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King is a minor antagonist in the 2020 Japanese psychological manga series Juujika no Rokunin. He is the son of a mafia boss of an organization called Parliament and has ties with the Yakuza, and has a reputation on Moo Moo Street for being their titular "king", which he supposedly takes in privileged children and took women to his shelter. In actuality, he's a misogynistic abuser who has a fetish for making women act like dogs and keeping them as his slaves, beating them daily should they act human.
His most notable victims were two girls named Rikka and Hiroko, who called Juujika to save them from his abuse.
King has the most unusual kind of misogynism but nevertheless is a wrathful, controlling young man who hides underneath the facade of a decent human being who shelters and feeds children while helping them with their issues. In reality, he's cruel to the core, having a fetish for making women his "dogs", forcing them to act as one as he fed them like they are one while beating them daily should they act out of line. He has a habit of abusing Hiroko whenever she defends Rikka and in addition to his misogynistic behavior, he's not above threatening to rape them should they not follow his demands. He's also rather petty, angrily beating Rikka for simply not putting chopsticks in the bag.
He doesn't seem concerned when he gave Hiroko syphilis and continues beating her for the last time for protecting Rikka. He also seems to play favorites with his slaves whenever one of them, like Hiroko for example, is not longer in his best interests, which he spoils Rikka with sex and despite that, he's still abusive to her regardless. In spite of that, he's nonetheless a coward, pleading to Rikka that he's finally wrong about how she treated her and the rest of the girls, only doing so to save his skin and relying much upon his father, believing being part of his organization and connections with the Yakuza further proven his own blind arrogance. In the end, he died begging for mercy under cowardly pleas, which he didn't deserve.
There's not much detail to King's background, however, he's mentioned the fact that he is the son of a possibly mafia boss who has connections with the Yakuza and often uses this position to have power over Moo Moo Street, hence the possible reason he's called "king". He's also a college student at a prestigious university and has a rather sadistic fetish over forcing women to become his "pet dogs", going as far as to dress them up ins rather revealing dog outfits and mistreat them with daily abuse should they talk or not do as he says, ruling over any runaway girl he took in with an iron fist, feeding them once a day and often showered with makeup on depending on his mood. So far three fell victim and Hiroko was the latest, abusing her the most until Rikka arrived. It's also implied another girl from his slaves, whom Hiroko protected, suffered from syphilis and was abandoned, left to die as a result.
King was properly introduced, alongside Hiroko, saving Rikka from a stalker and later took her into his apartment, where he then knocks her out the moment she saw the enslaved, dog-dressed girls. He then feeds the girl dog food while Rikka, waking up and now in the same dog dress outfit, was confused when she is met with psychical beatings from King, who was angered that she's not acting like a dog before Hiroko took the beatings for her to protect her. Enraged as he is, he threatens Rikka that he'll rape her should she not meet his expectations by demand, and for a while, he continued beating Hiroko whenever he tried to lay a finger on Rikka. It's likely that King raped Hiroko at one point when she became infected with syphilis, now forced to have her seen into a clinic, and later takes a sexual interest in Rikka, spoiling her to where she believed her to be his "favorite".
Even then, he's still not above abusing her either way and gets mad at her for not putting away the chopsticks in the bag, not before Hiroko insists on protecting her again, noticing how skinny she gotten to where her skin is likely to fall off, further angering King to the point he nearly beats her to death, this was enough to have Rikka call Juujika for help and request them to kill her abuser, which at some point she escaped from the apartment. Following her escape, King is seen heading back, intending to have all of his companions from Moo Moo Street hunt her down and be the one to kill her for leaving, though as he got back to his room, his slaves were nowhere to be seen but Uruma, masked and wearing dog ears, knocks King out cold.
King later woke up in a cage where he is met at the mercy of Kitami Kougo, completely naked, and forced to apologize when he gets a phone call from Rikka. King pleaded to let himself be released from Kitami to Rikka and feigns his remorse just to take the coward's way out, justifying that he was "bossed" around by his father, which she denied this and rightfully tells him to die, knowing the monster he is, angering him. He ranted that his father knows the Yakuza and threatened to have them all killed, not before Uruma shunned him, telling him not to act like a "human" because he isn't and it was only then Kitami would infect King with "sparganum profilerum", a parasite that causes the person to hallucinate while their whole body is poisoned and has zero preventative measures, which he's stitched them to King's whole body and the only to remove that parasite was to pluck it by himself.
Once it happened, King began feeling the process of the infection spreading and manages to painfully pluck one of them out, not before realizing there was more on his back that isn't stitched as his whole body begins to fall infected, from his stomach to his thighs. As the effect kicks in, he starts to hallucinate three of his former slaves, whom he begged to save him from the parasites infecting him, not before the girls, now with wolf/dog-like faces threatened to eat the worms out and die pathetically. His corpse is later retrieved by Kitami the next day after his death and after that, Rikka and a recovered Hiroko are finally free from their tormentor's inhuman abuse.
Juujika no Rokunin Villains | |||
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