"Kamen Rider Beast" is a hologram of the original Kamen Rider Beast created to serve in the Beast Rider Squad and an antagonist in Kamen Rider Brave: ~Let's Survive! Revival of the Beast Rider Squad!~.
The Kamen Rider Beast hologram was created alongside holograms of Kamen Riders Tiger, Sasword and Dark Kiva by "King Dark" to serve in the Beast Rider Squad led by a revived Takeshi Asakura. The purpose of the Rider Squad was to serve as a front to allow Foundation X to acquire the Rider Gashats of Genm Corp., which they had been eyeing for some time. The squad was fought by Kamen Rider Brave. The Beast hologram was destroyed along with the hologram of Sasword by Kamen Rider Brave Safari Quest Gamer Level 4, after Ouja used them both to shield an attack from the Rider.
Villains | ||
Bugsters Genm Corp. Next Genome Institute Foundation X Machina Vision Shocker Others |