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This is Brigadier Kerla speaking for the High Command. There has been an incident on Praxis. However, everything is under control, we have no need for assistance. Obey treaty stipulations and remain outside the Neutral Zone. This transmission ends now.
~ Kerla, rebuffing Sulu's offer of assistance.
Kerla was a minor antagonist in the movie Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. He was portrayed by Paul Rossilli.
A Klingon male, Kerla was a member of the Empire's Defense Force and had risen to the rank of Brigadier by 2293. By then he was serving as military advisor to Chancellor Gorkon and was in a relationship with Gorkon's daugther Azetbur.
After the Klingon moon Praxis exploded, Kerla responded to the offer of assistance from the USS Excelsior, informing them that while there had been an incident on Praxis things were under control and no assistance was required at the time. Over the next couple months as the consequences of the moon's destruction to the biosphere of Qo'noS became apparent, Gorkon reached out to the Federation for assistance.
During that time Kerla became involved with a cabal of Klingon, Federation, and Romulan individuals who were determined to stop the Federation and the Empire from making peace with each other. After the conspiracy assassinated Gorkon and made it seem like it was at least a hit sanctioned by Captain Kirk of the USS Enterprise, Kerla was an outspoken proponent of going to war with the Federation. However Azetbur rebuffed the war-hawks and declared the peace process would continue, but that Kirk would pay for her father's death. Kerla sat with her during the show trial of Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy, which saw the two sentenced to life imprisonment on the penal asteroid Rura Penthe.
Kerla accompanied Azetbur to the renewed peace talks which were being held at Camp Khitomer near the border between the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Meanwhile Chang attempted to stop the Enterprise - which has rescued Kirk and McCoy from traveling to Khitomer to attempt another assassination. This meant that Kerla did not die when the Enterprise and Excelsior managed to destroy Chang's ship.
After Kirk and his people prevented the assassination of Federation President Ra-ghoratreii, Kerla tried to pretend nothing was wrong and continue his relationship with Azetbur. However, Azetbur discovered that Kerla was as much a part of the conspiracy as other Klingon officers. After finding out that Kerla had betrayed not only her, but her father as well, she had her former lover Kerla put to a particularly slow death.
In 2294 while on an unsanctioned mission to rescue Captain Sulu and several Excelsior crew members kidnapped a group of Beta Prometheans, Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy disguised themselves as Klingons to infiltrate the Beta Promethean capital. Coming across a group of Klingons, they told these Klingons they were from a freighter named Kerla that was named after the late Brigadier Kerla.