love with someone for a long time. I've had to get over if I was going to be true to Kogane. I just can't throw away my love for Akane. Then again, I'm never gonna have a chance like this again.
~ Gosunkugi wondering if he should choose Kogane or Akane.
With his debut in Volume 5 of Ranma ½, which came out on October 18, 1988, Hikaru Gosunkugi technically predates Yukako Yamagishi from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, who debuted in May 10, 1993, who is considered the first yandere in the manga. However, unlike many yanderes, Gosunkugi's antics are played for laughs, not horror.
Hikaru Gosunkugi frequently performs Ushi no toki mairi ritual, which is meant to lay a curse upon the target and has to be performed during hours of Ox. He is also named the ritual's signature gosunkugi nails.
Due to the panic caused by Otaku Murderer in 1988-1989, Hikaru Gosunkugi's was largely removed from Ranma ½'s anime adaptation. His yandere-like antics likewise have been toned down following Romeo and Juliet Arc.
Gosunkugi's black circles under his eyes are a genetic trait passed by both of his parents.
Even though Hikaru was replaced by Sasuke Sarugakure in the majority of his anime appearances, he had his own theme song as early as in season one. He can also be seen in season five intro song titled Earth Orchestra.