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We coulda been anything we wanted to be! With all the talent that we had! No doubt about it! We fight and we tout it! We're the very best at being BAAAAD GUYS!
~ A musical chant from a group of Crossed led by Horsecock.

Horsecock is the main antagonist of Crossed: Volume One and the leader of his own group.


Horsecock is a tall and overweight man with a balding head and the signature sign of the infection across his face, a rash in the shape of a cross. He wears a biker's jacket, no shirt, boots, and ripped up jeans.

Sometimes, Horsecock is also seen carrying Stump on over his shoulders like a backpack. He always carries a severed horse's penis with himself and uses it as a weapon, which explains his nickname.



The only known parts of Horsecock's pasts is that at some point before becoming infected, he was part of a biker gang given his jacket with patches decorating it, much like the Hell's Angels. After becoming infected himself, he ripped off a horse's genitals to gain his nickname and signature weapon, then started his own group of The Crossed with Face as his second in command.

Issue #4[]

Spending the night in a motel room, Stan speaks with Cindy about possibly going to the rocky mountains in Colorado since the cities are too dangerous, and then making their way to Alaska. In the morning, Stan and Cindy observe another group of The Crossed led by Horsecock. His group has captured several uninfected people and force them on top of one of two semi-trucks and then push all of them into the hollowed trailer of the other pick-up, which has been filled to the brim with spears, then drops a bucket full of knives and other blades on top of them for good measure. Horsecock's second in command, Face, angrily demands to watch the torture but Horsecock tells him to keep watch.

Cindy realizes just how organized Horsecock's group is and how dangerous that could be, then leaves the roof with Stan. Back at Officer Thomas' cruiser, the Crossed man in the backseat sadistically laughing at him. Cindy asks why he would want to keep one captive, and Thomas says he intends to interrogate the infected man, specifically as to how he knew Thomas was married. Cindy asks Thomas if he knew his wife's name to which Thomas says he doesn't, then informs him he most likely saw Thomas' wedding ring and simply guessed and The Crossed are not all-knowing. Cindy then tells Thomas they should just kill the Crossed man, to which he angrily refuses to kill someone in his custody. The Crossed man laughs some more and when Thomas asks him what's so funny, he spits in Thomas' face, quickly becoming infected. Cindy is then forced to shoot both the Crossed man and Thomas.

Later, the group questions whether or not Horsecock's group is evidence that The Crossed are "evolving" since those in his group can apparently think things through and reason, though Cindy believes that they're just trying to give rules to chaos incarnated in human form. That night, Stan's group tries crossing a downed bridge when they are suddenly spotted by Horsecock's group callout known as Stump, and they're all forced to hurry to the other side. Everyone manages to make it across, except for Sheena who is forced to hold onto the ledge when a support beam suddenly collapses. Not wanting to be captured, she opts to allow herself to fall to her death, and Horsecock says that they'll follow them for denying them their "fun".

Issue #7[]

Five days after Geoff's death, Stan's group has made it to the desert like they had been planning, only to find out that Horsecock and his group had indeed been following them like he said they would. Stan and Cindy return to the rest of the group at a gas station where they've found a set of walkie-talkies and then walk along a road to try and get away from Horsecock's group, only to spot them again later that night tossing one of their own into a fire just for the laughs, where Stump once again spots Stan's group and screams out so Horsecock's group would follow them.

For the next two days, the group barely sleeps at all to try and get away from The Crossed once again and eventually cross a river until they're suddenly shot at by Horsecock's group once again and Patrick is accidentally swept away by the current, though the water isn't deep enough to drown in. Cindy tries to chase after Patrick, but the water is much too fast and Stan tells her they'll have to meet Patrick down by the riverbank, while firing back at The Crossed. Brett says that they should leave while they still can, abandoning Patrick in the process, until Horsecock suddenly announces over their radio that they have Patrick and claim they've raped and then killed him. However, Stan's group then spots Patrick down at the river bank still being chased and everyone kills four of Horsecock's group that were still chasing him. However, upon going to check on Patrick, she finds that he's been infected and is forced to kill her own son. Horsecock laughs at them over the radio.

Issue #9[]

After making it back to Patrick's body, Stan wraps up his body inside of a sleeping bag, and then helps Cindy bury his body on the ridge overlooking the river. After giving her time to mourn, Stan and Cindy spend the night inside of a church where they find a priest who was crucified on a decorative cross by The Crossed so long ago, he's almost entirely a skeleton. Cindy tells Stan he was right in having to bury her son and thanks him for coming along with her, then buries the priest in the morning.

Meanwhile, it's been an entire month since Kitrick, Kelly, and Thomas have seen Stan and Cindy, and Thomas is worried about how they haven't met them in any of the places they said they would be. Kitrick then emotionlessly tells both Kelly and Thomas that Horsecock's group is right behind them and that he's going to stay behind to make it look like he's given up to give them both a chance to escape, being tired of living at this point. Briefly into their shootout, Face chops off Kitrick's hand and then pulls his pants down to try and rape him, but Horsecock tells him to just kill him since the others are still close by. When Face argues with Horsecock, he mercilessly beats Face with his signature weapon, all while the other Crossed mutilate Kitrick's body.

The Crossed chase down Thomas and Kelly through the woods and they briefly believe they've escaped until Horsecock suddenly ambushes them, and he breaks Thomas' glasses. As a last ditch effort to save Kelly before she's violated by Horsecock, Thomas lunges at the large monster and rips his throat out with his teeth to finally kill him, but infects himself in the process.


  • Nine People - Pushed into a truck filled with spears and other sharp objects by Horsecock and other Crossed.
  • Unknown Person - Killed off-panel and eaten by Horsecock, Face, and other Crossed.
  • Crossed Man - Thrown into a fire by Horsecock, Face, and several other Crossed.
    • Total - 11
      • 10 Humans
      • 1 Crossed



  • Thomas ripping out Horsecock's throat with his bare teeth could be a reference to The Walking Dead's main protagonist Rick Grimes, as he's used this method to kill Joe in the tv show and both Andy and Morton Rose in the comic book series.
  • It is unknown whether Horsecock was a biker before he became Crossed, or whether he took his signature jacket from one of his victims.
    • However, it seems the most likely to be the former, since the jacket seems to fit him perfectly and because Horsecock is such a large man, it makes sense he would have had it tailor made just for him.

External Links[]


           Crossed Logo Villains

The Crossed
Edmund Wickenthorp's Father | Face | Horsecock | Joseph Pratt Jr. | Joyce Pratt
King Rat | Mattias Vichnyak | Sheriff Lorna Bishop | Stump | Beauregard Salt

Ashley and Ashlynne | Beauregard Salt | Clint Long | Clooney | Danger Montana | Edmund Wickenthorp
Gideon Welles | Great Kong | Greg Costello | Harold Lorre | Harris | Joe Pratt | Macavoy | Manatee Mike
Nathan | Richie | Sergei Naryishkin | Sir Killweather | Steve

The Livers