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“ | Heheheheh! Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys! | „ |
~ JFK's most famous quote. |
“ | I like your funny words, Magic Man. | „ |
~ Jfk to the Pusher about smoking raisins. |
JFK is a major antagonist of the MTV/HBO Max animated series, Clone High. He is the teenage clone of of the 35th president of the USA, John F. Kennedy. JFK acts like a stereotypical bully and jock at Clone High High School and spends most of his time bullying other students and sleeping with random women.
He is voiced by Chris Miller, the co-creator of the series, who also voices Mr. Butlertron in the same series.
JFK is an averagely tall man with a muscular physique. He notably has full brown hair in a pompadour like style and wears a red long sleeve polo shirt with a white stripe, tight khaki pants, brown loafers and socks.
JFK is quite egotistical, short-fused, and dirty-minded shown through his actions of constant ridicule towards the main characters and the foul-mouthed words spewed at them. He possesses a constant love for sexual pleasure and is frequently shown with multiple women (sometimes even at the same time).
Despite his rough surface, he is shown to be able to feel genuine love for a person like when he cried over Cleopatra leaving him to Principal Scudworth and when he showed Joan of Arc that he liked her for who she is. He was also extremely devastated about his friend Ponce de Leon's death to the point where he held himself responsible. JFK also started to warm up to Gandhi after he spent time with him, although he originally spent time with him due to a bet.
He is a philandering jock with an uncontrollable lust for sexual pleasure. JFK is one of the popular kids at the school and he constantly acts as a bully towards the outcasts such as the clones of Abe Lincoln and Gandhi. An arc early in the show had Abe Lincoln and JFK competing for Cleopatra's love. Although he becomes a better person later in the series, he commits many acts that are quite villainous such as stuffing the entire freshman class into only a few lockers.
Villainous Acts[]
- Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand - JFK cheated on Cleopatra with another girl at his party and then got mad at her, when he discovered that she was cheating on him with Abe. JFK later attempted to cheat on Cleo again, only more unethically, when he asked Joan if she was drunk enough to sleep with him, making him guilty of attempted statutory rape.
- Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo - JFK ran a slanderous smear campaign against Abe, while running for student body president. His campaign contained lies, doctored footage, and distorted audio, to try and make Abe seem like a worse person than he really was, all by means of getting himself ahead in the election. Ultimately, JFK's sole reason for becoming student body president was to get Cleo back in charge, so she could continue ruling, beyond her term limits.
- A.D.D.: The Last "D" is for "Disorder" - JFK partook in the bullying and social ostracism of Gandhi for having ADD and ADHD. He also bullied a bunch of students by shoving them all in their lockers.
- Film Fest: Tears of a Clone - JFK participated in a riot, causing the destruction of tons of school property. He threw a giant glass window pane through a brick wall, shattering the bricks to pieces, while the glass remained in tact.
- A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm - JFK sexually harassed Marie Antionette at The Grassy Knoll, making several jokes and comments about her breasts. When Gandhi tried to join him, JFK beat him mercilessly to the ground, claiming that he's supposed to be the only pervert in town. JFK later spied on Joan and Cleo at their sleepover, trying to see them naked. He again got frustrated when Gandhi was doing the same thing, leading to him violently attacking him again.
- Raisin' the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts - JFK tried several times to try and steal Cleo away from Abe again. He also purchased raisins from The Pusher, under the impression that they were drugs and then distributed them to the other students of Clone High.
- Litter Kills: Litterally - JFK constantly littered all throughout the episode and used his popularity to convince all of the other students to follow him and litter too, which eventually led to widespread pollution all over the schoolgrounds. Ultimately, this litter led to the death of his friend, Ponce de Leon. JFK originally felt guilty about being indirectly responsible for killing his friend until he came up with a way of justifying it, imagining him coming back to life as a ghost, who forgave him for what he did. JFK proceeded to litter even more afterwards.
- Makeover Makeover Makeover: The Makeover Episode - JFK made a bet with his reflection that he could get Gandhi a date to prom, believing that a guy like Gandhi could never get a date on his own terms. JFK gave Gandhi a complete makeover, not just to his appearance, but to his personality, turning him into a macho, misogynistic jerk, just like himself. Gandhi's new personality made him lose out on going to prom with Marie Curie, who he was actually interested in.
- Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale - JFK brought five girls to prom with him, (Joan, Catherine the Great, and The Bronte Sisters). During the prom, he punched Buddha in the belly. JFK also manipulated Joan into having sex with him and becoming his girlfriend, luring her into what would become a very toxic relationship, under the false pretenses that he would treat her differently than he treats all his other girlfriends.
- Saved by the Knoll - JFK cheated on Joan with Harriet twice, first making out with her during the play, Twister: The Game: The Musical, and then making out with her again after class. The former of which was part of the play they were in but JFK still felt an attraction to Harriet, so he deep-tongued her behind Joan's back. When Joan found out about this at the end of the episode, she completely forgave him and Harriet, letting them both off the hook.
- Sexy-Ed - JFK made numerous inappropriate passes at Joan, despite her breaking up with him.
- Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation - JFK became a devout Christian, believing that he could use his religion to justify all of the bad things he did in the past. JFK's new philosophy would be that wearing a purity ring would make him a "born-again virgin" and that he wouldn't have to live with the responsibility of his sexually immoral past.
- Go Yell It on the Mountain: Snow Way Out - JFK stole Abe's phone from him and sent numerous dick pics to Mary, under the guise that it was Abe's dick. He also sexually harassed Cleo in the hot tub.
- JFK's character has become a meme with one of the most popular instances of him appearing in a meme was when he failed to win a drag race with Abe and flipped his car over after uttering the iconic line "Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedys!"
- JFK could have been picked as Lincoln's rival since the real JFK and Lincoln had some things in common. Such as both were assassinated presidents, both were killed by assassins that were inspired by the enemy countries, both had southern vice presidents that were named Johnson, and both were killed almost 100 years apart.
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