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Villains Wiki

The Krajensky Changeling is the main antagonist of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Adversary".

He was played by Lawrence Pressman, who also played Boyd Schuller in Criminal Minds. In scenes where he impersonated other people, he was portrayed by Alexander Siddig and the late Rene Auberjonois.


The Krajensky Changeling took on the guise of a Federation ambassador, after the Dominion kidnapped or killing the real Ambassador Krajensky while he was on a vacation to Visa. The Changeling travelled to Deep Space 9 and attended the ceremony to mark Benjamin Sisko's promotion to captain. He then approached Sisko afterwards, claiming there had been a coup on the Tzenkethi homeworld and the Federation wanted to make it clear to the new regime that they were willing to protect their colonies on the border. He thus had Sisko and his senior staff take the USS Defiant on a tour of the border for a week-long patrol, with the Changeling himself accompanying them as Krajensky.

Once en route, the Changeling introduced control links into the ship's computer that gave him control over all key system. He was nearly caught by Chief O'Brien but escaped suspicion by posing as Doctor Bashir. He then faked a distress call from Barisa Prime claiming they were under attack by the Tzenkethi. The Defiant set off for the planet, cloaked and fully armed. The Changeling then disabled the communications and made sure the ship stayed on course, intending to have them attack the Tzenkethi once in their space. O'Brien and Dax discovered the sabotage and realised the saboteur would have tetryon particles on them. When they scanned "Krajensky" and revealed him as the culprit, the Changeling reverted to his natural form and disappeared into a conduit.

Sisko set the ship's self-destruct to stop it entering Tzenkethi space, giving O'Brien a limited time to gain control of the ship. The Changeling knocked out Dax to sort her assisting him. As the crew searched for the Changeling throughout the ship, the Changeling impersonated Bashir and tampered with a blood test, framing Michael Eddington as the Changeling. The truth was revealed when the crew tried to imprison Eddington in the brig only to find the real Bashir hidden in there. The Changeling fled into a conduit again, pursued by Odo.

Krajensky Changeling

The pair ended up in the engine room, where O'Brien was working to gain control of the ship. The Changeling then took on Odo's form, making O'Brien unable to tell them apart. O'Brien carried on working and managed to disable the forcefield around the control nodes. The Changeling then adopted his people's traditional unfinished humanoid form and attacked him. Odo came to O'Brien's defence and he and the Changeling fought, partially materialising themselves in each other's body. The Changeling tried to convince Odo to abandon the "solids" but Odo refused and pushed the Changeling away, causing him to collide with the warp core and be fatally injured. As O'Brien regained control of the ship, Odo apologised to the dying Changeling, who whispered to him "You're too late. We're everywhere" as he died.


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Star Trek: The Motion Picture: V'Ger | Klingons (Barak)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: Augments (Khan & Joachim)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock: Klingons (Kruge, Torg, Maltz, Klingon Gunner) | Valkris
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home: Whale Probe | Kamarag
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier: The One | Klingons (Klaa & Vixis) | Sybok
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country: Khitomer Conspiracy (General Chang, Nanclus, Valeris, Admiral Cartwright, Patrick West, Harlan Burke, Thomas Samno, Kerla)
Star Trek Generations: Tolian Soran | Klingons (Lursa & B'Etor)
Star Trek: First Contact: The Borg (Borg Queen)
Star Trek: Insurrection: Son'a (Ahdar Ru'afo & Gallatin) | Matthew Dougherty
Star Trek: Nemesis: Remans (Shinzon, Viceroy, Tal'aura, Suran & Donatra)
Star Trek (2009): Romulans (Nero & Ayel)
Star Trek Into Darkness: Khan | Alexander Marcus
Star Trek Beyond: Krall | Manas | Kalara

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