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Oh! Looks like somebody's having a bad dream!!
~ The Lamp.
Or you can have a dream about eating a drink! Or you can have a dream about buying a hat! Or you can have a dream about losing your friends! Or you can have a dream about burning your friends!
~ The Lamp torturing Yellow Guy, also his last words.

The Lamp is the secondary antagonist of Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6, the last episode of the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared web series. He also returns as a minor character in the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared television series, appearing in the episode "Death".

He is the final teacher of the original web series (not counting the array of minor teachers that didn't receive an episode), and like previous antagonists, attempts to force the remaining puppet to learn about the lessons, in this case dreams.

He is voiced by Baker Terry who also voices Tony the Talking Clock, Shrignold the Butterfly, The Steak, & Warren The Eagle.


The Lamp is a round lamp covered in pale yellow stars, with a red switch for a nose, and a sky blue top covered in white clouds. He has gloved hands, and long arms, and periodically long legs with red sneakers. He has eyes on the top of his body, and a long, thin red rectangular mouth under its switch. The star under its mouth occasionally glows. He also usually has crossed eyes. His shoes, legs, arms, and hands appear to be the same used for Tony the Talking Clock in episodes 2 and 6.


The Lamp has a temperament that can be regarded as spiteful, vitriolic, and even malicious, as evidenced by its mocking of Yellow Guy losing his friends, and ignoring everything he states, alongside rushing the lesson straight to him drowning in oil. It seems to purposefully disregard the statements Yellow Guy makes, and simply wishes to resume and complete the lesson. It is able to be considered the least qualified to teach lessons among all of the teachers in the show, due to its considerably nonsensical and incoherent lyrics that fails to persuade a substantial objective or purpose.

The Lamp's personality changes drastically in the TV series. In "Death", he is more intelligent and cohesively teaches the spectrum of life after death. Being an abstract topic, he does not follow dogmas and formulates his own subjective points of view. He also seems more mature and wise, unlike in the original series. This can be observed when Yellow Guy is mourning the loss of Duck, and questioning about what occurs after death. The Lamp replies rather soberly and calmly, if not in a somber tone too. Only, while it does introduce different theories on what happens after death, such as reincarnation, it then proceeds to tell Yellow Guy about what it believes happens after death. This only serves to confuse and distress Yellow Guy. Rather than offer any further clarification, the Lamp declares that it must go to sleep, and turns itself off.


Web series[]

The video opens with Yellow Guy attempting to rest in his bed after mourning for his friends. The Lamp springs to life only to be shut off by Yellow Guy, who knows he is another "teacher" and faces the other direction. The Lamp teleports in front of him and reawakens, informing Yellow Guy that, in order for him to sleep, he needs know how to have dreams. The Lamp incites a musical number, and Yellow Guy is dragged into it against his will, as he frantically says that he doesn't want to know how to dream. The Lamp creates an animated world where he tortures Yellow Guy to the point that Yellow Guy demands the Lamp to stop singing, which takes him out of the animated sequence. Seemingly back in his world, he is proven wrong, as the Lamp states that Yellow Guy must be having a bad dream. The Lamp then turns Yellow Guy's mattress into oil and attempts to drown him as punishment for telling him to stop singing.

Later on, Red Guy discovers a machine that was projecting the current lesson on its main screen where Yellow Guy was about to be murdered by the Lamp, via drowning, who suggests to the Yellow Puppet that he could have a dream about burning or losing his friends. The Red Guy presses a button which causes the Lamp to transform into Tony, thus revealing that the previous teachers (excluding the Sketchbook) were products of the machine. Their purpose seemed to be to torture the Yellow Puppet into becoming like his father.

The Lamp's powers are taken away when the Red Guy pulls the plug on the computer simulation, and reality was rewritten.

Television series[]

In the television series, the Lamp appears to be more friendly and respectful towards Yellow Guy, unlike their last encounter in the original series. He explains to Yellow Guy about what happens after death, like going to a new place like paradise or being reincarnated into their favourite animal or object. He then tells Yellow Guy about what he thinks, consisting of being buried underground and reliving their lives, doing performance for a super race called The Council, in which they'll receive a pound for any correct act of performance. It's hinted in the final episode that the reason for this change is that he died and was replaced with an identical double by Lesley.


Unlike most of the other antagonists of the series, it is unlikely that the Lamp had any deeper symbolism to him. He is generally portrayed as a "generic teacher" as well as a possible drunkard, with the emphasis being entirely on comedy.





  • The Lamp, alongside Tony the Talking Clock and Colin the Computer, are the only DHMIS villains from the web series to redeem themselves and befriend the protagonists.
  • The Lamp is referred to as Leonard by the fandom.
  • The Lamp is the only teacher who didn't get to finish his song as he was cut off by the Red Guy.
  • The Lamp appears to be aware of the fact that Duck Guy was murdered in the previous episode because while in the animated dream sequence, he materializes a video camera and it blocks the view of the portrait of the Duck Guy.
    • The Lamp also appears to not like the colour green, as the aforementioned camera had red, yellow, orange, and blue buttons, but no green button. This is a possible reference to Sketchbook, who said "green is not a creative colour".
  • The Lamp was arguably the most sinister out of the ensemble of teachers, as he cuts to the chase and tortures Yellow Guy.
  • The Lamp is the only (main) teacher who Yellow Guy outright tried to defy.

External Links[]


           DHMIS logo Villains

Lesley | Roy Gribbleston

The Teachers
Tony the Talking Clock | Cult of Malcolm (Shrignold the Butterfly) | Colin the Computer | Healthy Band | Lamp | Other Teachers | Lily and Todney | Warren the Eagle

Peterson's and Sons and Friends Bits & Parts Limited

The Money Man | Giant Can

Grady | Frank and Howdy
