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“ | Eat vegetables and fruits to become strong. LIKE ME! | „ |
~ Jumbo Josh |
Jumbo Josh is the secondary antagonist of the Garten of Banban series. He is one of the mascots of Banban's Kindergarten, Jumbo Josh is a failed low intelligence case however who plays with all living things like dolls, he is incredibly strong.
Jumbo Josh is a large, hulking green humanoid monster, his main feature being his massive arms. His eyes bulge out, and his mouth is stuck in a permanent toothy semi-smile. A sort of orange colored splatter can be seen on his left arm.
The original depiction of Jumbo Josh seemed to fill the role of a stereotypical "jock" archetype, albeit one who encourages others to eat healthily to grow up strong like him.
His monster variation that was brought to life is a much more menacing figure. Jumbo Josh takes his strength and uses it only for himself, recklessly destroying parts of the kindergarten as well.
Jumbo Josh is also seemingly quite perceptive, able to easily spot any minute details that have been changed within his lounge. However, he doesn't seem to be all that bright, seemingly believing his captors to be toys to play with. Jumbo Josh is also unable to speak, instead only vocalizing through grunts.
Jumbo Josh seems to be on either neutral or hostile terms with the other mascots, having attacked his own kind on multiple occasions. Whether or not he doesn't know any better or if he simply doesn't care is unknown.
Garten of Banban[]
Although Jumbo Josh only appears at the end of the chapter, artwork of it, along with its slogan appear in the room the protagonist first spawned in.
When the protagonist opens a room with the orange keycard, they use their drone to activate a button allowing them to go onto a lift. Suddenly, a monstrous roar can be heard as the lift descends into a black void. The alarm on the lift begins blaring, and Jumbo Josh emerges in front of the protagonist and grabs onto the lift. The lift then tips over, resulting in both the protagonist and Jumbo Josh to fall into the abyss as a loud crash can be heard when the screen turns black.
Garten of Banban II[]
At the end of the game, Banban says it's "meeting time" causing the protagonist to be chased by Banbaleena as Jumbo Josh tries to crush them. Eventually, the protagonist reaches a room where they lead Banbaleena onto a big X, causing her to get crushed by Jumbo Josh and kidnapped. If they were step on the X instead, they would get crushed by Jumbo Josh.
Garten of Banban III[]
When the protagonist completes the surgery for Nabnaleena, she and Nabnab meet and prepare to leave, only for Jumbo Josh (presumably) to capture him, while Nabnaleena leaves as well. After waking up from Stinger Flynn's hallucination, the protagonist is in a room with Banbaleena and an unconscious Nabnab who the former says that Jumbo Josh captured them and will kill them if he finds out that they moved anything in the room or leave their chair. After completing several puzzles, the protagonist and Banbaleena escape, while the latter takes the lift to the upper floor.
Jumbo Josh appears again, attacking a hijacked Banban and crushes him. But Stinger Flynn intervenes and tells them all to stop, but Jumbo Josh grabs him and throws him onto Banban, presumably killing both of them. The impact causes Tarta Bird to presumably fall to his death before the lights turn off, as the protagonist and an Opila Chick leave to take the lift to find Sheriff Toadster and Queen Bouncelia.
Garten of Banban IV[]
When The protagonist, Banban and Mr. Kabob Man are passing by on a purple bridge in search for an elevator piece, Jumbo Josh appears. Mr. Kabob Man warns the protagonist and Banban to get down. Jumbo Josh walks over to a table with vegetables and as he's about to grab some a rope grabs onto his leg and drags him away.
After the protagonist finishes talking to Queen Bounceila they go to check the new locked up criminals. Jumbo Josh is found near the end of the hallway, when listening to the Toadster Archives, Sheriff Toadster says he was found at the feeding sector and caught by a trap set up by him.
Garten of Banban VII[]
When Sir Dadadoo and The Naughty Ones escape Queen Bouncelia's pouch, Syringeon has an idea to use Jumbo Josh to battle them and all the mascots under Dadadoo's control. After doing that he then picks the scepter and proceeds to put it in his mouth which causes it to explode in his face. It’s unknown what happened to Jumbo Josh after this.

The Jumbo Josh Lounge.
- It is theorized that the audio recording in the cafeteria (which required the protagonist to retrieve a boarding pass from an inaccessible room by using a purple keycard from Opila Bird) plays a recording of someone leading a child or a group of children to the lift, when out of nowhere, a crashing sound can be heard along with the kids screaming, implying that Jumbo Josh may had came and broke the lift. However, this was never confirmed.
- Jumbo Josh can be seen on the thumbnail for Garten of Banban.
- At the beginning of the game, a clock that is based off Jumbo Josh can be interacted with.
- Jumbo Josh actually has four other siblings with similar colors. Those being Magenta, Blue, Orange, and Yellow.
- In fact, scanning a QR code on one of the boarding passes leads to a website to a place called the Jumbo Josh Lounge. It shows Jumbo Josh and his siblings surrounding a cake, along with text that says that the latter had spared the player since they had worked hard to find the place.[1]
- There's also a hidden text in the lounge that says "it hurts". It's unknown what the text is supposed to represent, although it may be just an easter egg.
- In the release date teaser for Garten of Banban III, Jumbo Josh and an Opila Chick can be seen physically sitting next to the mural.
- Initially, he was called Jumbo Sauce. However, this has since been changed.
- Ironically, the name is also sort of a meme, under the name, Zumbo Sauce.
External Links[]
- Jumbo Josh on the Garten of Banban Wiki
- ↑ The Jumbo Josh Lounge -