Kelsey happily congratulating Minister Silas Mda on his daughter's wedding
Kelsey coming up with the idea of putting Beast and Boetie on a reality TV show
Kelsey informing Minister Mda that her reality show is going to be successful on TV
Kelsey praising Minister Silas Mda as a man of unique vision
Kelsey charging Beast and Boetie with property damage and peace disruption
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that they have to walk all the way to Gauteng together
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that they have to walk and avoid the major roads
Kelsey handing Beast and Boetie a map of their route on the start of their trip to Gauteng
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that they have to cross the finish line together as friends
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that she'll be watching them during the trip
Kelsey kissing Beast and Boetie on the cheek and wishing them good luck
Kelsey and Minister Mda watching as Beast and Boetie begin their journey
Kelsey telling everyone not to least Beast or Boetie know that they are on TV
Kelsey keeping a close and careful watch on Beast and Boetie from inside the van
Kelsey reminding Boetie and Beast about the prize that they want to win
Kelsey talking to Minister Mda on her cellphone from inside the TV production van
Kelsey talking to Minister Mda on her cellphone for a second time from inside the van
Kelsey talking to Minister Mda on her cellphone for a third time from inside the van
Kelsey talking to Minister Mda on her cellphone for a fourth time from inside the van
Kelsey telling her own camera operator to send an important note to Beast and Boetie
Kelsey watching Boetie and Beast making monkeys of themselves from inside the van
Kelsey talking to Minister Mda on her cellphone for a fifth and final time from inside the van
Kelsey watching Beast and Boetie from inside the van along with her personal assistant
Kelsey feeling very relieved to see that Beast and Boetie made it out alive in one piece
Kelsey reminding everyone that they will cease broadcasting until Beast and Boetie are gone
Kelsey informing everyone about what Beast and Boetie have been up to on her reality show
Kelsey finding out that Beast and Boetie know about the reality show from a newspaper article
Kelsey seeing what's going on between Beast and Boetie and what they are planning for her
Beast informing Kelsey that she has been filming him and Boetie without permission
Boetie informing Kelsey that he and Beast want R1 million each to finish the journey
Kelsey stepping out of a helicopter and walking toward Beast and Boetie
Kelsey giving Beast and Boetie presents before being invited inside the shack
Kelsey regretfully informing Beast and Boetie that she can't offer them R1 million each
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that she can offer them R50,000 each
Beast rudely informing Boetie that Kelsey kissed him right on the cheek
Boetie shooting Beast with a gun and accusing Kelsey of lying to them and leading them astray
Kelsey shocked to realize that Beast was playing dead because the gun contained only blanks
Kelsey very mad and furious at Beast and Boetie for tricking her into giving them R1 million each
Kelsey informing Boetie and Beast that this is now a race for the prize
Kelsey declaring that Boetie and Beast are on their way to the finish line
Beast and Boetie crossing the finish line together and Kelsey declaring them both winners
Beast and Boetie being thanked by Kelsey for finishing the journey and winning the race
Kelsey telling Beast and Boetie that they'll have to fight for her as the real prize
Kelsey informing Beast and Boetie that they are very much too clever for her