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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Brainwashing Ninja Jukukinoko is a mushroom-themed robotic ninja serving as a member of the Jakanja's Puppet Ninja Corps and an antagonist in episode 34 of Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger.

He is voiced by Katsuya Shiga.


Jukukinoko was loaned to Wendinu by Sargain to assist her in her "Wendinu Cram School" scheme. He very quickly fell in love with her and attempted to help her pass out flyers, only for his appearance to scare people off. He also became jealous of Hashimoto, a grocery store clerk whom Wendinu had fallen in love with.

Once Wendinu had gotten enough mothers to send their children to her school, she had Jukukinoko use his spores to brainwash them, allowing her to convince the children the Hurricanegers were their enemies. When the Hurricanegers showed up to stop them, Wendinu and Jukukinoko sent the brainwashed children to attack them. However, after the Hurricanegers destroyed Jukukinoko with a blast from their Triple Gadget, the children returned to normal.

After Wendinu calmed down, she summoned a Copy Giant to enlarge Jukukinoko. Jukukinoko was destroyed again by Revolver Gourai Senpuujin. After Jukukinoko's demise, Sargain expressed pity for his unrequited feelings for Wendinu.


           Logo-hurricanger Villains

Tau Zant | Iga | Magerappa
Seven Dark Spears: Bat Zhe Rumba | Furabiijo | Chuuzubo | Manmaruba | Wendinu | Sargain | Satarakura | Sandaaru
Alien Ninja Corps: Kekkaibo | Kurrisotsubo | Hanasakkadoushi | Futabutabou | Kuttukuhoushi | Yumebakushi | Higenamazukin | Octonyuudon | Kirikirimaishi | Girigirigaishi
Puppet Ninja Corps: Jishakkumo | Mogudrago | Shiransu | Gamajakushi | Tekkotsumeba | Kangaroulette | Undaigo | Chupid | Jukukinoko | Musasabisutaru | Fushokuruga
Masked Ninja Corps: Jin-Giron | Kira-Cologne | Vamp-Iyan | Omo-Karu | Bero-Tan | Gomubi-Ron | Tsukko-Mina
Fan Ninja Beast Corps: Badogi | Dezargi | Madogi
Others: Gouraigers (Ikkou Kasumi | Isshu Kasumi) | Ikki Kasumi | Chubouzu | Furabijenu | Fangol | Evil Will

Ura Seven Spears
Chubouzu | Bat Zhe Rumba | Oiranda | Aunja
