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“ | You are all so pathetic, struggling to be worthy of God's love. It's only when you face real despair, that you find your sympathetic selves. So, i'll show you the pain, i'll take everything away from you, and oh how you will show your colors. So that those who survive this reign of hell on earth will be worthy of God's love, the rest of you will join us beneath the bedrock of justice! The Prophecy is almost fulfilled, i will take the thousand years and bring you rapture like you have never seen before! You know nothing about true pain, i will show you true horror! | „ |
~ Isaac Gilmore |
Isaac Gilmore is the main antagonist of Lucius II: The Prophecy. He is one of the many sons of Lucifer and is the half-brother of his rival Lucius Wagner.
Isaac Gilmore was born at St. Benedict Memorial Hospital, the same hospital that Lucius was born in. When he started to get older, He decided to start a new style of life, Attempting to fulfill his religious prophecy and also trying to create an army of people that support him, Most of this didn´t go as planned, Which made Isaac really mad.
First Encounter with Lucius[]
After burning some corn fields, destroying cars and even making some meteors fall to earth causing mass destruction and activating the first and second trumpets, Lucius appeared and revealed himself to Isaac by poisoning the water supply which sounded the third trumpet, After this, Lucius and Isaac would face off In a heated and personal battle, At the beginning, Isaac gained the upper-hand due to his superior fire powers, But eventually, Thanks to the strategy of Lucius and shooting Isaac with a shotgun full of salt, He managed to defeat Isaac, Leaving him completely damaged and apparently killed.
After this, Isaac attempted to kill Lucius once more, Just to end up getting burned by the pyrokinesis that his younger brother was Invoking, Which eventually burnt Isaac Into a crisp.
Second Encounter with Lucius and Death[]
Some time Later, he reappeared supernaturally resurrected on top of a building in Ludlow, Where he started to throw fireballs at his brother lucius, And at the same time, He used his telekinesis to move objects In the place, Making them to crash on Lucius, However, Lucius managed to survive the damage and outsmart Isaac, Making him fall and get totally desintegrated by the salt, After this, Isaac´s body and soul finally dissapears, With this, Lucius continues his journey once again.
Isaac Is a brutal and ruthless Individual, Who enjoys killing and torturing people just to get his frustrations out, But he Is also known as a respected and fierced leader who always treats his followers as Equals (But this Is only to make them get more attached to him), He also has envy for Lucius and hates him due to being Lucifer´s ¨Chosen One¨.
It Is also shown how Isaac usually likes to be In charge of multiple attacks and enjoys to see people doing whatever he wants, This due of wanting to have company and having the power to command over others.