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GOW hydra s

The Hydra, scourge of the Greek seas

The Hydra is a terrible sea monster that terrorized the seas of Greece and a boss from the video game God of War

Its vocal sound effects were provided by Michael Edward Johnson.


As Kratos was sailing to Athens, the fleet he was with was attacked by the Hydra. The Ghost of Sparta was assigned to destroy the monster by Poseidon, since it has been challenging his sovereignty by destroying ships and slaughtering ships. Kratos engaged the monster, fighting a few of its lesser heads before finding the main head, which kept all the others alive. This main head devoured the ship captain before attacking Kratos along with two more lesser heads.

Hydra King[]

Hydra King (GoW)

The Hydra King

After the Ghost of Sparta defeated the lesser heads, he engaged the main head, impaling it on the ship's mast, finally defeating the monster.

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to being quite large (about the size of a small island), the Hydra possesses great strength.

The Hydra King[]

The main head keeps the smaller ones alive and regenerates them and, being a sea monster, it is perfectly at home in the ocean.


  • Though the Hydra does not appear in God of War II, there is a costume for Kratos called the Hydra Armor, which is stated to be made from its skin.
  • Strangely, even after defeating the main Hydra head, the player can backtrack and still see a head attacking a group of sailors.
  • In Greek mythology, only one Hydra existed, which lived in the Lerna Swamp. However the mythological version of Hercules slew the Hydra as one of his 12 labors and since the God of War version of Hercules performed these labors, it is unclear how he could have killed the Hydra if Kratos did it himself. It may be possible that the Hydra is not a single monster, instead there may be several Hydras existing as a species in the God of War series, similar to the Minotaur and the Cerberus.
  • The Hydra makes a cameo appearance in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, representing the God of War half of the Ratchet & Clank stage Metropolis. Its three heads destroy the city in a downpour of rain, and Qwark is nearly eaten alive. Surprisingly, Qwark manages to subdue the beast in the final seconds of the match.


           God of War Logo Villains

Kratos | Freya

Greek Era
Gods of Olympus
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Ares | Athena | Hephaestus | Hera | Persephone | Thanatos | Erinys | Morpheus | Hermes | Helios | Artemis

Cronos | Gaia | Atlas | Perses | Typhon | Aegaeon

Hercules | Pollux & Castor | Theseus | Perseus | Ceryx

The Furies
Megaera | Tisiphone | Alecto

Sisters of Fate
Atropos | Clotho | Lahkesis

Persian Army
Persian King

Barbarian King | Callisto | Charon | Colossus of Rhodes | Kratos' Ghost | The Dissenter | Assassin | Icarus | Dark Rider | Dark Griffin

Argos | Arms of Hades | Automaton | Basilisk | Bronze Talos | Centaurs | Cerberus | Chimera | Cyclops | Daimon | Doppelgängers | Dredge of Boreas | Elemental Talos | Elephantaur | Euryale | Geryon | Griffin | Gorgons | Gorgon Serpents | Hades Cerberus Breeder | Harpies | Hydra | Kraken | Legionnaire | Manticore | Minotaur | Medusa | Mole Cerberus | Pandora's Guardian | Piraeus Lion | Polyphemus | Satyr | Scylla | Skorpius | Sirens | Stheno | Stone Talos | Wraiths

God of War Comics
Cereyon | Danaus | Disciples of Ares | Giant Arachnid | Gyges | Hades' Phoenix | Herodius | Kerosians | Pothia | Rocs | Sea Snake | Therans

Norse Era
Odin | Thor | Heimdall | Baldur | Magni | Modi

Svartáljǫfurr | Alva

Freya | Hrist and Mist | Gná

Fiske | Sterkr & Stinnr

King Hrólf Kraki | Harðrefill the Callous | Bödvar the Fierce | Starólfr the Troublesome | Beigaðr the Feared | Haklangr the Bearded | Hjalti the Stolid | Svipdagr the Cold | Sisters of Illska | Frækni the Zealous | Hvítserkr the Bold | Skjóthendi the Unerring

Hræzlyr | The Crimson Dread

Dauði Kaupmaðr | Dauði Hamarr | Daudi Vördr | Máttugr Helson | Stonebeard King | The Grendel Trolls | Vísi Haglkorn

Oluf Nautson | Gullveig | Grýla

Dreki | Drake | Crag Jaw | Gravel Belly | Dark Elves | Light Elves | Revenant | Soul Eaters | Frost Phantom | Flame Phantom | Ormr | Gulltoppr | The Hateful | The Huntress | The Untamed Fury | Garm | Raven Keeper | Wulvers

           PSABR Logo Villains

Cole MacGrath | Heihachi Mishima | Kratos | Mael Radec | Sweet Tooth | Zeus

Baron Praxis | Ciokina | Dollface | Dr. Nefarious | Goliath | Hades | Hydra | Hyper-Sonic Brainwave Scrambler | Negativitron | Pipo Monkeys | Polygon Man | Satan | Songbird | Specter | Vox Populi

Alias | Athena | Bakuki | Captain Qwark | Colossus of Rhodes | Count Veger | Helghan Empire/Helghasts | Logan Graves | Kuma II | Mr. Grimm | Nevi | Nix | Polyphemus | Poseidon | Scolar Visari | Zarok

Andrew Ryan | Ares | Chimera Soldier | Cronos | Hunter | Jin Kazama (Devil Jin) | Jinpachi Mishima | Joseph Bertrand III | Katherine Marlowe | Kessler | King Bohan | Krimzon Guards | Lord Palethorn | Nina Williams | Roach | Sasha | Scabs | Songbird | Talbot | The Beast | The Corrupted | Trish | Vergil | Zombies | Zoran Lazarević
