King Sombra's first appearance.
King Sombra's first defeat.
King Sombra chasing Shining Armor and Spike.
King Sombra vs Shining Armor.
King Sombra's face emerges out of the smoke.
King Sombra yelling in pain after having his horn chipped by Princess Cadance's shield.
Alternate ending if King Sombra wins.
King Sombra's wicked laughter.
King Sombra regenerates his horn.
King Sombra smiling evilly.
King Sombra's second defeat.
King Sombra explodes and his horn flies in the distance.
The villains shocked that "Grogar" is real, unaware that he's Discord in disguise.
Sombra confused why Cozy is here.
King Sombra's mane in the background.
King Sombra revealing "Grogar" as the "Father of Monsters".
"I don't do ours. I only do mine!"
King Sombra acting pompous and arrogant.
King Sombra being transported to the Crystal Empire.
King Sombra grinning at a Crystal Pony filly.
King Sombra capturing Flurry Heart.
King Sombra finally succeeds in taking back the Crystal Empire.
King Sombra trying to make the Mane Six see their worst fears.
King Sombra's supposed defeat.
King Sombra revealing himself to be alive.
King Sombra sadistically laughing in triumph after he destroys the Tree and Elements of Harmony.
King Sombra laughing evilly.
King Sombra laughing maniacally in a believed victory.
King Sombra tauntingly reveals to the Mane Six how he tricked them into thinking that he was defeated and used them to lead him to the Tree of Harmony, believing it's the one thing that gives them very powerful rainbow magic.
Sombra cowardly traps the Mane 6 without a fight against the group.
Sombra arguing with the Mane 6, as he plans to take over their hometown first.
King Sombra leaving the trapped Mane Six to take over Ponyville.
King Sombra leading his hypnotized army into invading Canterlot.
King Sombra takes control of Canterlot.
King Sombra shocked by Discord's magic stopping his.
King Sombra getting the idea to attack Fluttershy when Discord reveals that he cares about her.
King Sombra creating a new throne.
King Sombra getting ready to finish off the Mane Six, now thinking that he finally won, broke their spirits and showing how he took control of their families and other friends, to make them think they lost before he kills.
The Mane Six vs King Sombra.
Finally starts dropping his pathetic smile as he sees how Twilight's magic is now strong enough to block off all his attacks.
King Sombra getting really angry as he just about had enough of Twilight and her friends as he's no longer messing around and gets scared that they'll win again as Twilight keeps blocking off his attacks, as he tries to destroy Twilight and her friends with everything he's got.
King Sombra shocked after having thought that he'd won...
...but then denies that he was wrong as he just wasted his whole time laughing and gloating for nothing. As Sombra continues to foolishly believe they can't beat him but he's starting to get scared.
Sombra's breakdown as he yells that he destroyed the Mane Six's source of power before the Mane 6 tell him otherwise and taunt that he never did.
Sombra getting very scared.
King Sombra desperately and foolishly tries to win, trying once more to attack the Mane Six but to no avail.
King Sombra defeated and annihilated for the last time.
King Sombra in his smoke form
King Sombra in shadow form.
King Sombra about to get to the Crystal Heart.
King Sombra in the Season 9 premiere
King sombra in nightmare nights
King Sombra in My Little Pony: Essential Handbook.
Grogar’s Alliance with the Villains of Equestria (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
King Sombra Takes Over the Crystal Empire (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
The Mane 6 Use The Elements Against King Sombra (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
King Sombra Destroys the Tree of Harmony (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
Celestia, Luna, and Star Swirl Help the Mane 6 (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
Discord vs King Sombra (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD
The Mane 6 Defeat King Sombra (The Beginning of the End) MLP FiM HD