The Jaaku Monstone is a Monstone corrupted with dark energy by the Yodonheim and the main antagonist of episode 18 of Mashin Sentai Kiramager.
The Jaaku Monstone began as a Monstone was unearthed by King Oradin while traveling with Mr. Hakaminami and his son, Takamichi. The Monstone merged with Takamichi, threatening his life, but Oradin brought Takamich to Crystalia and saved Takamichi by implanting a Kiramai Stone in his body, countering the Monstone and making Takamichi part Crystalian.
Later on, the Monstone within Takamichi was later corrupted by Galza into a Jaaku Monstone, causing Takamichi to turn evil and fall under Galza's control. As a result, Takamichi turned against the Kiramagers and became Dark KiramaiSilver. The Jaaku Monstone was eventually expunged from Takamichi's body and grew giant, only to be defeated by the Kiramagers in their Mashins.