Junkman is a minor antagonist from the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.
Most of Junkman's past is unknown, what is known is that one day Satan would approach Junkman with an offer to become one of his Six Devil Knights in exchange for immense power. Junkman accepted and became a Devil Chojin.
Junkman makes his first appearance alongside his allies during the Golden Mask Arc. Junkman, alongside the other Six Devil Knights, appeared to the weakened Chojins after the Golden Mask was stolen, all six were wearing fake Golden Masks and explained that they were Devil Chojins above the Seven Devil Chojin before revealing the decapitated heads of the Seven Devil Chojin who were killed as punishment.
The Six Devil Knights then fused into a gun and shot themselves off into various points in the world with Ashuraman waiting for Kinnikuman.
After Kinnikuman defeated Sneagator and Planetman, he and the Justice Chojin would enter Warsman's body in order to save him and encounter the remaining four members of the Six Devil Knights who square off against the Justice Chojin with Junkman fighting against Robin Mask.
Junkman would charge at Robin Mask, almost hitting him and hitting the pole that Kinnikuman was on with his Junk Crushers, forcing Robin Mask to choose between himself or Kinnikuman. Robin Mask chooses to get hit by the Junk Crushers, slipping out of his armor before he was crushed.
Junkman was thankful for this because it meant he could crush Robin Mask's armor, leaving him more vulnerable while showing off the power of his Junk Crushers. Junkman then aims his attack at the pole that Kinnikuman is climbing, forcing Robin Mask to take the attack again, however, he manages to hold the crushers apart. This leaves Robin Mask open to a surprise attack from Junkman who sprouts spikes from his chest which stab Robin Mask.
Robin Mask realises Junkman's weak point, his back. Robin Mask ducks under Junkman's crushers and goes to attack his back, pushing Junkman over and getting him stuck in the ground thanks to his chest spikes. Just as Robin Mask was about to attack the stuck Junkman, he rotated his arms and made a second face appear on the back of his head, allowing him to use his Junk Crushers and stab Robin Mask with them, severely damaging him.
Robin Mask gets back up and decides that he needs to be faster to win and so removes pieces of his armor to increase in speed to the point that Junkman can't hit him. Robin Mask manages to trick Junkman into slamming his head into a post, however, Robin Mask was too tired to continue running, allowing Junkman to throw Robin Mask into the air but this was Robin Mask's trick and used the momentum from falling to land his Reverse Tower Bridge, winning the fight.
After his death, Akuma Shogun revived Junkman and the rest of the Six Devil Knights to be used as his armor. During the fight the armor would be broken, leaving Junkman stuck as a part of it.
Kinnikuman (2011)[]
Once the Perfect Chojin appeared and after Akuma Shogun opened the way to the Chojin Graveyard, the Six Devil Knights charged in and all went through different doors with Junkman stopping to fight Painman who stepped forward to challenge the Devil Chojin.
Painman would order all of the Graveyard Demons to not interfere with their fight before leading Junkman to their caged ring.
Junkman would rush into and try to crush Painman, however, he would keep avoiding his attacks and producing Bubble Dummies that Junkman keeps hitting as Painman keeps beating him.
Soon, Junkman would catch the real Painman and flatten him into a cube, thinking that it would kill him, however, Painman simply reinflated and go back to attacking Junkman, beating him down to the ground. When Junkman sprouted spikes on his chest to stab Painman, he inflated even more air to knock Junkman away. Junkman tried to impale Painman with his spiked crushers but he pushed them away and would pin Junkman to the ground before mocking both Junkman and Akuma Shogun for thinking that hardness was the best offense in the world.
Painman then elbows dropped onto Junkman and wrapped his soft body around him, suffocating him in the process. Junkman managed to escape by bending his crushers to attack Painman's head. After breaking free, the room began to feel hot from Junkman's attacks, giving him the idea to keep attacking to raise the temperature of the room, making Painman's cushioned body expand due to the hot air and allowing Junkman to stab Painman's body, narrowly missing his heart.
Painman was delighted that he found an opponent who could actually damage his body after hundreds of millions of years, however, Junkman barely had enough stamina to continue fighting, leading Painman to think that he had already won. Junkman then broke off one of his crushers, making him light enough to leap up above Painman and stab him with the other crusher both driving him down and squishing Painman onto his discarded crusher, popping Painman's entire body and causing him to bleed everywhere.
With his last bit of strength, Painman gave Junkman his dumbbell and ordered all of the Graveyard Demons to leave Junkman alone before finally succumbing to his wounds.
Junkman would fall asleep, too tired to continue fighting. He would later hand off his dumbbell to Sunshine and The Ninja.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin granted strength by Satan, Junkman has immense strength, speed and durability far above most other Chojin who already have the ability to perform superhuman feats. Other abilities that Chojin have that Junkman likely has is the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Junk Crushers: On both of Junkman's arms are a pair of large steel slabs. These Junk Crushers are Junkman's main weapon of choice which he uses to crush an opponent, they can sprout spikes for stabbing and can bend in order to crush an object or person into a small cube. These crushers are so powerful that they can flatten Robin Mask's armor which even Akuma Shogun's swords couldn't scratch without hardening.
External Links[]
- Junkman on the Kinnikuman Wiki