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Villains Wiki

Woah, look at the size of that thing!
~ Sam upon seeing Kwongo.

Kwongo is a major antagonist in Serious Sam 2 and the first boss of the game, being the target of the M'Digbo levels.

He is a collossal gorilla in service to Mental, having taken the piece of the Medallion of Power from the Simba tribe on the planet M'Digbo.


Although little different from an ordinary gorilla in appearance with exception of his piercing red eyes, Kwongo stands out with his truly massive body, towering over most buildings and being nearly unstoppable with conventional weaponry.


In order to collect the scattered pieces of the Medallion of Power, which if assembled has the power to make Mental vulnerable, the Great Sirian Council sent the human Sam Stone to planet M'Digbo. He rescued a village of native Simbas from an attack by primitives allied with Mental, but the chief informed him that Kwongo had taken the medallion and would no longer return to the village. Mental's forces also kidnapped and imprisoned the Simba shaman, keeping the Simbas and Sam from summoning Kwongo.

Sam's only option to get the medallion piece was to travel to the city of Ursul and free the shaman, fighting off the Horde that was occupying the city. He succeeded in saving the shaman as well as some other captive Simbas and secured their aid. At the ceremonial arena the shaman initially attempted to summon Kwongo via traditional bongo music, but switched to a more modern setup when that had no effect. The techno music finally attracted Kwongo's attention and engaged Sam and his Simba allies in battle.

Kwongo's massive size and strength meant that Sam's weaponry was not powerful enough to take him down on his own. Instead, Sam's priority had to be the protection of his allies from attacking primitives and debris thrown by the advancing Kwongo, allowing them to prepare and use catapults to launch magical lava balls created by the shaman at the giant. After enduring projectile upon projectile, Kwongo succumbed to his injuries and keeled over. Sam took the medallion piece and commented that it will take months to bury the building-sized ape, but the shaman assured him that they knew exactly what to do with him. As the moon shined on the celebration in Ursul, Kwongo's remains were roasted above a massive fire as Sam and the Simbas prepared to eat him.


  • Given the many statues resembling Kwongo incorporated into Ursul's architecture, it is likely that Kwongo is native to M'Digbo rather than a being sent there by Mental.

