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Aiya, King!
~ King's mom's catchphrase

King's Mom is the main antagonist in the Plainrock124 videos. She is an exaggerated version of King's real life mother who frequently abuses her son, usually with a belt that she carries around as seen in the video 50 WAYS TO BREAK A 3DS.

She is portrayed/played by King Liang.


King's Mom wears a white shirt that king doesn't use anymore to represent hair, and also carries around a belt as seen in the video 50 WAYS TO BREAK A 3DS. In more recent videos, she is usually seen wearing a purple/pink hoodie or robe.


King's Mom is represented as a satirical stereotype of an Asian mother. An example of this would be when she gets angry at King when he gets any grade lower than an A (such as an A- or B) on his school assignments. She also frequently beats up King (in which she actually enjoys doing so) and is very greedy, such as in the aforementioned episode 50 WAYS TO BREAK A 3DS, where she gives King a stereo and a Bluetooth receiver to smash it for more YouTube revenue. She also likes listening to Chinese music and in some videos is seen speaking in Cantonese, with the former being somewhat ironic as she does not like Chinese beliefs.

Usually, her methods of punishing King would be by assaulting him or just flat out murdering him, such as when King destroyed her entire house, so she kills him using a hammer. She also has a tendency to destroy her son's electronics for little to none, otherwise petty reasons, such as when she destroyed his Super Mario 3D World disc for no reason, afterward telling him to get a life, as well as cutting off the charger of his Tesla for no reason. She is also shown to be apathetic towards her son's life, as shown where she lets King die inside of the Subaru Impreza when it kills him using toxic smoke and chemicals.

However, despite her greediness and abusive nature, she has a strong dislike of people wasting food. An example of this is seen in Bored Smashing - MacBook! 100K SPECIAL where King takes a bite of an apple and throws it at the MacBook in order to make a joke, and then she sees the apple at the balcony and takes a bite of it, immediately realizing that it has been wasted.


  • For some reason, she thinks that King's Apple Watch charger represents a dildo.
  • In the video titled THANK YOU THINKPAD, it is revealed that she is actually a single mother, which explains on why there is no "King's Dad" character, despite the latter appearing in HOW TO FLEX YOUR APPLE CARD, likely implying that the two were divorced.


           Plainrock124Title Villains

Main/Supporting Characters
King Liang | King's Mom | Timmy | Timmy's Mom | Feminist Jones | KoolKid69 | Sonic Fan | PlayStation Fan | Ned A Lyfe | Teacher | TechRax124 | TheH0t0ne | YouTube Copyright

Chef | Dan Schneider | DKOldies | Fat Customer | Plainrock124 L.L.C (Plainrock124's Intern)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Shooter)
(Plainrock124 L.L.C Pervert)
| Tax Police | Thief King | Taylor Swift | Windows 10 | Robber | Nintendo CEO of Russia | Sony | Soccer Goalie | Asian Video Game Nerd | The Trail | Package Thief | Protesters | Intendo CEO of Japan | Animal Crossing House Ghost | U-Haul | Walmart Shooter

Chris the MacBook | Daddy Xbox | Daddy Duke Controller | iPhone 5s | iPad 5 | MacBook Pro 2011 | MacBook Air | Wii | Wii U | Subaru Impreza | Canon Powershot G7X Mark II | Siri | DS Lite | Android
