Kaiser Hades is the leader of the Hades Army and the main antagonist of the first half of Genseishin Justiriser. He is a demonic alien who seeks to become the ruler of the universe by destroying the two planets that oppose him, Earth and Riser.
He is voiced by Takashi Taniguchi, who previously voiced Belzeus in Chouseishin Gransazer.
At the direction of his older brother Majin Daruga, Hades led his armada in razing the planet Riser and nearly wiping out its people, as it was one of the two planets which stood in the brothers' way of the universe. During the war, Hades fought and defeated the Riser hero Demon Knight, before brainwashing him into becoming his servant. Hades then headed to Earth to eliminate the other planet which stood in his way, only to face opposition from a fleet led by the surviving Riser heroine Nolun. Despite having a smaller army, Nolun defeated Hades and sealed him below the Kamishiro Mountain using the Stellar Plates.
450 years later, Hades's subordinate Doctor Zora came to Earth in the present day seeking to unseal him. Zora eventually succeeded in breaking all the Stellar Plates and freeing Hades, but he was injured soon after by an attack from Glen, forcing him to retreat while Zora held off the Justirisers.

Kaiser Hades on board his flagship.
Hades then summoned General Bacchus and his Death Commandos, as well as Demon Knight, to assist him in his plan to destroy the Justirisers and Earth. However, their campaign was met with complications when Mio Tendo awakened the power of Riser Shirogane and enabled Shouta to transform into him. After discovering that Mio was the source of Shirogane, Hades began ordering his minions to target her.
Following the death of Bacchus, Hades began his final planet to destroy Earth by having the Magneshielder embed itself into the planet before combining with the Sonic Crusher to release a shockwave that would decimate human civilization and render the planet devoid of life. At the same time, Hades was able to capture Mio and attempted to steal the Justi Crystal from her, only for it to react by electrocuting him due to his evil intentions. Hades then had his Zakoal stuff Mio inside of the majin statue before making it attack Riser Gant, in order to trick him into killing his love.

Kaiser Hades faces the Justirisers in combat.
At the same time, as Hades's Magneshielder plan came close to completion, the Justirisers attempted to stop it and met Kaiser Hades in battle. While the other Justirisers held Hades off, the plan was foiled when Shirogane stopped the two weapons from combining. After being beaten back by the Justirisers, Hades assumed his true form and made a final attempt destroy the Justirisers. Although he was initially able to overpower them, it was at that moment that the Justirisers unlocked Ryuto and the ability to form Justi Kaiser. Piloting Justi Kaiser, Shirogane obliterated Kaiser Hades with a beam of combined Riser and Justi Power.
Right before his death, Hades transported his power to Majin Daruga in the hopes he could avenge him. Taking an interest in Earth, Daruga ordered his fleet to set their sights on the planet next.