King the 100-Ton is a minor antagonist in the anime/manga series Kinnikuman.
He is the Second Guard of Team Mariposa who is led by Kinnikuman Mariposa, one of the Five Fated Princes who act as the main antagonist force in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc.
King the 100-Ton is first introduced in the series during the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc as a member of Team Mariposa, acting as the Second Guard of the team after Kinnikuman Mariposa hired him to be a member of the team. King the 100-Ton joined so he could be noticed by the Five Evil Gods for his power instead of just being a soldier.
During the first round, Team Mariposa would have to fight against Team Kinnikuman. King the 100-Ton would watch as The Hawkman, Mister VTR and Mixer Taitei all were defeated by Kinnikuman and Meat before stepping into the ring to battle Meat. King the 100-Ton would start the round by beating on Meat before launching him into the ceiling at high speeds which would have killed him if Terryman and Robin Mask didn't rush in to save him.
King the 100-Ton would try to get the two disqualified for interfering with a match, not being on Kinnikuman's submission for his team, however, when King the 100-Ton looked at the list, both Terryman and Robin Mask's names were on there, Kinnikuman revealing that he had written their names in invisible ink which became visible underneath the lights of the ring.
Now that they were allowed to fight, King the 100-Ton would battle against Terryman who would struggle to harm King the 100-Ton because of the armor that he was wearing. Once Terryman kicked his face, King the 100-Ton finally took damage and would remove the armor after Terryman mocked him for relying on it too much. With his armor off, King the 100-Ton became much faster and could run laps around Terryman before he could react.
He would quickly rush to the side of the ring to pull a switch to make a large see-saw appear so that King the 100-Ton could launch Terryman into the ceiling at high speeds like he tried to do with Meat, this would fail the first time but after adding some of his armor back on to increase his weight it would work and Terryman would be splattered against the ceiling.
Terryman would quickly drop down and slam on the see-saw, flipping King the 100-Ton off of it and allowing Terryman to put him into a hold. King the 100-Ton would escape when Kinnikuman Mariposa held up a sign that made him transform into a ball and try to crush Terryman. After Terryman dodged, King the 100-Ton would split into two, one of them getting caught by Terryman with the other fusing into that one to increase their weight before he turned into a barbell under Mariposa's order which would weigh Terryman down before turning into a bent barbell which wrapped around Terryman's neck.
King the 100-Ton would wait for Mariposa to hold up another sign, however, Kinnikuman had kicked Mariposa aside for assisting King the 100-Ton like this and would hold up a sign that made King the 100-Ton turn back into his normal form. Terryman would get him into a leg hold, just as King the 100-Ton was about to give up, Mariposa revealed there was a hidden sign underneath the mat which King the 100-Ton ripped to see. This form was his normal form with sharp spikes sticking out which stabbed Terryman.
King the 100-Ton would put Terryman back onto the see-saw and slam him into the ceiling which broke many bones in Terryman's body but this didn't defeat him. King the 100-Ton would try the see-saw again, however, Kinnikuman would use his Face Flash to make the see-saw bend to launch Terryman at King the 100-Ton.
Right then, Kinnikuman would throw all of the signs that Mariposa had into King the 100-Ton's line of sight, making him transform into them all at the same time which weakened his body enough for Terryman to smash it, killing King the 100-Ton.
With the last of his strength, King the 100-Ton would launch a piece of his body at Terryman, making the match a draw.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Chojin Physiology: As a Chojin, King the 100-Ton has superhuman strength, speed and durability. Other abilities that Chojin have that King the 100-Ton likely has is the ability to grow to be as large as a building and the ability to fly without wings or thrusters, even in the vacuum of space.
- Shapeshifting: King the 100-Ton has the ability to morph his body into any three-dimensional shape possible, however, he needs a reference image in order to do so, something that Kinnikuman Mariposa often gives him with a sign.
- In the anime, just like everyone else who died during the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc, King the 100-Ton was revived by Kinnikuman, unlike the manga where he stayed dead.