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Harman... The world won't change. All it does is turn. Now, let's dance.
~ Kun Lan to Harman Smith.

Kun Lan is the main antagonist of Killer7.

He was voiced by Joe Lala in English.


Kun Lan is a very casual man, even when speaking with his biggest threat, he acts calm and collected. The only exception to this is the nervous breakdown he and Harman suffer when Garcian enters the mysterious room for the first time.

Despite being the Governor of the EAST, he seemingly doesn't try and stop the destruction of Japan nor is he phased by the country's destruction, instead, he uses the destruction of the country to manipulate Kenjiro Matsuoka into destroying the West.



Kun Lan is a reincarnation of the Buddhist demon Mara Papima. He was born in 1750 as a fully grown man, by age three he was leading underground organizations due to his demonic status.

He would eventually travel the world and while in America, meet Harman Smith in 1758 and he would guide Harman to the scene of a woman which causes his Multifoliate Personae Phenomenon to awaken. The two would go on to become close friends.

In 1812, while Harman was the principal of Coburn Elementary School, both he and Kun Lan were killed and wouldn't revive until 1955.


Mission 1: Angel[]

During the first mission, Kun Lan creates the Heaven Smiles that infests the Celtic Building and goes on to kill three innocent people. He also makes the avatar, Angel that fights the Smith Syndicate.

When Harman arrives at the top floor where Kun Lan is, he sees through Kun Lan's illusion and the two have a casual conversation about how Kun Lan plans to use the Heaven Smiles to destroy the Western world.

He escapes by grabbing the bullet Harman shoots at him and riding it to the Seattle Space Needle.

Mission 2: Sunset[]

After Matsuken kills both Hiroyasu Kurahashi and Shinya Akiba, he tries to kill himself, however, Kun Lan teleports to his side and touches him with his God Hand which "makes him see things" Kun Lan's way which motivates him to become a major figure in the game's plot.

Mission 6: Smile[]

When Garcian walks into the mysterious room, he sees Kun Lan is seen playing chess with Harman. Kun Lan tells Harman a story about how an "angel" manipulated a high school football player into killing his mother when she came onto him. Harman accuses Kun Lan of being the angel in his story, however, Kun Lan says it wasn't him but also admits that his memory has become foggy as of recent.

Later when Garcian visits the mysterious room again, he sees Harman and Kun Lan having another conversation while they're playing chess, however, after the two ask Garcian to stay, they are gunned down.


One hundred years after the events of Killer7, Kun Lan and Harman are seen fighting again in the exact same way that they did in Mission 1 with Kun Lan even grabbing Harman's bullet and riding it to a similar-looking building before telling Harman that no matter how much he tries, the world won't change.

Villainous Acts[]

  • Created the Heaven Smiles who would go on to commit widespread acts of terror and murder with a major example being the terror attack at the UN's World Secruit Treaty in 2003.
  • Potentially caused a high school football player to kill his own mother when she came onto him.
  • Manipulated Matsuken's mind so he would go on to commit murder on traitors and try to get the UN to launch a full-scale attack on the United States.


           Killer7 Villains

The Smith Syndicate
Harman Smith | Emir Parkreiner | Dan Smith | Kaede Smith | Kevin Smith | Coyote Smith | Con Smith | Mask De Smith | Samantha Sitbon | Susie Sumner | Kess BloodySunday

Heaven Smile | Angel | Julia Kisugi | Jean DePaul | Hiroyasu Kurahashi | Shinya Akiba | Andrei Ulmeyda | Ayame Blackburn | Pedro Montana | Curtis Blackburn | Trevor Pearlharbor | The Handsome Men | Benjamin Keane | Greg Nightmare | Kenjiro Matsuoka | Kun Lan
