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Kano is one of the secondary antagonists of the rebooted Mortal Kombat games.

Kano was voiced by Michael McConnohie in Mortal Kombat 9 and X, reprising the role from Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. In Mortal Kombat 11, he was voiced by JB Blanc.


Kano shares much of the same history as his original counterpart, serving as the leader of the Black Dragon Clan. According to Sonya sometime in the past, he pretended to be only a member of the Black Dragon who was acting as an informant for the Special Forces. It turned out Kano was their leader and lured the Special Forces into a deadly trap getting many of them killed in the process. Though this was not a total victory for Kano as he lost his right eye, though he would mend his injuries and was equipped with a new bionic eye. Kano would attempt to tempt a young Matokan, Grey Cloud, to hand over his tribe's sacred relics, and when he refused Kano turned on him. However, the Black Dragon were driven off by Grey Cloud, who become his tribe's spiritual defender, Nightwolf. At some point, he would also kill Sonya's partner. Kano had both the hooksword wielding Kabal and the cowboy Erron Black as subordinates, but both would leave for their own reasons.

Mortal Kombat (2011)[]

During the tournament, Kano is given sanctuary from the Special Forces at Shang Tsung's island. He first appears on a bridge high above the Pit and attacks Sonya, who is already in a weakened state from her fight with Johnny Cage. Kano pushes Jonny off the bridge and plans to take care of Sonya next, but Johnny survives and takes on Kano forcing him to flee. Sonya frees Jax (who had been captured by Kano at some point) in Goro's lair and tries to escape, but Shang Tsung stops her and Kano challenges Sonya to a fight. Kano loses the fight and Sonya tries to arrest Kano but Shang Tsung stops her.

During the events of the second tournament, Kano and Shang Tsung meet up in the Living Forest, where he attempts to convince Shang Tsung to buy some of his Black Dragon weaponry which Shang Tsung takes an interest in. As they are talking, however, they are interrupted by Smoke who Kano tries to kill stating it will be "no charge." However, he along with Shang Tsung are defeated, though it is likely Shang Tsung did buy at least some stuff from Kano as the Tarkatans are later seen with some of his weapons.

Kano would also participate in Outworld's invasion of Earthrealm selling Shao Kahn's army weapons. During the invasion, he would come across an injured Kabal one of his old minions from the Black Dragon. Kano along with some help from Shang Tsung patches up Kabal and Kano attempts to convince him to rejoin the Black Dragon, but Kabal refuses while berating Kano for selling the Outworld warriors their firepower, therefore blaming Kano for his damaged state. The two fight and Kabal wins and overpowers Kano.

Kabal threatens Kano with his weapon demanding Kano to get him out of Outworld. Kano, however, states that nobody leaves Outworld without Shao Kahn saying so Kano demands to see him but knows he can't get near him so he has Kano take him to Shao Kahn. The two eventually end up in Shao Kahn's throne room Kabal confirms with Kano that the man is Shao Kahn and also witnesses Shao Kahn sacrificing Shang Tsung to empower Sindel. Kano comments that Shao Kahn is a bit much for Kabal, but Kabal knocks him out saying he can take him on anyway.

Kano eventually recovers and along with Goro and Kintaro torturing several Earthrealm soldiers that are to be transported to the graveyard for Quan Chi's soulnado. Cyber Sub-Zero arrives which is who they were waiting for with Kano stating he doesn't care where they go as long as he gets paid. Cyber Sub-Zero betrays them however and freezes the three, freeing the prisoners, Kano is still frozen as Sub-Zero takes on Goro, Kintaro and Ermac. He does eventually get free, however, and heads to the graveyard and informs Noob Saibot about Sub-Zero's betrayal.

Mortal Kombat X: Comics[]

Years later, when the now human Sub-Zero was sent to a Red Dragon temple to retrieve a Kamidogu dagger, Kano took the opportunity to follow him. Kano let him deal with the Red Dragon before emerging, scarring the Lin Kuei with the Kamidogu, revealing that the true curse of a Kamidogu would lead to those cut by the blade to be possessed. After warning him that death would be the only release from the curse, Sub-Zero refused to yield to death once more, freezing and tearing Kano's eye implant, with the Black Dragon vowing retribution.


