Kalbi (also known as Kalbi the Butcher), is a minor antagonist in the anime/manga series Akame Ga Kill!. He is a minotaur-like wrestler who partook in General Esdeath's martial arts tournament.
He was voiced by Takahiro Fujiwara (who also voiced Kurogiri) in Japanese and Josh Morrison in English.
Kalbi is a gigantic and muscular man with a bull head. He has yellow eyes, a large hoop ring between his nose, and small horns on the top of his head. He wears loafers, a pair of shorts with a red sash around his waist, and dons a black leather jacket that extends roughly to his chest. The jacket also has horns on the shoulders. Also, he wears black bracelets with a red bull logo on them.
Nothing is known of Kalbi's past, but he was been manipulated by Esdeath in order to participate in The Capital's citywide martial arts tournament to obtain cash reward and "be the best". In the final match of the day, he was set up against Tatsumi. Feeling confident of his victory, Kalbi was quickly pushed back by Tatsumi and he defeats him by doing an heavy kick on the back of his head and falls on the floor.
It is unknown what happened to Kalbi afterwards, but it's likely that he died because Tatsumi's kick maybe broke his skull.
Villains | ||
The Empire Path of Peace Gravekeepers Oarburgh Clan Others |