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If I'm alive I'll give you a run for your money, even an assassin like yourself. Better be prepared, because blood must atone for blood. So, which will you choose? Your own country, or watch our retribution? Your f*ckin' decision.
~ Kenjiro Matsuoka to Emir Parkreiner.

Kenjiro Matsuoka is one of the primary antagonists in the video game Killer7.

He was voiced by Steve Blum, who also voiced Badman in the No More Heroes series and Trevor Pearlharbor another antagonist in Killer7.


At the beginning of the game, Matsuoka is a very timid man who is quick to anger, however, after being touched by Kun Lan's God Hand he became more vicious willing to kill whoever gets in his way. He is also extremely brave to the point that he gives Emir Parkreiner, one of the most deadly assassins, the choice to kill him if he wants.


Mission 2: Sunset[]

After the negotiations for the US to fire the missiles to save Japan had failed, Matsuoka is mocked by his two superiors Hiroyasu Kurahashi and Shinya Akiba, he attempts to kill himself, however, he is stopped by Kun Lan by touching him with his God Hand, allowing Matsuoka to "see things the way" Kun Lan does.

Mission 6: Smile[]

Matsuoka is first seen on top of a building with Hiro Kasai wearing bondage gear standing on the ledge, eventually falling to his death for revenge for helping the US rather than the Japanese.

He later appears at Coburn Elementary School where he meets Garcian to tell him how the United States rigs the votes and that once news gets out "the United States' cover will be blown" proceeding to reveal that the country is actually run by the Ministry of Education.

Mission 7: Lion[]

Matsuoka meets Garcian, now as Emir Parkreiner, again. He tells him that the last Heaven Smile is locked away behind him. He then gives Emir a choice, kill Matsuoka to protect the United States or spare him and allow Japan's retribution against the United States to happen. The choice is left up to the player.

If the player chooses to let him live then the rest of the UN Allied Forces teams up with the remnants of Japan in order to launch a full-scale attack on the United States.


           Killer7 Villains

The Smith Syndicate
Harman Smith | Emir Parkreiner | Dan Smith | Kaede Smith | Kevin Smith | Coyote Smith | Con Smith | Mask De Smith | Samantha Sitbon | Susie Sumner | Kess BloodySunday

Heaven Smile | Angel | Julia Kisugi | Jean DePaul | Hiroyasu Kurahashi | Shinya Akiba | Andrei Ulmeyda | Ayame Blackburn | Pedro Montana | Curtis Blackburn | Trevor Pearlharbor | The Handsome Men | Benjamin Keane | Greg Nightmare | Kenjiro Matsuoka | Kun Lan
