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Villains Wiki

That's why the bad guys always advance science... Because they're fearless!
~ Lash
Look at them! Crowing over MY inventions! I'm disgusted! That's it. No more little miss nice perkygoth! It's smashin' time!!!
~ Lash if the player loses Mission 27 of Advance Wars: Dual Strike.

Lash is Black Hole's resident technological genius, responsible for inventing much of their technology, as well as one of their Commanding Officers. She is a major antagonist in Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising and an anti-hero in Advance Wars: Dual Strike.

In Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp, she was voiced by Saran Williams, who also voiced various members of the Frost Clan, Jinx, Neferpitou, Nonon Jakuzure, and Cagliostro.


Lash acts childish and socially underdeveloped. In battle, she has a careless and cheerful attitude. She seems somewhat arrogant, as shown how she sometimes refers to herself as a genius. She appears to be remorseless and cruel, which is shown by the fact that she enjoys the destruction her inventions create.


Early life[]

Not much is known about Lash's past. However it is clear that she spent her time inventing machines. It could be a possibility that she withdrew herself from society. This would explain why she's socially underdeveloped.

Black Hole Rising[]

Lash:You're right! Flak didn't set a trap for you... I did! Flak doesn't have a cunning bone in his body!
Sami: Who's that? A little girl?
Nell: A Black Hole CO perhaps?
Lash: Tee hee hee! You got it! My name's Lash! Nice to meet you! Would you like to play with me? What do you say, grandma?
~ Lash's introduction in "Lash Out."

Lash had joined Black Hole before its invasion of Macro Land. She designed many of their superweapons and other weapons of warfare for them to use. She was later tasked by Sturm to spearhead the campaign to invade and and conqueri the nation of Blue Moon.

She is first encountered in Orange Star's territory in Macro Land, where Sami and Nell pursue a piece of intel, indicating that Black Hole CO Flak is amassing troops in a region. To Sami and Nell's suprise, they find Lash, who proceeds to taunt the duo, namely calling Nell a "grandma."

During the Black Hole occupation of Blue Moon, she had destroyed Olaf's hometown for sakes of her science experiments. Later, her forces are pushed back by Blue Moon's COs and she is forced to retreat.

Dual Strike[]

Lash later reappears alongside Hawke as a member of Black Hole under the leadership of the Bolt Guard. However, she and Hawke are betrayed and driven out by Von Bolt and his Oozium-238s. The two end up joining the Allied Nations and assist them in stopping Von Bolt's plans.


The lava's going to make little people pancakes! Tee hee hee!
~ Lash, AW2, "Rain of Fire"
Hey, it's not like I made the thing! Sheesh! Gimme a break! Besides, Black Hole doesn't give a fig if technology is good or evil. That's why the bad guys always advance science... Because they're fearless!
~ Lash, AWDS, "Surrounded", when tagged with Sonja.
Do you see that, Sonja? You're looking at the pinnacle of Black Hole technology. It's amazing what science can achieve if you ignore morality and all that noise... Tee hee hee! An unfettered scientific mind could turn men into gods!
~ Lash, AWDS, "Means to an End", when tagged with Sonja.
I haaaaaaate volcanoes! They think they're so hot! Nature only exists so we can conquer it with science!
~ Lash, AWDS, "Ring of Fire"
Game over freak!
~ Lash
Ooh! You're so annoying! I'm gonna have to get rid of you now!
~ Lash


  • It seems Lash was originally meant to be the Black Hole CO who was in charge of the Yellow Comet invasion in Advance Wars 2, while Adder was meant to be the one invading Blue Moon.
  • Although she generally a rather low-ranking CO in the Black Hole hierarchy (being only superior to Flak, and being a mere pawn to Bolt Guard before she defects), but in terms of her CO abilities and powers, she is one of the strongest. In Advance Wars 2, she is effectively second-strongest to Sturm.


           Advance Wars Logo Villains

Advance Wars
Blue Moon: Olaf | Grit
Yellow Comet: Kanbei
Green Earth: Eagle | Drake
Black Hole: Sturm | Hawke | Lash | Flak | Adder | Clone Andy
Bolt Guard: Von Bolt | Kindle | Jugger | Koal

Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Bandit Raiders: The Beast
Lazurian Army: Forsythe | Gage | Tasha
New Rubinelle Army: Admiral Greyfield | Waylon | Davis
Intelligence Defense Systems: Caulder | Tabitha | Penny | Cyrus
Others: The Mayor | The Fanatic
