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Villains Wiki

Iwao is a major antagonist in the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.

He is one of the most prominent villains early in the series where he would show up to kill Kinnikuman until he eventually disappeared from the series altogether.



Iwao would first appear as a Kaiju would try to attack an amusement park, however, because of all the mascots and Kinnikuman, he was failed to get noticed until he cried. Once Kinnikuman noticed him, he would quickly defeat him with a Kinniku Flash.

Later, after Kinnikuman and reporter Natsuko had a falling out, Iwao would kidnap her. Kinnikuman would soon encounter him and easily beat him up again.

After this, Iwao would become a supporting antagonist after this point, teaming up with Kinkotsuman in order to make various plans to kill Kinnikuman. These plans would involve making kaiju to attack Kinnikuman, mind-controlling Natsuko and turning her into a giant to destroy Tokyo and kidnapping Kinnikuman in a cage and taking turns beating him.

By the time of the 20th Chojin Olympics, Kinkotsuman and Iwao set their sights on killing all of the Chojin participating in it, he would try this by turning invisible and tickling the Chojin during the weightlifting competition so they would get crushed and planting a bomb in one of the rabbits that the Chojin have to collect in a race to blow them up, however, both of these plans fail. He would also try to kill Kinnikuman by shooting him during a match, however, Terryman would get in the way, getting shot in the leg which caused it to need to be amputated. Kinkotsuman would also try to get Kinnikuman disqualified by kidnapping him and making him late for his match.

During the American Tour Arc, Kinkotsuman and Iwao would be hired by the World Supermen Federation to kill both Kinnikuman and Robin Mask by flying a plane into them so that the World Supermen Federation would get the Wrestling World Championship Belt by default, however, only Robin Mask was hurt and both Chojin survived.

Both Iwao and Kinkotsuman would appear during the American Chojin Tag Team Tournament where Iwao would team up with a robot that Kinkotsuman created called Black Shadow and he and Iwao would fight against the duo of Skull Bozu & Devil Magician who would rip off Black Shadow's head.

After Black Shadow's death, Kinkotsuman would team up with Iwao and the two would fight against Kinnikuman and Terryman, however, after Kinkotsuman failed to drop a light on the two of them, Iwao and Kinkotsuman would be easily beaten.

During the fight between Kinnikuman and Terryman vs Skull Bozu and Devil Magician, Kinkotsuman and Iwao would agree to help Alien Sheik by quickly stealing Terryman's leg, however, the two would be stopped when a child named Robert grabbed the leg and refused to let go, even after they beat him up, this would give Edith Harrison and Beauty Rhodes stopped them and would give Terryman his leg back.

After this point, neither Kinkotsuman nor Iwao were seen in the original manga after this point aside from background appearances.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Size Changing: Iwao is able to increase his size to the point that he is larger than most buildings.


  • In the anime adaptation of Kinnikuman, Kinkotsuman and Iwao are kept for the rest of the anime, becoming comic relief side-characters who support Kinnikuman.


           Kinnikuman Logo Villains

Time Chojin
God of Time
Five Great Times
Endeman | Excavator | Fanatic | Papillonman | Pessiman
Other Time Chojin
Dominator | El Kite | The Gustman

The One | Rampageman | Bicorn | The Natural | Caucasusman | Ideaman | The Notorious | The Executioner | Leviathan | Onyxman | The Berserker | Magnificent

Perfect Chojin
Perfect Origin
The Man | Silverman | Mirageman | Abyssman | Painman | Justiceman | Ganman | Thingman | Crowman | Psychoman

Perfect Large Numbers
Nemesis | Peek-a-Boo | Polarman | Jak Chi | Marvellous | Marlinman | Crushman | Turboman | Dalmatiman | Max Radial

Perfect Chojin Vanguard
Neptune King | Neptuneman | Kendaman | Screw Kid | Graveyard Demons

Devil Chojin
Satan | Akuma Shogun

Six Devil Knights
Ashuraman | Sunshine | The Ninja | Junkman | Planetman | Sneagator

Seven Devil Chojin
Buffaloman | Springman | Mister Khamen | The Mountain | Atlantis | Black Hole | Stereo-Cassette King

Omega Centauri's Six Spears
Omegaman Aristera | Hailman | Pirateman | Gear Master | Mariquitaman | Lunaight

Five Evil Gods
God of Intelligence | God of Brutality | God of Technique | God of Strength | God of Flight

Five Fated Princes
Team Super Phoenix
Kinnikuman Super Phoenix | Mammothman | Satan Cross | Prisman | Omegaman Dexia
Team Zebra
Kinnikuman Zebra | Parthenon | The Manriki | Motorman | Bikeman
Team Mariposa
Kinnikuman Mariposa | The Hawkman | Mister VTR | King the 100-Ton | Mixer Taitei
Team Big Body
Kinnikuman Big Body | Leopardon | Cannonballer | Golemman | Pinchman
Team Soldier
Kinnikuman Soldier | Heavy Metal | The God Shark | Woolman | Bulldozerman

Brutal Chojin
Ramenman | Warsman | Robin Mask | Brockenman | Curry Cook | Bockman | Booton | Mikhailman | Kommandas | Buki Boy | Black Ship | Higanteman | Cambridgeman | Rollerman | Tyrant | Doguman | Hammerhead

World Supermen Federation
Alien Sheik | Skull Bozu | Devil Magician

Kinkotsuman | Iwao | King Ton | Franky | Abdullah | Brutal Alien | Daibutsura | Dai King | Tigerian | Sprinter Sword | Bottomless Alien | Tendon | Nagaashigon | Bazoogara | Octopus Dragon | Black Shadow | Bullgoras | Monster Turkey

Tag Teams
Rugged Brothers | Monster Master/Student Combo | Blood Illusions | Diabolos | Stray Devil Chojin Combo | Killer Game Combo | Hell Missionaries | Last Intelligence | John Does | Omega Glorious | The Mighty Hercules | Modesties | El Dominoes

Bermuda III | SKGB (Kowalski) | Saizou

See Also
Kinnikuman Anime Villains | Kinnikuman Nisei Villains | Tatakae!! Ramenman Villains
