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Karen: You said you could kill someone immediately?
Blitzø: Oh- yeah! Yes, we sure can!
Karen: Good, because it's Christmas.
Blitzø: It's
Sinsmas, lady, get it right.
Karen: I can't
stand the idea of my f*cking ex-husband enjoying this sacred holiday with my daughters when he f*cking left me for another man!
Blitzø: Oh, well, (nervous laugh) Tha-tha-that sounds like something that can happen from time to time.
Karen: And he probably
cheated on me!
Blitzø: Well, that's... (Stolas screeches tearfully) ...not really killing someone over though, right? I mean, cheating isn't really that big of a deal anymore, is it?
Karen: Isn't that what this business does? He doesn't deserve to live that
heinous lifestyle and poison my daughters with it!
~ Karen Client hiring the I.M.P to kill her ex-husband for leaving her for another man.
He's gone! And he left this terribly sinful erotic novel behind. Can you believe this trash? (tosses the journal away) Didn't make me wet at all.
~ Karen Client complains about Stolas' erotic novela, as well her last words.

The Karen Client is a minor antagonist in the adult animated black comedy-web series Helluva Boss.

She is a Sinner demon who hired I.M.P during Sinsmas to have her ex-husband murdered for leaving her for a man and living that "heinous" lifestyle and poison (her) daughters with it. However, due to her ex-husband's situation being so similar to Blitzø and Stolas' own, as well as Blitzo on sight seeing himself and his own family in the humans', her request was one of the first jobs that I.M.P rejected.

She was voiced by Jinhee Joung, who also voices Barbie Wire in the same series.



While we never see of what she looked like as a human, she is only ever seen in her sinner demon form.

She is shown to have pale, light grayish-green skin with dark pink hair resembling brambles with brown horns resembling branches. She wears a brown skirt, a white (what kind) shirt with two black buttons, a pink ascot, and black heels. She has cream irises with pink sclerae, while wearing dark purple lipstick.

When thrown out the window, she was shown to have a devil tail.


Since her first appearance "Karen" proves to be REALLY rude, obnoxious, gripey, entitled, selfish and callous. She earned every single I.M.P employee and former Goetia's ire after she stomped in the office with her arrogant attitude.

She's deeply homophobic (possibly for religious reasons) as she wants to have her ex-husband assassinated for dating another man, accusing him to "poison" her daughters with his "heinous" lifestyle and calls Stolas' erotica "sinful".

She also proves to be very selfish and entitled as she thinks to have all the right to have her ex-husband murdered, although it would means orphaning their daughters, on Christmas.



In life, the Karen Client was apparently an arrogant and cruel human woman with strong religious views about homosexuality. She married a man and had two daughters with him, but then got divorced from him and lost custody of the kids. The man then married another man and began raising his daughters with him, which obviously made her furious due to her beliefs (she also believes that the man cheated on her while they were still married). She then died and was sent to Hell for her cruel ways, becoming a Sinner demon, but still carried the deadly grudge against her ex-husband.


During Christmas in the human realm, she went to the headquarters of I.M.P to hire them to kill her ex-husband and accomplish her revenge. Blitzø was uncomfortable accepting the mission due to the petty reason behind it; especially since it reminded his newest employee, Stolas (a former Ars Goetia who was banished for giving his sacred Grimoire to Blitzø) about how he cheated on his ex-wife Stella with Blitzø; but ultimately agreed to it with the condition that she pay them double for it. Upon getting to the location, however, Blitzø witnessed how happy the ex-husband was with his family (seeing a vision of how he and Stolas, along with their daughters Loona and Octavia could be together) and decided that the job wasn't worth it.

Back at the office, the client waited impatiently with Stolas until the latter frantically decided to leave to see Octavia, and began reading Stolas' erotic fanfiction. When Blitzø and the others came back, the client told them of Stolas leaving and then insulted his novel. Finally tired of her crap, Blitzø then tossed her out the window.



  • She is referred as the "Karen Client" in the end credits, suggesting she was intended to be seen as a "Karen" stereotype that harasses workers while providing unreasonable demands.
  • It's unknown how she died, just that she's now dead and wants revenge on her ex. Her demon form has hair and horns resembling thorny branches and vines, so her death could've involved plants somehow.
  • Her physical appearance is somewhat similar to Martha's as both are noseless sinner demons with similar hair and horns.
  • She's the first client which I.M.P refuse to accomplish the mission.
  • Beside the "Karen" stereotype she seems to embody religious fanatism too, as she refers to Christmas as a "sacred holiday", accuses her husband of "corrupting her daughters" with his "heinous" lifestyle and calls Stolas' erotica "sinful", suggesting that her homophobia is motivated by religious views.
    • Curiously, despite being in Hell and a sinner demon now, she still seems to hold on Christian values.
  • It is unknown if "Karen" is her real name or not, but it is likely meant to mirror Stella as they are both vindictive mothers who send hitmen to kill their ex-husbands due to them both cheating on them with another man. The main differences between the two is Stella is motivated by extreme classism and racism while Karen is motivated by homophobia, another one is that Stolas did cheat on Stella with Blitzø while Karen thinks her ex-husband probably cheated on her.
  • When Blitzø throws her out of I.M.P Headquarters from his office window, her silhouette has a devil tail.

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           Hazbin Hotel Logo / Helluva Boss logo Villains

Hell's Demons
Seven Deadly Sins
Satan | Mammon

Ars Goetia
Stella | Andrealphus | Paimon

The Vees: Vox | Valentino | Velvette
Others: Alastor | Carmilla Carmine | Rosie

Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust | Sir Pentious | Cherri Bomb
Others: Katie Killjoy | Mimzy | Cannibals (Susan) | Ohio Demon | Mrs. Mayberry | Martha | Lyle Lipton and Loopty Goopty | Karen Client

I.M.P: Blitzø Buckzo | Moxxie Knolastname | Millie Knolastname | Loona
Verosika's Crew: Verosika Mayday
Crimson's Mafia/Knolastname Family: Crimson Knolastname | Moxxie Knolastname | Chazwick Thurman
Buckzo Family: Blitzø Buckzo | Cash Buckzo | Barbie Wire
Millie's Family: Millie Knolastname | Sallie May
Others: Loan Sharks | Striker | Wally Wackford | Arick Burnz | Rolando | Ice Dragon

Egg Boiz | Robo Fizz


Adam | Lute | Dead Exorcist | Vaggie

Cletus, Collin and Keenie

Martha's Family: Ralphie | Martha and Ralphie's children
D.H.O.R.K.S.: Agent One and Agent Two
Others: Counselor Jimmy | Gerardo Velazquez

Fish Monster | Penguins
