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Villains Wiki

I don't know what's more pathetic? Your crew OR your car!!
~ Kenji to the player.
No way, punk!
~ Kenji after the player defeats him in a canyon duel.

Kenji is a fictional character and one of the three secondary antagonists in Need for Speed: Carbon.

He is the leader of the Bushido Crew as well as a member of the Stacked Deck Crew. He primarily drives tuner cars and previously had a Mazda RX-7 (FD3S) until his defeat and the demise of the Bushido Crew forced him to become one of Darius three assistants and members of the Stacked Deck Crew whilst driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR.

The character played by Ken Kirby.


Throughout the entire game, Kenji attempted to exact revenge on the player after previously racing against him along with fellow drivers Angie and Wolf on a flashback race. In the end, not only did Kenji lose the race, but he also got arrested when his pink slip got hit by EMP guns before the police turned up and detained everyone else whilst chaos reigned the incident.

The player will challenge Kenji and the Bushido Crew first for the Downtown territory if the player chooses the Tuner path, which gives the player a 2003 Mazda RX-8 (SE3P) as their starter car.

When competing in the Downtown territory, the first race ends with a cutscene of Kenji and some of his crew (including wingman Yumi) confronting the player (and possibly the player’s wingman). Kenji blocks the player in his Mazda RX-7 (FD3S) in drifting style while his crew stop him. Kenji tells the player than he all heard that he returned back to Palmont City but he now wants to hear that he is gone for good, before leaving with his crew.

After confronting him over the player's reputation and questions him if it's his crew or car that's making matters worse for the player himself. Kenji eventually realizes that the player had conquered Downtown. So, he calls the player to challenge him on a one-on-one street race in the city and a head-to-head canyon duel challenge, mocking him that the player is more of a struggle than his car and that he'll never surrender his territory over to some "fake driver" like him.

Unfortunately for Kenji, the player would eventually defeat him twice — in both the city and canyon, forcing Kenji to lose everything in Downtown and accept the demise of Bushido Crew (as well as the possibility of losing his Mazda RX-7 FD3S through a pink slip as well). In the end, Kenji angrily responds that he didn't see his defeat coming before his wingman Yumi betrays him by becoming a member of the player's crew.

Soon enough the player takes control of the districts of Fortuna and Kempton upon defeating both Wolf and Angie respectively, henceforth Wolf's TFK Crew and Angie's 21st Street Crew would both be disbanded thanks to the player. Thereafter Kenji and the other two are recruited by the player's former employer, Darius, to become his assistants as well as members of Darius' crew called Stacked Deck in his area called Silverton.

Before the first race in Silverton, Kenji is seen in a cutscene whilst driving his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR to work for Darius and get rid of the player once and for all. After the first Silverton race, Kenji blocks the player's escape with help from Wolf and Angie when Darius confronts him over the mistake he made from the past, before departing with Kenji and both Angie and Wolf.

During the war between the player and the Stacked Deck Crew, Kenji can be seen racing in the North Broadway Circuit Race in Starlight Strip and is defeated by the player. He is also shown to be one of the opponents in one of the three Canyon Duel challenges in the Infinity Park district in Silverton. With Kenji defeated, the player can unlock the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR.

After the player finally takes over the Silverton territory, Kenji, along with Angie and Wolf, all send a message to the player to remind them that he has to defeat all three of them in the Canyon and the City first before being allowed to face Darius alone. During the first two out of four final races, Kenji can be teaming up with Angie and Wolf but is also appeared to be racing against them for first place, but can be slower than Wolf but a little faster or midway than Angie due to him driving a tuner car. In the end of both races, the player defeats the three, including Kenji, is last seen introducing the player to his final two races with Darius, which ends in the player defeating Darius in both the city and canyon, causing the Stacked Deck Crew to be disbanded forever. It is unknown what had happened to Kenji afterwards.


Kenji drives a Mazda RX-7 (FD3S) during the first portion of the game while being the leader of the Bushido Crew, which the player can obtain through a Pink Slip. After conquering Downtown, Fortuna and Kempton, Kenji will be recruited to Stacked Deck and will drive a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR Edition, which the player can only drive in the Gold Challenge Series Checkpoint event that is only available in the Collector's Edition.


           Need-For-Speed-Logo-2014-2020 Villains

The Wraiths
Caleb Reece

Clarence "Razor" Callahan | Toru "Bull" Sato | Ronald "Ronnie" McCrea | Joe "JV" Vega | Wes "Webster" Allen | Hector "Ming" Domingo | Kira "Kaze" Nakazato | Jade "Jewels" Barrett | Eugene "Earl" James | Karl "Baron" Smit | Lou "Big Lou" Park | Isabel "Izzy" Diaz | Victor "Vic" Vasquez | Vince "Taz" Kilic | Ho "Sonny" Seun

Stacked Deck
Darius | Angie | Kenji | Wolf

The Mob
Marcus Blackwell

The House
Lina Navarro | The Collector | Mitko Vasilev | Holtzman | Natalia Nova

Law Enforcement
Nathan Cross | Chase Linh | Frank Mercer | Danny Shaw | F-8

Chau Wu | Rose Largo | Brad Rogers | Gregory MacDonald | Hector Maio | Zack Maio | Dino Brewster | Tess | Alec | Marcus King | Zephyr