Mortal Kombat X[]


At some point before the events of the story, Kano steals Shinnok's amulet and leaves a duplicate in its place, along with a trap for anyone who discovers it. He sells the amulet to Mileena and also promises Kano 100 million gold if he helps her defeat Kano which Kano accepts. Kano tricks Kotal Kahn into thinking he is making a good deal with him, but he is leading Kotal right into a trap by Mileena. Kano attempts to attack Kotal himself but is stopped by him. Kotal attempts to finish Kano off, ignoring his pleading to not kill him, but is attacked by Tanya so Kano escapes.

Kano is mentioned by Li Mei, who alludes to "an Earthrealmer with a glowing red eye" as being among those who crossed the portal with them, and Sonya instantly recognizes that this is, in fact, Kano. Sonya heads off to the camp and discovers a slain Outworld refugee and immediately recognizes it as Kano's work. Kano has snuck into the refugee camp disguised he is eventually confronted by Sonya and Kenshi Kano tries to weasel his way out of the situation by offering to reveal information in exchange for freedom. Sonya, however, refuses to negotiate, especially after Kano threatens her daughter Cassie causing a fight between the two. Sonya nearly kills Kano but Kenshi and Johnny convince her to stop saying they still need info on the amulet so she lets him go and Kano is put in custody for his many crimes.

Mortal Kombat 11[]

MK3 Klassic costume

The younger Kano emerging from the Timequake.

Between games, Kano is somehow able to escape from jail, and along with that during Kronika's timequakes the past version of Kano is summoned. After Sub-Zero and Scorpion destroy the restored Cyber Lin Kuei Assembly and severely damage a time-displaced Sektor he is brought to a place where Geras offers the younger Kano and Erron Black for repairing Sektor and helping to finish the construction of the brand new Cyber Lin Kuei. The older Kano shows up revealing the even greater deal that Kronika offered them that the Black Dragon would become the most successful criminal empire in Kronika's new era, both Past and Present Kano accept Kronika's deal and start working for her.

The Kanos along with the Black Dragon and the Cyber Lin Kuei attack the Special Forces Desert Command. After a confrontation with the past Kano, Johnny Cage briefly incapacitates him, only to have the present Kano wound him with a gunshot to the leg and capture both the past version of Cage and Sonya Blade. However, under Kronika's orders Present Kano activates a detonator to blow up Sektor to both destroy the Desert Command and replace Sektor with Frost as the new leader of the Cyber Lin Kuei.

Kano Gatlin Gun

In Russia at the Black Dragon Fight Club Kano lies to a time-displaced past Kabal that Sonya is responsible for burning his future self while torturing him to get dirt on the Black Dragon, causing the two to fight in a cage match which Kabal loses. They then force her to fight the younger Johnny Cage but are rescued by Cassie Cage and an invading Special Forces. Present Kano starts charging at them with a minigun to take them all down and eventually of they end up fighting. After that Present Kano holds Jonny up at knifepoint reminds Sonya that if Johnny dies, both Cassie and his present counterpart will cease to exist. This, however, causes Sonya to realize the same is true for Kano, and she thanks him for "reminding [her] of the rules" before drawing her gun and shooting Past Kano through the eye, killing him and causing Present Kano to cease to exist.

In his arcade ending, Kano betrays and defeats Kronika, stealing her power as a Titan in return for sparing her life. With the power to shape time, Kano gleefully makes every desire he's ever had come true, such as having Sonya and Cassie Cage fight for his gratification. However, he swiftly became bored by having everything handed to him, feeling he had "sucked the fun" out of it. He elected to restore a similar status quo where whatever he wanted was out of reach, being seen revelling in stealing Shinnok's Amulet while being pursued by Sonya and Jax.





