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I am happy for the company, especially the company of Americans. My country is a charming one, but it is backwards, always rejecting progress as corrupt. It is my most cherished dream to lead my people into the 21st century.
~ Ilana Rostovic.
It is tragic, Sergei. They are being misled by their own government. But we have no choice. You must find them. And you must kill them all.
~ Ilana ordering Sergei to kill the Creature Commandos.

Princess Ilana Rostovic is the main antagonist of Season 1 in the 2024 adult animated series Creature Commandos, the first installment of the DC Universe.

She is the princess of the eastern European nation of Pokolistan, who is heir of the throne. However, in Circe's prophecy, she warns that the Princess is not who she seems. In reality, she is a brutal dictator who holds absolute power over her nation and wishes to expand her imperialism by taking over every nation she can find and killing its superheroes/meta-humans. Until she was shot in the head by The Bride, avenging the death of her friend, Nina, and ending her plan to destroy the world once and for all.

She was voiced by Maria Bakalova in her first villainous role.


Creature Commandos[]

Rostovic's first appearance is in season 1 episode 1 of Creature Commandos. Due to the American government banning the use of Task Force X for black ops, Amanda Waller instead assembles "Task Force M" - consisting of non-human individuals in order to carry them out instead. She first appears when Task Force M arrives on the military plane, greeting them and inviting them to her castle where they have extravagant dinner.

Later that night, she seduces Flag and the two of them have intercourse. Dr Phosphorous sees this as an opportunity and steals Flag's remote detonator, to which Flag finds out and engages in a brutal fistfight with him, destroying several property and rooms amongst the castle. Meanwhile, the Bride sees this as an opportunity to return to her childhood home to find answers. Nina refuses to let The Bride go along, so she accompanies her for the journey. Flag is immediately alerted to their absence and brings the rest of Task Force M along with him to find the two. Rostovic tends to flag's wounds as a result of the altercation with Dr Phosphorous, to which they engage in intercourse once again.

The Bride and Nina fight through waves of Circes followers inside Frankenstein Manor before realizing that it was merely a distraction for Circe to invade the palace. With Task Force M reunited, they head back to Rostovic's palace, to which they see several Amethyst Knights being killed by Circe and her followers. With G.I Robot carrying the team, Task Force M successfully defends the castle against Circe and her followers, however Circe comes extremely close to killing Rostovic. However, she is stopped by Weasel and Dr Phosphorous to proceed to brutally beat Circe. Before being detained, Circe warns Task Force M that they have "doomed the world" by foiling her plans.

Task Force M, having completed their mission departs from Pokolistan and heads back to Belle Reve Prison. There, Amanda Waller and Flag interrogate Circe about her plans. Circe responds by showing Amanda Waller a haunting vision of a dystopian future. As a result of this vision, Waller becomes extremely alert and orders Flag and Task Force M To return to Pokolistan to supervise, to which Flag refuses. Waller instead assigns leadership of the team to The Bride. Flag returns home but finds Eric waiting to ambush him at his home with the intentions of wishing to reunite with The Bride. The two get into a brief scuffle before Flag reluctantly accepts his help to stop Task Force M from killing Rostovic.

Aisla Macpherson, an expert specializing in the study of Themyscira, is later found murdered in her own home. Flag calls Rostovic about this and warns that Task Force M is coming to assassinate her. However, a fake Macpherson appears at the home, who in reality is Clayface impersonating as her. Eric attempts to protect Flag from Clayface, but Flag gets critically injured, forcing Flag to be sent to the hospital for the remainder of the operation. Before falling unconscious, Flag begs Eric to tell The Bride the truth about what had occurred. Eric later hijacks a plane to Pokolistan hoping to finish what Flag started.

Finding out the truth about Rostovic, Task Force M complies with Waller's orders and heads to Rostovic's castle in order to kill her. Rostovic orders her knights to find and capture Task Force M. As they are on the run, Phosphorous encounters a Pokolistani child who he grows fond with, as she reminds him of his own late son. Weasel finds his own way to the castle, befriending and leaving a wolf pack in the process. Weasel grew weak for Rostovic as she showed him kindness in the castle, and he found that she looked very similar to one of the late children he grew close to.

Rostovic kills Nina Mazursky

Ilana kills Nina Mazursky

Eric finally reunites with the group, but The Bride has none of it, shooting Eric and abandoning him for dead. Task Force M sneaks up on Rostovic, where she is swimming in her pool. The Bride assigns Nina to take out Rostovic, to which she reluctantly agrees. Nina sneaks up on Rostovic, only for her to notice Nina and brutally strangle Nina and slice her with a knife, killing her before escaping. The Bride manages to find and confront Rostovic, and tells her that she was aware of how she sent Clayface to make Waller's story seem less legitimate. The Bride grows angry and tells her that Circe was correct about her being a narcissistic monarch who wishes to destroy the world. She tells Rostovic about her intentions to kill her, noting that the reason is not to save the world but rather as revenge for killing Nina. Rostovic attempts to pull a flintlock pistol from her drawer, but the Bride Fires first, killing her with a headshot.

Circe's Vision[]

Circe used her clairvoyant abilities to show Amanda Waller a disturbing vision of a dystopian future where princess Rostovic and Gorilla Grodd used their army of Amethyst Knights to conquer the world, slaughtering and impaling countless heroes and causing a genocide in the process. But due to the Bride killing Rostovic, that vision never became a reality.


You were who Circe said you were all along: A power-mad, sadistic, narcissistic, Disney princess who wants to destroy the world.
~ The Bride rightfully describing Ilana.

At first glance she seems like a kind and innocent woman until her true malicious, sadistic and violent nature is revealed, shown when she mercilessly killed Nina without remorse. Had she succeeded with her plans, she would have become a power-crazed dictator, but it never happened because of her death.



  • Pokolistan Royal Family
    • Ancestors †
    • Queen of Pokolistan - Mother


  • Gorilla Grodd
  • Amethyst Knights
    • Alexi †
    • Sergei
  • Creature Commandos
    • Rick Flag, Sr. - Former Love Interest and Pawn
    • G.I. Robot


  • Sons of Themyscira
    • Circe - Attempted Killer
    • Tanner
  • Creature Commandos - Former Allies



  • She is an entirely original character created for the series. However, there's a fan theory that Rostovic is based on Princess Amethyst (Amy Winston/Amaya) from DC Comics.


           DC Comics Logo 2024 Universe Villains

Amanda Waller

Creature Commandos
Doctor Phosphorus | Nosferata | King Shark

Sons of Themyscira

Rupert Thorne's Gang
Rupert Thorne

Royal Family
Ilana Rostovic

Amethyst Knights

Clayface | Gorilla Grodd

Nazi Party
Hub City National Socialists Club:
Billy | Sam Fitzgibbon

Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man | Bug-Eyed Bandit | Chemo | Congorilla | Craic Brothers | Crimson Centipede | Dr. Victor Frankenstein | Egg Fu | Eric Frankenstein | Fisherman | Hyena | Orca |Shaggy Man

Elseworlds Projects
Constantine: Gabriel | Demons (Mammon & Balthazar) | Lucifer Rofocale
Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies: Slade | Balloon Man | Control Freak | Gizmo | Gentleman Ghost
Joker: Folie à Deux: Joker | Harley Quinn | Jackie Sullivan | Arkham State Hospital Patient | Joker's Shadow

See Also
DC Extended Universe Villains | The Batman Saga Villains
