Kamen Rider Onyx is a minor antagonist of the TV series Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight. He was an enigmatic Kamen Rider that haunted Kit Taylor in his nightmares.
According to Kamen Riders Pryce and Chance, the rage of the advent beasts can try to impose its will on other Riders by giving them nightmares, with Kamen Rider Onyx being created (presumably by either Dragblacker or Dragreder) as a figure to haunt Kit Taylor in his dreams.
When Kit Taylor was at his lowest point due to recent events, Onyx attacked Kit in his own apartment, dragging him into a mirror and having a brief fight with Dragon Knight, not saying a word as a confused Kit asked him multiple questions. After defeating Dragon Knight, Kit wakes up right as Onyx was about to finish him off, as it was all just a nightmare.
After Xaviax finally reveals himself to Kit and offers to cure his father in exchange for betraying Len and Kase, Onyx appeared again in another nightmare where Kit is actually using the suit this time. Trying to convince Kit to give in, Onyx mercilessly vented both Len and Kase in the nightmare, citing the words of Kit's father while betraying his allies. These nightmares didn't work, as Kit remained on Len and Kase's side during the fight against Xaviax.
Some time later, Kit would actually briefly become Kamen Rider Onyx, transforming with a deck that was given to him by Master Eubulon, but using those powers to defeat Xaviax.
External Links[]
- Kamen Rider Onyx on the Kamen Rider Wiki
Villains | ||
Xaviax's Army |