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Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality!

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If this were Pakistan, you woulda been sewing soccer balls when you were four years old!
~ Jim Brody.
Get out of my god damn scuba gear you imbecile!
~ Jim Brody to Gord Brody.
Oh, you're dead.
~ Jim Brody, in response to Gord Brody getting them both into Pakistan.

James "Jim" Brody is the main antagonist of the 2001 film Freddy Got Fingered.

He was portrayed by the late Rip Torn, who also portrayed the CEO of OCP in RoboCop 3.


Jim is the angry stern father of Gord Brody (Tom Green), a 28-year-old slacker cartoonist who lives in the basement of Jim's house. Jim's personality stems from his estranged son's bizarre behavior; which includes masturbating animals, creating a way to draw, play music, and eat food all at the same time, and wearing Jim's scuba gear in the shower.

Jim can also be extremely hostile, as far as kicking Gord's friend's casted leg, in which he injured while testing a skate ramp he and Gord made. Jim's abusive behavior and temper also causes his wife, Julie to divorce him, and Gord begins to further humiliate his father by making Jim "the bad guy" in his animated series, Zebras in America.

Throughout the whole film, Jim wants Gord to get out of his house and was wanting him to get out of his house and find himself a job, on top of dealing with a sociopathic son like Gord. Jim first revels with joy when he first thought Gord was finally out the house, but felt let down when he hears his son coming back with a fried chicken sandwich.

At the end of the movie, Jim and Gord finally bond a father-son friendship despite Gord's idiocy. Even while Gord made incredibly dumb decisions, Jim still had foolhardy faith in his hopes of Gord improving himself and gave him the benefit of the doubt.


He's 28 year old and he can eat a chicken sandwich, very impressive. Mike Fitzgibbon’s son, is a nuclear physicist, and my son can eat a! CHICKEN!!! GUURRRRR!
~ Jim Brody when Gordy brought chicken home when Gord's mother cooked roast beef for him.
You can either eat god. damn roast beef, or you can go to bed.
~ Jim Brody to Gord Brody.
Yeah you could help me b*tch, get off your fat a*s and tell me where my f**king son is.
~ Jim Brody to a female receptionist of the "Radioactive Animation" company.

