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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Ironhead Wilson is one of the three secondary antagonists of the Lucky Luke comic Steaming Up The Mississippi. He is a bald, brutish brawler who is known to be the biggest brawler ever to plague several Mississippi banks in the past.

Hired by Lowriver, he is tasked to cause several fights in the Daisy Belle to distract Lucky Luke and Barrows while he tosses many boxes of merchandise into the water. Caught by Luke, he smashes the boiler with his head, severely damaging it and nearly causing the Daisy Belle to explode if Bang wasn't there to repair it in time. As Wilson was about to leave, Luke starts punching him, revealing his weakness that eventually leads to him being thrown overboard but he makes it to a nearby coast, headbutting a crocodile who was in his way.


Ironhead Wilson is first mentioned by the barman in the Bâton Rouge Palace saloon when Lowriver arrives to find a new man capable of slowing the Daisy Belle down. Lucikly for Lowriver, Ironhead Wilson is still in town and always arrives in the saloon at the same exact time. There, Lowriver offers him the job of slowing the Daisy Belle by causing several fights on board so Luke and Barrows would be too distracted to catch him.

Once on board of the Daisy Belle, he nearly causes Barrows' crew to leave as Ironhead Wilson is a very dangerous threat due to his strong head (which somehow can also ping bullets off when hit). Luke calms everyone down and promises to stop Wilson from causing damage. However, it was too late as Wilson already started a rampage in the main cabin, beating up several employees and destroying several furnitures around. One of the employees, who had a hot bowl thrown on his head, tells Luke that Ironhead Wilson was complaining about the lack of salt in his soup.

Meanwhile, Wilson was throwing several boxes into the water, much to the crew's shock. As he was about to throw another box, Luke catches him and orders him to stop, only for him to toss a box on Lucky Luke, briefly knocking him out. He then headbutts Bang and finally the boiler, causing severe damage to it. Luke jumps on him and starts punching his back, which is Wilson's weakness, as it tickles him so much that he walks off the boat, falling into the water along with Luke. As Luke is saved by Barrows, Wilson swims to a nearbly land, encountering a crocodile in front of him, but he makes quick work of it by headbutting his head, knocking it out as Wilson successfully reaches the land. He is not seen again afterwards.


  • Unlike Lowriver's two other associates, Cards Devon and Pistol Pete, Wilson is the only one who gets away with his actions, as the damage he inflicted to the Daisy Belle's boiler nearly caused it to explode and he was able to swim to a nearby land without getting caught by Lucky Luke, making him the only villain in Steaming Up The Mississippi to be a Karma Houdini.


           Lucky Luke Villains

Dalton Family
The Dalton Brothers | Dalton Gang | Ma Dalton | Pa Dalton | Henry Dalton | Bill Dalton | The Dalton's Cousins

Other Outlaws

Abraham Locker | Anarchist | Angelface | August Oyster | Bad Ticket | Barry Blunt | Beastly Blubber | Bert Malloy | Big Belly | Billy the Kid | Black Bart | Black Wilson | The Boss and Double-Six | Bull Bullets | Captain Lowriver | Cards Devon | Cass Casey | Cigarette Caesar | Colorado Billy | Coyote Will | D.T Zilch | Dean Fenton | Bart Cayman | Dean Smith | Denver Miles | Derek Flood | Dopey | Elliot Belt | Emilio Espuelas | Dynamite Harris | Frank Malone | Gomino | Ironhead Wilson | Harvey | Honest Smith | Jack Ready | Jesse James | Joss Jamon | Judge Roy Bean | Lucy Ware Hayes | Mad Jim | Mayor of Nothing Gulch | Nebraska Kid | O'Sullivan | O'Timmins and O'Haras | Otto Von Hiimbergeist | Pat Poker | Pat Poker's Gang | Patronimo | Pedro Cucaracha | Phil Wire | Pistol Pete | Quincy Quarterhouse | Samuel Doxey | Senator Stormwind | Sinclair Rawlins | Soapy Smith | Texas Ripper | Undertaker of Red City | Whittaker Baltimore | Whittaker Theater Troupe | Fiddlededee, Fenweek and O'Callagan | Zilch | Old Clanton | Brad Garrett | Dean Mcabin | Cheerful Eagle | Tuco Maizal | Fennimore Buttercup | Judge Poindexter | Oklahoma Jim | Jonathan Josaphat John Jr. | Lefty | Madame Irma | Butterfield | Hazzlit | Big Nose Kelly | James Sachsman | Smallpox | Dunkle | Curly | Crazy Dan

Edgar Crook

The New Adventures of Lucky Luke
Baldwind Von Flaps | Beet Bull | Buffalo Bill | El Generale | Elmer Rotten | General Custer | Ho-Tang | Jim Porkbelly | Mortimer Deadflower | Mr. Coldmeat | Otto Luck | Phil Fastfinger | Poker Face | Ralph Noway | Snake Oil | Wily Weasel

Kid Lucky
Unknown Killer | Billy Bad
