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During Jared's childhood he spent his time with mama murphy she used her foresight and predicted that he would be kidnapped by raiders and become one himself both of witch came true.Jared late as a raider saw potention in this ability and tried to recreate it himself by using chems but was always unsuccessful, He relies that he needed more people to test and formed his own gain recruiting people by offering free chems. After hearing that someone fitting Mama murphy's description was traveling with a caravan he set out one his lieutenant o capture her.
Fallout 4[]
When Preston Garvey sends the sole survivor to help tenpines bluff with there raider problems it turns out Jared was one responsible for the raiding.The Sole survivor then leaves to Jared after fighting though his gang he finds and kills Jared. After the sole survivor informs the settles of his death they join the minutemen.
Other raiders will terminal entries about his death including Slag,Bosco and tower tom. Jared will also have entries on there deaths if killed before him