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Imgig Zu on his steed

Imgig Zu is a demonic sorcerer and a villain from the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons comic book series by DC.

A fiend warlord and level 13 wizard of unknown but extraplanar origin. He killed Priam Agrivar's father to obtain the Eye of Selûne, and he seeks Priam's half-sister Cybriana, the one person whose magic can unlock the terrible secrets hidden within the gem. He's the antagonist of the first arc of the AD&D comic. His threat is what brings the various heroes together for the first time, leading them to form a long-term adventuring party once he has been dealt with.


Imgig's natural form was of a powerfully built fiendish creature, muscular and standing 8 feet (2.4 meters) tall. He had scaly gray-green skin, red eyes, and a wide maw full of fangs. His great head bristled with curving horns: two protruded from the top of his head, two from the sides, and two from his jaw either side of his mouth.

In the guise of a human being, he appeared to Selûne as a darkly handsome man with long black hair.


Imgig Zu possessed a genius intellect, but was cruel, chaotic, unpredictable, manipulative, deceitful, and very evil. He had designs of conquest and slaughter throughout the planes.

He's perfectly willing to kill his minions for their failures and warn his other subordinates that they could be next if they screw up.

His goal is to free his fiendish kin from their imprisonment within the Eye of Selûne and lead a bloody campaign of conquest across Faerûn.


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Imgig Zu revealing his true form to Selune

Zu's story began eons ago, when he took the form of a handsome human warrior to seduce the then young goddess Selune and persuade her to use her wand of power to transport him and his fellow demons to the world of Toril. Once there, he revealed his true form and his plans to take over the world. He stole Selune's wand and tried to kill the goddess with it.

Fortunately, a wizard named Ostus Agrivar who was riding by raced to her rescue. Although the wizard was not powerful enough to defeat the demons, he was capable of causing enough confusion and chaos that Selune could escape. The goddess, now freed from her subjugation, used the only thing she had left: her own life force. Draining her life force away, she imprisoned the fiends inside a pocket dimension within a gigantic moonstone, which should contain them for all time. She reduced the gem, now known as Selune's Eye, in size and gave it to Ostus for safe keeping.

However, from inside the gem, Imgig Zu somehow managed to observe a shamanic rite in which the elves of Shadowdale extracted a dark spirit from the infant Cybriana, daughter of Ostus Agrivar. Imgig watched as the dark spirit transformed itself into a living being, an evil drow woman who took the name "Kilili". Imgig forged a magical link with Kilili, which allowed him to escape into the Realms. However, he needed Cybriana and Kilili together to release the rest of his people from Selûne's Eye. Kilili joined with Imgig, and together they hatched their nasty scheme.

Battling Priam and his companions[]

In the Year of the Dragon, 1352 DR, riding a wyvern, Imgig Zu broke through the wall and magical defenses of Ostus's Hold and attacked the aged Ostus Agrivar and his son Priam. Imgig crippled Priam with the staff of withering and slew Ostus with a death spell. Then he seized the Selûne's Eye and left, mocking Priam for his crippled state and inability to threaten him.

However, some six years later, Imgig Zu was yet unable to use the Eye. By this time, he and Kilili had joined forces with a yuan-ti, gargoyles, ogres, and a number of chasme minions. In one day in the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR, Imgig Zu erected a magical tower a day's ride north of Waterdeep, and had his yuan-ti and chasme minions find and kidnap female elven magic-users as he sought out Cybriana. Imgig Zu had determined that it was Kilili's own "sister", Cybriana, whose very presence could make Selûne's Eye glow like the moon. Kilili had her sport with those that were brought back, testing their power in magical combat and dispatching them with ease until she found her good counterpart. Kilili visited Cybriana, and lured her toward Imgig's tower. Imgig's gargoyles snatched up Cybriana; when dropped, Kilili rescued her with a ring of telekinesis, and Cybriana was taken into their lair. Her companions, Priam Agrivar, Vajra Valmeyjar, Timoth Eyesbright, and Onyx the Invincible escaped the gargoyles and found other ways in.


In the caverns beneath Imgig's tower, Cybriana was placed inside a forcecage as Kilili stood just outside. Their proximity, both to each other and to Selûne's Eye caused the gem to glow even more brightly and to swell in size. He revealed to Cybriana the secret of his connection to Kilili. Proclaiming his triumphs before an audience of his ogre minions, Imgig Zu used the combined powers of the elven women and the stolen wand of power to open the Eye and released his long-imprisoned people into the world, to overrun and conquer the Realms. Meanwhile, Cybriana's companions battled through the ogres and into the cavern, but were ultimately subdued. Imgig gloated, threatening to kill Priam with the same spell of death he'd used to kill Ostus. But, just then, the roof of the cavern tore open and the brilliant light of the full moon—the workings of the goddess Selûne, via her avatar Luna—shone through, blinding the ogres. Cybriana urged her brother Priam to strike, and strike he did, slaying Imgig Zu in the name of their father.

Powers & abilities[]

Imgig was stated to be a level 13 magic-user in issue #3 of the AD&D comic. He had an affinity for earth and stone themed spells like Flesh to Stone and Wall of stone. He also knew a spell of death that could kill a being outright. He also possessed a number of other, separate powers, each usable once a day. With a talent for earth-based magic, Imgig could cast Animate objects (on stone statues), earthquake, move earth, rock to mud, and stone to flesh. He could also shape-change into the form of any humanoid being. Finally, he possessed a slight resistance to magic.

However, Imgig seemed to lack any magical ability to travel between planes.

Imgig also had superhuman strenght.

Imgig Zu wielded a staff of withering, a powerful staff that could magically age a struck creature, and even leave the struck limbs withered and crippled. He also held the wand of power seized from Selûne, in turn stolen from her father.


  • He was created by Michael Fleisher and Jan Duursema.