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~ Kozak to his own men after being defeated by Commander Riker.
Korak was a secondary antagonist in the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel The Romulan Prize.
He was a Romulan male and a member of the Empire's military forces. In 2368, Korak held the rank of Subcommander and was posted to the D'Kazanak-class prototype ship IRW Syrinx as first officer. Unlike his superior Commander Valak Korak had little interest in human culture beyond subjugating it beneath Romulan boots. Like many other Romulans, Korak believed in the inherent superiority of the Romulans. He also had a hair trigger temper and proved to be easily provoked into making foolish decisions, which was something Valak warned him about.
The Syrinx managed to capture the USS Enterprise. With the Federation ship's crew divided between the two ships as hostages, Korak commanded the Enterprise as the ships proceeded to Hermeticus II to determine why an old Federation starship was parked in orbit. Valak continued to warn Korak not to underestimate Riker or the Enterprise crew and not let them goad him into doing anything stupid. On the journey there Riker was able to goad Korak into fighting him on the holodeck. The "mere human" Riker was able to best him in the fight before Korak's subordinates put an end to the fight. Korak came away humiliated that Riker was able to best him in front of his own people. Korak later told Riker that the Enterprise crew would be killed or enslaved and promised Riker that he would live long enough for Korak to exact his revenge.
When Riker and other engineering and security officers were able to escape and recover a cache of phasers, Korak met them in the shuttlebay and challenged Riker to single combat. Riker once again was able to defeat Korak in hand to hand combat, and was escorted to sickbay by Lt. Worf after the Ambimorphs of Hermeticus II intervened against the Romulans.