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Kvar the Fury Tempest or simply known as Kvar, was a villain that appeared in Tales of Symphonia. He was the man in charge of the Asgard Human Ranch. His voice was done by Shigeru Ushiyama in Japanese and English Dubbed by Chris Edgerly.


More than 17 years ago before the story, Kvar developed the Angelus Project, which was to find a host that could produce a cruxis crystal within the body. Anna became one of the hosts and was one of the few to have actually survived. When she was rescued by Kratos, Kvar hunted for hosts around the world. Eventually, he and the humans met at the Iselia Human Ranch and removed Anna's exsphere, but without a Key Crest, her mana went out of control and she attacked Kratos and her son, Lloyd Irving. Although Kratos got the exsphere away from Kvar, he had no choice but to mortally wound Anna due to her being out-of-control. Kvar took it as an opportunity and sent the family down a cliff.

14 years later at the present, Kvar was informed that many escaped prisoners were hiding in Luin. He orders an attack where many would be killed and any survivors would be taken to the Human Ranch. There, renegades (including Botta) invaded and Kvar went after them. Lloyd eventually finds out that Kvar was responsible for his mothers mutation (and that his father needed to kill her) after knowing how the exsphere he used once belonged to her. At some point, Kvar realized that some of the data was stolen and suspected Pronyma seeking revenge due to her jealously of him about to get promoted with the Angelus Project Exsphere. Kvar was left to fight the party after hearing that Pronyma knew about the Mana Cannon. After the battle, Raine Sage self-destructed the place and that Kvar attempted to get the exsphere from Lloyd, but he attacked Colette instead. Kvar was stabbed four times in total by Lloyd and Kratos and died in the end.


  • The word 'Kvar' is Swedish for 'left'.


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Tales of Phantasia/Narikiri Dungeon series

Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Barbatos Goetia

Tales of Eternia/Online

Tales of Symphonia/Dawn of the New World
Cruxis (Mithos Yggdrasill | Kratos Aurion | Yuan Ka-Fai | Magnius | Kvar | Rodyle | Forcystus | Pronyma | Remiel | Kilia | Zelos Wilder) | Kuchinawa Azumi | Vharley | Pope of Tethe'alla | Abyssion | Vanguard (Commander Brute | Richter Abend | Lady Alice | Decus | Hawk | Magnar) Centurion Aqua | Pronyma

Tales of the Abyss
Grand Maestro Mohs | Six-God Generals | Arietta | Largo | Dist | Legretta | Sync | Asch) | Van Grants | Mohs | Gelda Nebilim

Radiant Mythology series

Tales of Vesperia
Duke Pantarei | Alexei Dinoia | Schwann Oltorain | Garista Luodur | Blood Alliance (Barbos) | Leviathan's Claw (Yeager | Gauche | Droite | Zagi) | Alexander von Cumore | Ragou | Ohma | Spiral Draco

Tales of Graces (F)
Archduke Cedric | Emeraude | Fendel Army | Lambda | Little Queen | Richard

Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
Alfred Vint Svent | Bisley Karcsi Bakur | Chimeriad (Jiao | Presa) | Agria | Wingul) | Exodus | Gilland | Ivar | King Gaius | King Nachtigal | Rideaux Zek Rugievit Muzét | Gaius | Chronos) | Victor

Tales of Zestiria
Heldalf | Lunarre | Symonne | Maltran | Eizen
Tales of Zestiria X: Lord Bartlow | Prince Konan | Gasparo Reno | Pope Masedra | Gouldman

Tales of Berseria
Innominat the Suppressor | Artorius Collbrande | Teresa Linares | Shigure Rangetsu | Melchior Mayvin | Oscar Dragonia

Tales of Crestoria
Cody Hjuger | Makina

Tales of Arise
Great Spirit of Rena | Helganquil | Vholran Igniseri | Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys | Ganabelt Valkyris | Almeidrea Kaineris
