Kinkaku and Ginkaku, also known as Terror and Plague in the English dub, are an anime-only minor antagonistic duo from Dragon Ball. They are the titular main antagonists of the episode "Terror and Plague" of the "Fortuneteller Baba" saga.
They are voiced by the late Yasuo Tanaka and Takeshi Aono in Japanese and by Sonny Strait and Mike McFarland in English.
Kinkaku and Ginkaku are two criminals and members of the Kinkaku gang. They like to terrorize villages and force the villagers to make banquets for them which leaves them with no money for themselves. They are both strong and use weapons which makes them impossible to defeat for a common villager. They even use a Gourd of Mist in order to threaten them that they will throw them inside. Terror also known as Kinkaku is the leader of the gang and the stronger of the two while his comrade Ginkaku also known as Ginkaku is the most vocal of the two.
The two terrorized a small village and one young girl named Chao that was living there run into Goku (who recently had defeated the Red Ribbon Army and had met Fortuneteller Baba) who saved her from a Tiger Thief. Seeing his strength Chao asked him to help them and save the village from Kinkaku and Ginkaku. Goku agreed and went with her. At the time, the two criminals were playing a game in which they were calling the names of the villagers, and whoever didn't answer they would throw him into the Gourd. They even threatened to trap a little baby named Chensi before Goku arrived and challenged them into a fight. Ginkaku fought him, but was easily defeated forcing Kinkaku to order him to back off and step in. Kinkaku proved to be more of a challenge, but still, Goku beat him with minimal effort. Kinkaku successfully trapped Goku into the Gourd, but thanks to his power pole, Goku was able to escape. They duo was trapped inside instead, and realized that they can not best Goku, who freed them so they apologized and agreed to work for the villagers to make up for their crimes, otherwise they will be thrown inside again.
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Pilaf Gang Red Ribbon Army Crane School King Piccolo's Demon Clan Other Video Game Exclusive Movie |