I'll take care of him, no charge. One dead Lin Kuei, in a tick!
~ Kano to Shang Tsung and Smoke in Mortal Kombat (2011).
Kano: Well, then. If mother won't play nice, maybe daughter will.
Sonya Blade:
If you ever...
Kano: Back off, and all's well. Piss me off...and Cassie's gonna meet Uncle Kano.
~ Kano threatening Sonya Blade's daughter, Cassie Cage, if she does not let him go free.
Kano: Liu Kang?
Kung Lao: Scum! You face Kung Lao.
Kano: Whatever.
~ Kano vs Kung Lao.
So how's the family, Briggs?
~ Kano to Jax Briggs.
I'm a Black Dragon.
~ Kano after Jax Briggs wants to know why he is smug.
Get set for a relapse.
~ Kano talking about Jax dying again.
Hello my lovely.
~ Kano to Sonya Blade.
Escape and miss all the fun.
~ Kano to Sonya Blade.
Hello, baby. Miss me?
~ Kano to Sonya Blade.
It's your funeral.
~ Kano to Kenshi.
This ain't no game.
~ Kano to Kenshi.
I get a new sword out of it.
~ Kano before fighting Kenshi.
Sorry, love. Nothing personal.
~ Kano to Kitana.
I'd do you for free.
~ Kano to Kitana.
I'll have that rope spear.
~ Kano to Scorpion.
Who sad I want to buy it.
~ Kano after Scorpion says his weapon is not for sale.
My favorite kitchen appliance.
~ Kano making fun of Sub-Zero.
Let's bring you down a peg.
~ Kano to Sub-Zero.
Sorry, no refunds.
~ Kano after Mileena says she wants her gold back.
I prefer the winning side.
~ Kano after Mileena says he betrays her.
Won't even get my hands dirty.
~ Kano to Takeda.
Over here, sweet girl.
~ Kano to Cassie Cage.
Baby girl, first swings on me.
~ Kano to Cassie Cage.
Going to cut you ear to ear.
~ Kano to Cassie Cage.
Shall we dance, pretty girl?
~ Kano to Jacqui Briggs.
They let anyone one in, eh?
~ Kano talking about the Shaolin Monks after Kung Jin calls him a dirtbag.
You could use a friend like me.
~ Kano to Shinnok.
That's your last go at me.
~ Kano after Johnny Cage makes a joke about Kano.
Why don't we work together?
~ Kano to Erron Black.
I like my chances.
~ Kano after Ermac tells him that he is one person against many souls.
Rack off.
~ Kano to Jax Briggs.
Guilty as charged.
~ Kano after Johnny talks about how he through him off a bridge.
Probably richer then him too.
~ Kano after Kotal Khan says that he is lower than the jackal.
Older Kano: You weren't kidding. S'like a mirror, reflecting the past.
Younger Kano: How 'bout that, over fifty and still a ripper.
~ Older Kano and Younger Kano meet.
One thing we Black Dragon know, there's no fun in a fair fight.
Younger Kano: Best thing about this future, love? I'm alive, but you're dead as a doornail.
Older Kano: Worse thing is, it's those Netherrealm stiffs did you in, shoulda been me.
Younger Kano: Let's have ourselves a do-over.
Kano: You want to taste Australia's best blood sausage?
Skarlet: I would rather taste your blood.
Kano: Would you settle for me sausage?
~ Kano's innuendo laden and memetic line to Skarlet.





  • In Robocop's MK11 storyline, it is revealed he is chasing after Kano, who uses Kronika's temporal powers to cut deals with the gangsters of old Detroit.
  • It is heavily implied that the Kano seen in Mortal Kombat Legends: Snowblind is the same Kano from his MK11 ending.


