Hydra King is a major antagonist in the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.
He is the main antagonist in the movie Kinnikuman Movie 4: Counterattack! The Underground Space Chojin.
Kinnikuman Movie 4: Counterattack! The Underground Space Chojin[]
Hydra King was a Chojin born on planet Hydra and became the King of his people and wished to kill the Justice Chojin. He would revive some of the Justice Chojin's former enemies to help him do so including Black Hole, Ashuraman, Sunshine and Black Rain, powering them all up in the process.
One day, during a rugby game, Hydra King would appear with his army and attacks the Justice Chojin Robin Mask while sending a small squad of his men to invade Robin Mask's home to steal his memo which contained all of the information about the Justice Chojin's weaknesses. After the memo was stolen, Hydra King's army would kidnap Robin Mask while he was distracted from the news of his memo being stolen. Hydra King would call out to all of the Justice Chojin to come to planet Hydra and save Robin Mask.
While waiting for the Justice Chojin, Hydra King would have arenas made where the Justice Chojin would encounter their greatest weaknesses, however, as he would soon learn when the Justice Chojin went into those arenas, what Robin Mask considers to be weaknesses are things that the Justice Chojin like and would distract them from their jobs so instead of hurting them, it motivated them even more to save Robin Mask.
Hydra King would then remove all of their "weaknesses" away from the Justice Chojin before revealing Robin Mask attached to a device that drains his power and will kill him in a few minutes. He would then send his entire army to fight the Justice Chojin.
Kinnikuman would climb his way up to Robin Mask but Hydra King would get in his way and would beat him up as the rest of his army beat up the other Justice Chojin until Robin Mask fires a laser from his helmet to identify the weak points of Hydra King and all of his men, allowing his army to be defeated and his head to be attacked by all of the Justice Chojin before Kinnikuman uses a Kinniku Driver on Hydra King, slamming his head to the ground and making him explode, killing him instantly.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin, Hydra King has superhuman strength, speed and durability. Other abilities that Chojin have that Hydra King has is the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Hydra King says that fighting is his favorite thing in the world.
- Hydra King's story shares a lot of intentional similarities with Booton. Both of them are evil Chojin who kidnaps Robin Mask and uses his memo to learn of the weak point of the Justice Chojin so they can defeat them with their plans being foiled when Robin Mask shot a beam of light to reveal where their weaknesses are which gets attacked by a combo attack from all of the Justice Chojin at the same time.
- A major difference between the two is that Booton learned physical weaknesses that the Justice Chojin have while Hydra King learned of things that the Justice Chojin like that distract them from their jobs and are only considered to be weaknesses by Robin Mask.
External Links[]
- Hydra King on the Kinnikuman Wiki