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Villains Wiki

It'd be good...if I ended!
~ Keyloid's final words before his death.

The Keyloid is a Metaloid that Escape created with the close Metavirus to imprison people in a building for the KeyZord to destroy.

He is voiced by Gō Inoue.


By hitting something with a beam emitted from his forehead, the Keyloid then uses it's key that consists of his right arm to make things inoperable, from making a building's doors refusing to open to jamming an Ichigan Buster.

However, it's greatest tool is also it's greatest weakness, as shattering the key will undo all progress the Keyloid has done.

After the Busters freed the people from a squad of Buglars that tried to keep everyone inside the building so the Keyloid could lock down the building again, this Metaloid was destroyed by both the Beetle Busters' Morphin Blaster and Blue Buster's Ichigan Buster in Special Buster Mode.


  • Identification Number: O-69
  • Install Metavirus: TOJIRU
  • Production Motif: Car keys
  • Height: 194 cm. (6 feet, 2.79 inches)
  • Weight: 246 kg. (542 lbs.)

See Also[]


           Go-Busters Villains

Messiah | Enter | Escape | Buglars
Metaloids: Shovelloid | Burnerloid | Needleloid | Cutterloid | Tireloid | Sprayloid | Denshaloid | Drilloid | Danganloid | Fanloid | Copyloid | Tubaloid | Tubaloid 2 | Soujikiloid | Parabolaloid | Forkloid | Drilloid 2 | Spannerloid | Filmloid | Dumbbellloid | Keyloid | Jishakuloid | Wataameloid | Rousokuloid | Keshigomuloid | Mushikagoloid | Sprayloid 2 | Danganloid 2 | Parabolaloid 2 | Denshaloid 2 | Omochiloid
Messiah Metaloids: Sunadokeiloid | Puppetloid | Bulldozerloid | Tiaraloid | Domeloid | Karateloid | Loupeloid | MegaZordloid | Kentateloid | Kuwagataloid
MegaZord Types: MegaZord Alpha | MegaZord Beta | BugZords MegaZord Delta | MegaZord Zeta | MegaZord Omega |

Megazords: ShovelZord | BurnerZord | NeedleZord | CutterZord | TireZord | SprayZord | DenshaZord | DrillZord | DanganZord | FanZord | CopyZord | TubaZord | TubaZord 2 | SoujikiZord | ParabolaZord | ForkZord | DrillZord 2 | SpannerZord | FilmZord | DumbbellZord | KeyZord | JishakuZord | WataameZord | RousokuZord | KeshigomuZord | MushikagoZord | SprayZord 2 | DanganZord 2 | PuppetZord | SunadokeiZord | BulldozerZord | TiaraZord | DomeZords | KarateZord | LoupeZord | KenZord | TateZord | ParabolaZord 2 | DenshaZord 2 | OmochiZord | KuwagataZord

Zangyack Remnants
Bacchus Gill | Waredonaiyer | Chief of Staff Damaras | Basco ta Jolokia | Gormin | Sugormin

Borudosu's Army
Space War God Borudosu | Neo-Grifforzer | Neo-Geildon | Enter | Escape | Golem Soldiers | Barmia Soldiers

Rhino Doubler | Great Demon Lord Azazel | Machine Empress Trange Star