           Kombat2 MortalKombat Villains Kombat2

Main Villains
Blaze | Daegon | Dark Kahn | Havik (New Era, Titan Havik) | Kronika | Onaga | One Being | Quan Chi (2nd Timeline, New Era) | Shang Tsung (2nd Timeline, New Era) | Shao Kahn (2nd Timeline, General Shao) | Shinnok

Secondary Villains
Cetrion | D'Vorah | Dark Raiden | Frost | Geras | Goro (New Era) | Kano (1st Timeline, 2nd Timeline) | Kintaro | Mileena (2nd Timeline) | Noob Saibot (New Era) | Sektor (New Era) | Sindel | Skarlet

Other Villains
Baraka (2nd Timeline) | Chameleon | Cyrax | Drahmin | Darrius | Dark Kenshi | Ermac (Order of Darkness) | Erron Black | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jade | Jarek | Kabal (1st Timeline, 2nd Timeline) | Kira | Kobra | Kollector | Mavado | Moloch | Motaro (New Era) | Nitara (New Era) | Rain (1st Timeline, 2nd Timeline, New Era) | Reiko (New Era) | Reptile | Scorpion | Sheeva | Smoke (1st Timeline, 2nd Timeline) | Tanya | Tremor | Triborg

Undead Villains
Jade | Jax | Kabal | Kitana | Kung Lao | Kurtis Stryker | Liu Kang | Nightwolf | Sindel | Smoke | Sub-Zero

Guest Star Villains
Alien | Catwoman | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Freddy Krueger | Ghostface (Billy Loomis) | Homelander | Jason Voorhees | John Rambo | Joker | Kratos | Leatherface | Lex Luthor | Omni-Man | Peacemaker | Predator | T-1000 | Terminator

Non Playable Villains
Barakion | Dark Li Mei | Female Ermac | Female Reptile | Female Scorpion | Female Sub-Zero | Fire Cage | Firefly | Forrest Fox | Frostbite | Guard of Thunder | Janet Cage | Jataaka | Jawspell | John Khaner | Johnny Savage | Kang Quan | Katara Vala | Kia | Kitana Khan | Klockodile | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Lizard Queen | Lucifer | Malebolgia | No Face | Oni Warlord | Quan Li | Quantum-Chi | Quinn | Red Dragon | Reiko Starr | Rojack | Ruutuu | Scorp Lao | Screen Demon | Sento Storm | Shao-Zero | Shock Priestess | Stung Lao | Tasia | Warlord

Evil Races
Centaurians | Demons | Dragons | Hellspawn | Kytinn | Oni | Shokan | Tarkata | Tormentors | Wraiths | Zombies

Evil Organizations
Army of Darkness | Black Dragon Clan | Brotherhood of Shadow | Cyber Ninjas | Dragon King's Army | Festival of Death | Forces of Darkness | Kahn Guards | Masked Guards | Red Dragon Clan | Shaakans | Shadow Assassins | Shadow Priests | Tekunin | The Deadly Alliance

Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins (1995): Shang Tsung | Goro
Mortal Kombat (1995): Shang Tsung | Kano | Goro | Sub-Zero | Scorpion | Reptile | Shao Kahn
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: Shao Kahn | Sindel | Shinnok | Mileena | Motaro | Sheeva | Ermac | Jade | Baraka | Cyrax | Smoke | Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Rain
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth: Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Baraka
Mortal Kombat: Legacy: Gadsen | Liu Kang | Baraka
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge: Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | One Being
Mortal Kombat (2021): Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms: Shao Kahn | Shinnok | Shang Tsung | One Being | Scorpion | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Sektor | Cyrax | Mileena | Smoke | Reiko | Kintaro | Jade | D'Vorah | Baraka | Li Mei
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind: Kano | Shang Tsung | Kabal | Kira | Kobra | Erron Black | Ferra and Torr | Drahmin | No Face | Tremor | Jarek | Kronika
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match: Shinnok | Sareena | The Director | David Doubldy | Jataaka | Kia | Drahmin | Moloch
Mortal Kombat 2: Shao Kahn | Shang Tsung | Noob Saibot | Jade | Sindel | Kano | Quan Chi | Baraka

Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm: Karbrac | Hideyoshi | Komodai | Oniro | Ruby | Zaggot | Zara | Zenkaro
Mortal Kombat: Conquest: Bannak | Baron Reyland | Cilene | Jola | Kebral | Kiri and Ankha | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Queen Kreeya | Peron | Qali | Shang Tsung | Scorpion | Reptile | Siann, Mika and Sora | Sub-Zero | Vorpax
